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  1. TBH I am still struggling with that exercise , does it work for everyone ? In which case I'm doing it wrong or is my back pain not caused by that muscle
  2. Thats why I'm focusing on just keeping the let hand simple and concentrating on the rythm. Perhaps I'm concentrating too hard !
  3. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1378392562' post='2199604'] I too play slap double bass without a drummer & have to say that i don't struggle at all with my timing. Maybee you concentrating on the instruments too much & not on your rythm. Are you loud enough ? After all you are the entire rythm section so you need to be heard & felt. [/quote] Volume isnt the problem as its acoustic but I have found that slapping a bit harder gives me a firmer beat , do you count the band in or does someone else do that ?
  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378390931' post='2199576'] In situations like that I find myself creating a pulse by tapping my plucking fingers on the the strings between the plucked notes, a bit like table drumming. Can't do that in the studio, but in rehearsal and live it's cool. [/quote] actually I'm playing slap double bass so yeah I'm definatley the beat but its damn difficult as the vocals are so pronounced that I find it difficult hear anything else
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378389405' post='2199546'] What other instruments are you playing with mate? [/quote] Violin , ukele, amd guitar and 3 vocals !
  6. Although I'm not that amazing I've always thought that my timing was pretty good , certainly its something I've always worked on. But I've been playing in a new band which doesnt have a drummer and I notice that its so much harder for me to keep time that I've had to stick to playing root note only to focus on counting. To make matters worse the singer doesnt quite sing on the beat so I feel her pulling me away from the one and I have to fight to get back onto it. There is an acoustic rythm guitar so I try to " lock " with that but TBH its just not the same as playing with drums !! Has anyone else experienced this problem and what would be the best way of practicing this be Thanks
  7. Take it to the gig , there is nothing like going outside your comfort zone. I have an "second " audition for a group on Saturday for an acoustic country / rockabilly band made up of professional musicians ( one of whom teaches double bass !) who want me to play slap bass. So thats me playing a musical genre I'm not that familar with , using a technique I've never been taught on an instrument I've had for 5 months in front of people who do it for a living - What can possibly go wrong ! If I can do that then you can at least play a set on db with material you know !
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1376044450' post='2168907'] You are Adam Clayton and I claim my £5..! [/quote] was the clue that I cant spell inter[b]m[/b]ediate !
  9. BTW I am offically certified by a well respected bass teacher as "internediate" which to me means I can play in time but can't play an interesting bass line
  10. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376038395' post='2168803'] I know enough theory to know that I really don't like the sound of either the major or minor 3rd interval in a chord and will go out of my way to avoid it. I find that replacing it with a 9th or a 4th sounds much better. Can theory tell me why this is the case? In the end it's all subjective isn't it? [/quote] Would this be because the by playing the 4th and 9th you are creating tension as the 4th wants to resolve to the 5th and the 9th wants to resolve to the Octave whereas playing chord tones sounds more "safe " ??? Anyway I take your point about theory , its only useful if you find it so some people do some dont , we're all made different
  11. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1374751783' post='2152727'] See you there! I will be attending along with my band's mandolin player and I think Thunderbird13 (Al) is also coming along. I have a heavy day at work so will probably not get there until 8.30pm [/quote] Sorry cant make it , minor emergency at home
  12. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1373675883' post='2140588'] The dep guitarist is, for all intents and purposes, not as good but yet I found myself having so much more fun and I felt so much more comfortable playing with the guy. He had a great sense of fun and rhythm that the usual guitarist seems to lack. [b]His solos are over the top, he powers through the songs and generally has more balls[/b]. I like that he literally just turns up with an amp under his arm and a guitar bag. He uses just a Boss ME-20 and an amp and he's ready to go. [/quote] Perhaps your looking for more of a rock thing ??
  13. yup put me down in the spotify fan club , I havent bought a cd or downoad in about 3 years now, I'm amazed by the range of artists from nurse with wound to (now) pink Flloyd its pretty much all there. Not sure about the storage space I can only get 8 albums downloaded at a time , and thats at medium streaming quality must depend on your phones memory In terms of cost I spend 10 pounds a month and that allows me computer and phone access, I think its cheaper if you want computer only
  14. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1372859085' post='2130788'] I've imparted a fair bit of 'wisdom' on this forum about playing bass over the last few years, but looking back, most of it is utter bullshit, rubbish, imparted from a position of blind ignorance and sheer laziness, . [/quote] so lets get this right , is there such a thing as core tone ? and do you have to lock with the kick drum ? I really wouldnt be too hard on yourself ( and I'm sure your not ) but if you had learnt more theory and reading before you mighnt have got it. I think that in learning new stuff we have all have times in our lives when we get it and other times when presente with the same information its more of a meh Serious question why do you need a teacher for theory , I would have thought its the one area of music where you can teach yourself
  15. BTW whilst we are all sharing I was in a band once called BRAHMs - so named because they played Blues Rock And Heavy Metal
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