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Everything posted by BabyBlueSound

  1. For me, on certain frets (like 5th on D) I get short, audible overtones even if I fully, quickly, forcefully mute with my right hand, be it palm or picking finger. I was told flats or at least balancer rounds should solve this... will try at some point. Not into flats, I have a set of tapes I will need to try this with...
  2. It's been quiet here. How are things with the UK manufacturing @Chownybass? Hope I can get myself a short (or maybe medium) Retrovibe EVO next year
  3. Is Adam Clayton sponsored by GHS? Because he sure sounds like BOOMERS! DAYYYYYUMMMMM high IQ bass burn 🔥🔥🔥
  4. Well I have good news for you, now you can get them for only £11.99, it MUST be the real deal! (reported this one) https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/403263812809 One thing is sure, once my fake ones went dead, I'll go the Stringsdirect way. They sound pretty good for now.
  5. I don't want to expose him as he provided a refund after seeing my photos and will take it to his supplier who recently changed. I did not see him sell any more Elixir strings now.
  6. I realised I have one of those crappy "microscopes" you can attach to your phone... still no coating.
  7. The core seems fully visible to me, not a sign of coating:
  8. Thanks, it does not like this, I don't see a thing at all I'll do a macro shot once I get home to make sure but I'm thinking it's more and more possible I bought some fake ones without the proper nanocoat...
  9. My accuracy, tempo and dynamics are all a lot more consistent when playing with a pick, as that's how I originally learned to play, donkey's years ago. Yet today 90% of the time I play fingerstyle and loving it... Just feels like I'll never get muting and raking right, even though muting comes so naturally with the pick I don't even pay attention to it.
  10. Funny how different we all are, I love the feel of flats, but just hate the sound of them. These days I just keep switching between rounds and tapes and I just keep going back and forth. There is something I like about both, so can't just stick to one I really need a 2nd bass I guess. @BassAdder27 there are a lot of great string comparison videos on youtube, listen to a lot of them as there's a huge difference between the various tension/brand flats too, and maybe you'll hear something you really want to try.
  11. Ok, they're on, and they sound amazing, so that's a good start. Although visibly I still can't identify anything that would suggest this has a nanoweb coating, not even around the windings, so I guess only time will tell if the sound becomes dead or not.
  12. I just forgot to ask one important thing @Chownybass ... WHEN CAN WE GET IT? 😁
  13. Thanks for the visualised measurements, this is awesome, and for the tips. How do you measure the frequencies like this? I am yet to try the pedal with rounds, so far I have only used it to funk up the black tape sound, and loving the results. I guess these frequencies would look a bit different with tapes, since the amp simulator works from a different original sound? I'd love to see.
  14. I had an issue recently where my Wifi mesh always added a low buzz to my combo (of course it took me some time to realise it's the Wifi node), and it actually got louder after I installed passive EMGs. I moved the mesh node a few centimeters and the issue is gone. Interference can be serious
  15. So I tried the following stuff: VOX - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NAUKJTY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1 Almost a solid choice, BUT. It's not nearly loud enough (at least for some passive basses I guess), and there is a terribly, terribly loud HISS. The hiss is not coming from the bass, because the microamp does it even when it's not plugged in to a bass. Sound quality is pretty decent, your bass sounds like a bass... a lot of compromises here. Sonicake bass - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B079FGN89H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Ugh, sounds like rattling a plastic can inside a tin can. Very artificial, dull sound, and the deeps even end up being distorted. Would not give a penny for this sound. Valeton RH-100 Rushead Max - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07W3K92ZM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Like the Sonicake, terrible plastic-y sound without a real body or any deeps. Sounds like a toy. EHX Headphone Amp - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003UIBQEI/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Now this one was a quality build, the volume was great, and there was enough bass too. But it does not have an AUX-IN for practicing, and compared to the Vox, it has basically no treble at all. If you're in the game for a very deep sound, this can be a pretty good choice. But I like my zing, so this was a no. NUX MP2 Might Plug - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084JB519R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 My choice! Sound quality is not exactly as great as the Vox or the EHX, but almost! And there is no hiss, there is enough volume, and there is enough treble. It actually has bluetooth aux-in which makes practicing very comfortable, it's got drum machines, and a lot of different amp simulators and effects. These were not really a factor for me as I rarely use any effects, and these sometimes (with some settings) sound a bit toy-like once again, but there are enough options to find a sound that works for your taste. Hope I helped some of you.
  16. Thanks for all this, glad to hear you can't see it either on yours either - and curious if your ball-end windings look a bit off too. I heard they improve the coating tech every few years, so yeah the extra layer might be just a lot less visible now. And I'll be looking out for the coating stretching at the peg when I'm re-stringing, good idea too! I had an un-opened seal on the back of the box, but that's not very secure, I could still easily open the packaging on the top or the bottom without really damaging it, leaving the seal intact.
  17. It was £27, some eBayer had like a single set, was not a "vendor" per se nor one of the suspiciously cheap ones, where some Chinese vendors are selling them for like £10 - I can't imagine those being real. Thanks, good to see they seem legit. I don't know how do they sound yet, as I still got my black tapes on. But will definitely give it a go in the next few days when I'll have the time to properly re-string. I only thought I should be seeing something with the naked eye as I've seen a few photos online like this, but I definitely can't see such a film neither with my naked eye nor with the crappy macro camera:
  18. Thanks Guys, here are some additional pics
  19. I personally like a somewhat scooped sound. Does playing with the BLEND knob help? If you turn it down, it's supposed to soften the "effect" and bring back more of the mids of your original sound.
  20. Could someone post a macro of their Elixir nanoweb strings, do you think I have been scammed? I bought a set of cheap ones on eBay and might have been scammed. I do not see nor feel the nanoweb coating at all, although I'm not sure how visible would it be to the naked eye. I should be able to see it at least a little in the gaps between the rounds, no? I have only seen Elixirs years ago when their coating technology was very different. First photo comparing it to some regular strings, rest is just macros where I'm trying to catch a glimpse of the coat from various macro angles but without success.
  21. Umm ok sure. The point of a forum is to ASK without trying something that might damage your £50 string set, and asking for information IS research. 🙃 I can certainly just try random stuff, but what's the point of the forum then? The hard plastic on a casette is not the same plastic that is on the tapewound.
  22. I just bought the BDI21 and I got the GDI21 switches in the manual too.
  23. I just spraypainted them black in the end. It's not perfect as the paint comes off fairly easy when scratched, but I won't be scratching the rings
  24. Got it. Yeah, there's not a lot of room in there, but I think it should be possible to sort it out:
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