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Everything posted by thunderbird13

  1. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1148525' date='Mar 3 2011, 04:10 PM']If the rest of them were any good, wouldn't the band have been gigging or at least playing at open mic/jam nights rather than rehearsing for er... nothing? They sound like a bunch of idiots. Don't give up bassing, get into another band or form your own. I'd recommend getting to a few local jam nights.[/quote] In fairness 2 of them were in gigging bands and this one was set up to keep them occupied when the other bands were quiet
  2. [quote name='Clarky' post='1148381' date='Mar 3 2011, 02:07 PM']Don't give up Alasdair, I can guarantee I am more cr@p at bass than you are but just got lucky with my band. Right place, right time. It will surely happen to you too PS, from my own experience I know you are not a social misfit![/quote] Thanks - I'll have to buy you a drink next Friday then . I dont want to sound conceited but I've been playing bass long enough to have a realisitc view of my capabilites and I'm never going to be able to play like Geddy Lee but I can hold down a Green Day cover. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='1148385' date='Mar 3 2011, 02:08 PM']Don't sell your gear - why would you let idiots like that take away something you enjoy? Jam along to records at home - that can be a lot more fun and certainly a lot more musically satisfying than playing with someone that thinks they're the next Hendrix.[/quote] Funnily enough there were 2 Hendix songs in the set [quote name='MythSte' post='1148398' date='Mar 3 2011, 02:14 PM']I'm sure they exist, but I've honestly never met a cover band that is full of genuine people. There is such an air of superiority surrounding all the people I've met. Even the bands I've auditioned for playing covers have been so far up their own backsides a sneeze could be fatal. Anyway, maybe think about getting together an original band with some mates, just for a laugh? [/quote] I've never really thought about it like that as I always assumed that original bands are more precious about their material Thanks for the replies - as supportive as ever TBH the whole reason I started playing bass again was to get away from all the stress in the rest of my life but it doesnt really seem to be working out that way. What with my wifes illness, having 2 properties I cant sell but have to pay a mortgage on, being stuck in a job I 'm totally bored with and being the only wage earner in the house I really wanted something that would allow me to escape from that stress for a while. Looks like I'll have to look for something else. Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that when I say they werent serious we're talking about 1 reheasral a month , thats what really gets me - being sacked from a group that only rehearses once a month with no gigs - its hardly an ego boost !
  3. No real suprise in itself but I'm really shellshocked about this one as it wasnt even a gigging band - just a rehearsal one playing bog standard covers. I wasnt really even into the music but because I liked the guys I went along with it. Today I got an email saying that that they have to sack me as I wasnt strong enough I've been sacked before but this one really hurts as there was a social element to this lot and its not as if the band was going anywhere . I've probably said it before but I've now retired from playing bass due to the fact that I'm either : crap. A social misfit who doesnt fit into group situations. Unlucky and only meet assholes. Pity the second hand bass market is so bad at the moment I'm going to have to wait a while before I get rid of my gear Not much else to say really
  4. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1147107' date='Mar 2 2011, 01:51 PM']Despite all manner of aggravation and a very irritating guitarsehole, I seem to still be in my band. Doesn't make much of a story, does it?[/quote] Now then Jack, as a long term unemployed bass player I find that remark upsetting. I have spent the past 2 years looking for bass work to no avail . I have been on every government training scheme available ,seen a bass counsellor and even tried to retrain as a slapper but nothing. How I wish I could complain about guitarists telling me what to do or singers not acknowledging that I'm even in their band. But no all I can complain about is my missus asking me to play quietly after 9 as the kids are in bed.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1144189' date='Feb 28 2011, 09:44 AM']I have fond memories of the "Lazarus thread" where every now & then a dead topic would suddenly get revived. It was such a rare occurrence that it was usually worth re-reading. No longer. I've lost count of the number of times in the last few weeks that I've started reading a "new" thread only to discover that it dates from 2009 (or similar). I appreciate that the same subjects do tend to come up repeatedly on any high-traffic forum, but have we now reached the point where we no longer even bother to re-visit old subjects, we simply dig up an ancient topic and scrape off some of the mould?[/quote] perhaps, instead of ressurecting the original thread we could have a tribute thread which would just have the bits that people liked but at a cheaper price !
