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Everything posted by thunderbird13

  1. I've been trying to remember who these photos remind me of now I've got it - Linkin Park ! Dont know if that helps or not
  2. ... when your girlfriend/ boyfriend/ best friend feel they have to have to wait until they have a good relationship with you before asking "So why do you play bass".................
  3. I have the same problem as I hate working out songs by ear, I get board with having to constantly stop and rewind sections ! I was told to work on stuff where the bassline is prominent in the song - anything by Duck Dunn should do the trick. I also tried slowing down the songs in Windows Media Player but TBH this just confuses me
  4. [quote name='Golchen' post='528636' date='Jun 30 2009, 02:12 PM']If you just want one song, there are places on the net where you can just buy a single pdf.[/quote] Would you have a link ? That sounds interesting
  5. I'm sorry to hear that - its exactly the sort of thing which eventually put me off playing in bands for years. I'm sure you'll bounce back
  6. I totally understand where your coming from as I am going through the same thing at the moment and I've come close to throwing in the towel a couple of times but, through this website and talking to people, I came to realise thats its not just me. Now I regard the whole band scene as a bit of a joke and have adopted a "what can go wrong next " attitiude. I mean think about it, what other area of life do people act so strangely - not turning up for rehearsals with no explaination, playing a gig staring at chord charts and hope no one notices , bitching about another band mate is wearing. and all the time playing music that ( if we're absolutely honest ) 9 times out of 10 no one outside the band is that bothered about !! Bands are worth it just to see how stupid people can be. I'm just looking forward to the next bunch of lunatics I'm going to come across! Dont know if this helps or not but I found that treating it with humour has helped me deal with all the other bullshit
  7. although they sure as hell cant spell No one !
  8. I think most musicians come across as boring as most of them have to use an instrument to express themselves and it takes a very good interviewer to get them to open up. However I'm a bit distressed that none has challenged the claim that accountants are boring
  9. I was looking at weekend warrior schemes to get back into playing properly and I came accross these guys, has anyone used them for the weekend warrior scheme or done any of their part time bass courses, (at £199 for 20 hours of tuition it does looks tempting)
  10. Its prob not such a big problem but I'm going to have to write out all the new chords tonight and then play the new paterns for the first time in the audition and as I said before I really hate auditions as I get nervous so I can just see me mixing up the old patterns and the new ones - still I suppose its all learning !
  11. Hold on when I check the mail again most of three of the songs go up a major third wih the exception of one which goes up a major 5th. As far as transposing goes I will only have a hour tonight and to originally write the lines I just played around with root and 5th and then added bits and pieces which I thought sounded good so I havent really analysied anything
  12. I'm going for an audtion tomorrow night ,I was sent 4 songs on MP3 last week and told to write some basslines to jam with. So I've dutifully written some lines only to be told this morning that as they have a new singer they've changed all the keys ! ( looks like they've all gone up a third ) I dont have time to write new lines and I dont feel comfortable transposing in an audition situation ( which I hate anyway). TBH I'm a bit disspointed but I suppose it happens .So I suppose I'll have to play it safe and learn the new root notes and just stick with them. Any other ideas ???
  13. [quote name='owen' post='471522' date='Apr 24 2009, 02:04 PM']I've been doing some research around the WWW as well and it turns out that in the recent past - but not now - you could claim for 100% of the cost of a computer against your tax bill. I would be new computered to the max if that was still applicable![/quote] Just to clarify when you say 100 % tax allowance in the recent past , you mean you could claim the full cost in the same year of trading whereas nowdays it would attract the 40 % (or 50 % if you qualify) and then the remainder would be claimed back over future tax years
  14. Thanks for the advice - I'm genuinely touched
  15. Thanks for the advice - Totally agree with the chemistry thing - I've been in some bands where it just clicks even if I dont like the people I'm playing with.I suppose the stuff I would to play would be classic rock either original stuff of covers and I'm genuinely suprised that I havent found anyone in my age group that wants to play this stuff. I thought the interent would be full of bedroom players wanting to get out there and do it . I have put out adverts on Gumtree which have got a total of 4 responses nonoe of which were any good
  16. Sorry I'm new to this board and I'll get round to proper introductions later on but I wanted to have a rant and perhaps get some advice. I'm 40 years old now and about eight months ago I picked up bass again after a 10 year break and started going over my old books and lessons. Just before Christmas I decided that I was good enough to begin playing with people , this is where my troubles began. I started looking in Gumtree and from that I've had 2 auditions one of which was a total shambles as the band didnt have anything prepared and couldnt even jam the blues in C ! and the other was a prog rock covers band which I didnt get cause the rest of the band didnt think I was a big enough Yes fan. The rest of the time if I do see an advert that i'm interested in then either the band rehearse at weird times or they are so bad at communicating by email that it takes 2 or 3 mails to find out where they rehearse and what music they play and by that stage I've gotten bored with them. TBH I 'm at the point where I feel like giving up I was never that gifted and with all the practice in the world I'll only ever be an average player ( obviously thats my opinion only and I should go to a teacher to get an objective opinion).Playing bass is something which I enjoy but if the cons outweigh the pros then whats the point and as i say in the title does the world need another bass player ? Do other people have similar experiences to me and if so how did they get around it ?
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