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Everything posted by thunderbird13

  1. [quote name='steve-soar' post='629441' date='Oct 18 2009, 01:28 PM']I'm feeling quite excited about seeing Josh and his friends form a "Supergroup", in fact I'm almost physically sick with excitement.[/quote] Yes but he calls it a Superband - that really gets my goat - I think I'm taking this far too seriously Anyway the song on his myspace is called jam with charlie - is this an instructon ?????
  2. I didnt want to comment before since only you know your circumstances and what you want but looking at both your threads I think you have saved yourself a lot of future heartache
  3. Is it me or does anyone else find it ironic that one of the songs on their myspace page is called please dont resign
  4. Thanks for the advive guys on reflection I think I see where my problem is. Due ot the nature of the music its flexible so although I might learn something as 16 bars during rehearsal it might extend to 20 bars and so I'm getting confused between sticking to what I have learnt at home and what I'm hearing in rehearsal. I'm going to agree some cues with the rest of them and then then write them down and use them as markers for when to change. Anyway I've just had an email from the guitarist saying that he thinks its going really well , I hope thats not the dreaded vote of confidence !!!
  5. [quote name='silddx' post='624868' date='Oct 13 2009, 12:26 PM']You'll be fine, but play [b]through [/b]mistakes, don't stop and go back to the beginning, you completely lose context. Playing the songs with the band over and over is the best way to get them down, keep at it.[/quote] Cheers for that mate but the mistakes are alway in the same place and it tends to throw everyone else off [quote name='Happy Jack' post='624880' date='Oct 13 2009, 12:33 PM']When you practise alone at home, what are you playing along to? Do you have reference tracks to play with, or is it just your own bassline? If the latter, then take a little mp3 recorder along to band practice and record the rehearsal. It will be easier to identify where you're going wrong AND you'll be able to practise on your own by playing with the band.[/quote] The band very kindly made 2 cds for me - one with bass and one without bass - I really have no excuse
  6. I’ve been jamming with a guitarist for about 7 or weeks now in his flat and last night was the first time we went to a rehearsal studio and went loud with a live drummer. I was really looking forward to it and the sound was good BUT what really annoyed me was that I kept making mistakes to the extent where we had to start the songs again , obviously thius made me feel like a real idiot. The material is based on Hawkwind and Pink Floyd with a bit of punk energy so there’s lots of noodling and soloing going on. Its just that after playing this stuff with the guitarist and at home by myself I felt that I should have this stuff under my fingers but last night it wasn’t there No point in being too hard on myself but there is a small voice in my head saying that perhaps this material is too complicated for me and I should find a band doing something simpler. So I suppose the question which I would be interested in your opinion on is how long do I give it ? Bearing in mind there is one informal rehearsal with the guitarist every week, a proper band practice once a month and I’m practicing by myself about ½ hour a night 4 nights a week
  7. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='623982' date='Oct 12 2009, 02:04 PM']this has given me an idea. bassist seem to be the most consistently reliable, able, enthusiastic and of course, talented of ALL the musicians. why bother searching for drummers that have no sense of time (clock AND rhythm), singers that can't sing yet think they're gods gift to us, and guitarists that don't understand that when a song finishes you STOP playing, and don't start again until the START. why not form a band where every instrument is played by a BASSIST. the most punctual, considerate, musically sensitive, dynamically aware band in excistence![/quote] If a band full of bass players played live would the audience even notice them ??
  8. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='622785' date='Oct 10 2009, 11:22 PM']If you want a fretted Cort maybe best to sell yours and buy another.[/quote] +1 Cort are one of my favourite mid market makes and they are criminally underalued you can always seem to pick up a C4 for around the 200 quid mark on ebay or gumtree
  9. [quote name='silddx' post='620346' date='Oct 8 2009, 10:44 AM']I'd also like to know but it's probably a private matter between the two parties. My initial thought was he was having some problems, some people don't deal with things well and end up pissing people off due to avoidance. How many times have you been scared to look at your bank balance or communicate with your bank when you've been in the financial sh*t? When if you took some control and talked to your bank, things would probably be ok and you would feel a lot better. Hopefully, Jamie has apologised and normal service will be resumed.[/quote] that was exactly the point I was trying to make just in case the guy had a genuine reason for not initally paying but its a private matter so I'll drop it
  10. Purely out of curiosity did he give any reason for the inital non payment ?
  11. [quote name='davidmpires' post='619323' date='Oct 7 2009, 09:19 AM']I have two tickets reserved but now I can't go. Have an interview tomorrow morning and need to prepare. Anyone wants the reservation?[/quote] I'd love to go but I have band practice tonight !!!
  12. I have a similar problem and I've just damaged my little finger which has been caused in part by stretching too much. As a result of this I've been practising this week very slowly with my little finger tied to my ring finger with a hair band. It was a bit weird at first but its helped me think in terms of 3 or 4 frets rather that stretching and trying for a range of 4 or 6 frets
  13. yeah thats what I thought - although I find it a bit frustrating as I end up just making a riff from the scale and then realising that I'm not exercising all my fingers !
  14. I've had to stop playing for a week now as I have a dull pain in the joint of my little finger its getting better but it has served as a timely reminder to always make sure that I warm up before playing. The only technique that I have is just to go up and down the chromatic scales a couple of times. What does everyone else do to warm up ?
  15. thanks that makes sense - at least its not the amp
  16. Now let me begin by saying that I really dont know much about amps so please excuse me if I sound stupid but I have just bought the above amp second hand everything work OK except the tweeter on th Biamp output. I'm playing a Cort C4Q ( which is active) through it and all it seems to do is hiss when I turn it up so I'm playing with it turned off. Its not a big issue as I'm playing rock anyway but I dont want to feel ripped off and more importantly I dont want to be stuck with something which I cant sell later on . Could anyone tell me is this supposed to happen with these amps or is it something I'm doing wrong Cherers
  17. interesting - I'll keep an eye on it then cheers
  18. TBH I've never heard of Arbiters before - is this a fair price ?
  19. Love the last photo seems like he has used a lamp shop window as a background - weird
  20. if your set on leaving this band just go nuts with a bottle of whiskey and solo through every song
  21. would this be any good ? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-SG-Twin-Neck-Double-1978-Japan-RARE-BONKERS_W0QQitemZ180414317607QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item2a01880427&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-SG-Twin-Neck-...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] Its a bit too expensive for me !
  22. This stuff really annoys me when I think of the grief I was given when I started off playing in bands as I didnt drive and had to get my bass amp to gigs by myself. Their attitude was its your gear so you bring it so I took trains ,taxis , walked whatever just to get my gear to gigs , a little harsh maybe but it did teach me a lesson. It sound like your drummer hasnt learnt this lesson yet and perhaps it might be an idea to let him organise this hire himself and if he turns up without a kit then its his problem and not yours. In the long term of course it sounds like you have are only going to get frustrated with these guys so its probably time to either start making ultimatums or if thats not suitable then just quit and look for another band before they annoy you more. From what I've heard of you on you tube it should be easy enough for you to get into another band
  23. thanks for the names I'll check them out hopefully one of them will be suitable
  24. I read this thread as Vegas Hooker feedback - imagine my disappointment !
  25. Having a bit of a problem finding a rehearsal space for my band the requirements are : Must be reasonably central , zone 1 or possibly 2 Must be available from 7 onwards Must provide a backline This shouldnt be too hard but I've tried Enterpise ( too busy ) , Creekside ( too expensive) and the one by Shepherds Bush market which will only give us from 6 onwards Anyone got anywhere else I can try ?
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