  6. I'd love to play for nothing - unfortunately the only people I have met in bands are idiots so doesn't look like its going to happen soon
  7. [quote name='Hobbayne' post='1127103' date='Feb 14 2011, 02:41 PM']Proud Mary Dum De Dum De Dum De Dum De Dum De Dum ZZzzz ! [/quote] God I hate that song - had quite a major argument with the guitarist how to play it as well ( he was wrong obviously ) For me its ZZ Top, practicing Gimme all your loving at the moment its so boring I feel degraded !
  8. [quote name='Eight' post='1125902' date='Feb 13 2011, 01:16 PM']I Yet, if I sit down at the piano and noodle, I can throw together a chord progression and melody line without too much stress (nothing amazing mind). Beginning to wonder if I'm actually meant to be a bassist at all... despite it being the only instrument I ever really felt comfortable on. I don't even know what kind of advice etc. I'm hoping for - just figured another perspective might help at the minute.[/quote] I totally understand that , I find it so much easier to play something interesting on guitar than on bass. I think that the bass is much more difficult to sound "interesting" than guitar or piano. The few times that I've had to create a bassline I try to forget theory and either 1. close my eyes just play in a jamming sitution ( you can do this by yourself) 2. listen to the melody of the song and try to extend it, if your cant hear anything then try to "mash up " another song that will fit in with it Although joining a good band will make you a better player and bring the instrument to life there are a lot of bad bands out there and this will have the opposite effect so take your time over joining bands
  9. Its a fair question me I'm not bothered about bands at the moment and I've got 3 four strings a 5 string, a 2x10 combo, and 3 small practice amps. Ideally I should cut down to just one (which would be my Cort CQ4 ) but TBH I reckon I'd only get a couple of hundred quid for the rest of the stuff in the current market so its not really worth selling as I dont need the space.
  10. [quote name='NJE' post='1120202' date='Feb 8 2011, 03:53 PM']I may have had a run of bad luck but I have only ever met a handful of genuinely clued up, thoughtful, humble and clever guitarist in just over 10 years playing. My three best friends in the world are Guitarists and only one of them falls under the description above. They are all lovely people (like brothers to me) but as soon as you put a guitar in their hands 2 of them become selfish, inconsidderate, over opinionated, noisy, and turn into typical guitar player cliche's. In my experience most people who call themselves 'Lead Guitarists' believe the following: 1. You should play whatever songs they want to play at all times. 2. They can play bass easily, its just guitar with four strings (they then start playing it like lead guitar) 3. They can put a distorted screaming solo in any song and it fits, even if your playing motown! 4. They are always in tune, it must be someone else! (one of the guitarists I play with now actually asked if the keyboard player could 'tune his keyboard' to match him!!!!! 5. Trying every effect on their pedal board through practice and over people when they are talking about the song is perfectly acceptable 6. They should be louder than everyone else 7. If they cant play it, its a rubbish song and noone will like it. 8. They are always playing the right chords and everyone else must have been listening to a different version. 9. No matter what the song, they should play loud and heavy all the way through even if the song requires them to not play for a few bars. I am sure there are many more but in my experience most guitarist are total knob-heads! There are always exceptions though, another guitarist I play with is quiet, subtle, doesnt like to solo (but can rip it up like you wouldnt believe) will turn the guitar off in between songs and has a keen interest in the sound of the whole band and takes a keen interest in everyones gear including the bass tone and compliments my sound quite often. Sorry massive rant, you can tell I have guitarist issues, they are starting to go after playing with my new guitarist though..[/quote] Actually I must admit although its a bit of a rant BUT I thnk there is more of a grain of truth in this . To pick up on your earlier point I think its a very valuable question to ask can you be happy playing a type of music that you dont really enjoy listening to . Over the last month or so I've be reassessing why I play bass and why the band thing hasnt worked for me. I 'm begining to think that its because the music that I like and therefore the bands that I want to play in are guitar based rock which , apart from the usual suspects, isnt particularly demanding for bass. Therefore as a bass player I'm seen as the bottom of the musical ladder and treated accordingly. So the options are play a type of music which I dont like quite as much , continue being treated liek rubbish or give up altogether.
  11. I just got a 5 string a few months ago and I seemed to initally get on with it OK as I played in like a 4 string with an extra string ( if that makes sense )) but now I'm noticing that I'm begining to play things differently, more across the strings than up and down the fretboard. So basically now I wil play the same riff incompletely different ways depending on whether I'm using a 5 or a 4 string Thats probably no help at all to you
  12. [quote name='4-string-thing' post='1115077' date='Feb 4 2011, 11:17 AM']Seems that because my favourite bands are Fairport, Richard Thompson, King Crimson and that sort of thing, not Van Halen or Kiss, then I deserve ridiculing every week.[/quote] I hear your pain - perhaps we should set up a self help group
  13. [quote name='icastle' post='1103747' date='Jan 26 2011, 02:47 PM']Why have I got an unexplainable urge to go to Warwick all of a sudden..? [/quote] I know of a decent one going cheap
  14. Oi, Nigel stop being such a tart Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender Do not buy sell your Warwick and buy a Fender although if you really want a Fender look why not think about a Squire
  15. say what you like about his playing but his Resume is a work of art " The arrow represents that I am moving in a forward direction" classic
  16. [quote name='Plux_the_Duck' post='1094476' date='Jan 18 2011, 09:14 PM']Just started a 80s glam band, for a laugh and all that, not that we really love the music, just cos it will be fun and all that... We were just going to our first rehearsal this sunday, all booked and ready and today the bass player (I happen to be singing) decides to walk on us saying she wasn't ever in the band despite the fact she gave us the idea to form the band and was coming up costume ideas. Really really annoying for me, the guitarist and the drummer who have learnt our parts. Especially as all the othe rbassists I know are already in bands or not interested in the idea! Sorry had to vent this on here...[/quote] Bass Players eh why dont you ask your dad to play
  17. [quote name='tauzero' post='1089015' date='Jan 14 2011, 10:26 AM']Have you made more than one attempt to call them? It's not something about your appearance, is it? Two noses? Eye in the middle of your forehead? Ginger? [/quote] Ginger AND Bald - I suppose I might as well give up now
  18. [quote name='JTUK' post='1088029' date='Jan 13 2011, 02:10 PM']Bass Players are in charge of finding drummers... I could give you 6 off the top of my head ...all top drawer and living in Kent.[/quote] Thanks for that I'll drop you a pm
  19. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1088003' date='Jan 13 2011, 02:01 PM']Why are people scared to phone people anymore? Call the guy, ask what the sitation is, problem solved in minutes.[/quote] look at post number 23
  20. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1087970' date='Jan 13 2011, 01:48 PM']You could [b]de-train[/b] as a drummer.[/quote] Nice
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1087900' date='Jan 13 2011, 01:01 PM']Same here. I think it might be best for you to be in charge and find a drummer, then form a band. Its YOUR band then, and you decide [/quote] Find a drummer , have you every tried finding one ??? I had have more chance of finding a tap dancing unicorn
  22. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='1087673' date='Jan 13 2011, 10:29 AM']So what you're saying is you should retrain as a flautist? S.P.[/quote] Please dont tempt me - I can feel myself moving closer to that dream of a Jethro Tull tribute band
  23. [quote name='borisbrain' post='1087416' date='Jan 12 2011, 11:33 PM']So, if you'd applied for, say, a full time job, and you didn't hear anything, would you refuse to apply for any other job for the rest of the year? My view is: F*ck 'em. If they don't want you, that's their loss. Go find another, better band, have shitloads of fun, and don't look back. Stay groovy, and bestaluck BB[/quote] Although thats a fair point , I have been mucked about by 6 bands this year alone, I've wasted hours upon hours learning songs , half of which I 'm not really that fussed about. To use the employment analogy I would be asking myself if this career was really meant for me as there seems to be something not working. This is where I'm at now.
  24. [quote name='bassbloke' post='1087220' date='Jan 12 2011, 08:59 PM']I'd call them. Not replying to your texts gives them an easy way out. Call them up, say you were expecting them to get in touch and is everything OK. That way, if they are playing silly buggers they have to either lie to you on the phone or tell you that despite them previously saying they were happy, they've found someone else or changed their minds.[/quote] Funnily enough I just did - or rather tired to , my call was rejected.
  25. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='1086871' date='Jan 12 2011, 04:22 PM']Bad luck TB. Maybe you ought to ditch the '13'?[/quote] By God your right - from now on I'm "Thunderbird 777 ( the artist formally known as Thunderbird 13)"
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