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Everything posted by BabyBlueSound

  1. My new favourites: https://klanghelm.com/contents/main.html Various compressors, reverb and saturation, but even the free ones sound just amazing (if you're into nice compressors, otherwise it's going to be just "huh, what's the diff?" ), and the paid ones absolutely don't break the bank like the big names.
  2. If you want to simply record gigs with as little fuss as possible, maybe try one of those portable Zoom / Tascam recorders. With the ones handling 32 bit audio, you don't even need to gainstage. Figure out the best placement, where it records all instruments in a relatively balanced manner (which is going to change with every venue anyway), and you're good to go. Don't expect wonders, but I think it should be better than an iphone. If you're satisfied with how the iphone recording sounds, then don't get anything new How did it go?
  3. Some BC-1X footage for you. I did not dial it to the extremes, I tried to keep it around where I usually have it. (I will do the isolated test for the slight but desirable tone colour as well at some point, I'm still feeling very convinced )
  4. But I mean, my point is even when I max out the threshold (so nothing triggers according to the VU) and set compression to 1:1 (so even if something accidentally triggers, no compression should be made), I still hear a difference between ON and OFF 😎 I am getting ready with a Reamped chain-shuffling pedal-enabling video anyway right now, so you'll hear, YOU'LL ALL HEAR I tell you!!!
  5. Huh, weird. I found it adds quite some colour to my tone (both basses), much more than I'd expect from regular compression. Gentle, but fundamental. It just becomes different, especially the lower notes change a lot, as their "clarity" increases. I attributed this to the multiband compression that clears up the tone a bit on the various bands.
  6. Wondering if anyone actually has two ABYs, I only got the one πŸ˜… but that's a passive Startouch one and I have some slight signal bleeding between the channels. I assume that would be a lot worse with 2 of them in the chain. Maybe with proper expensive active ones it's a bliss. Definitely want to know your results when you had the opportunity to test
  7. I really love to A/B test stuff and have been longing for a Reampβ„’ box for a while. (Did you know the word "Reamp" is trademarked by Radial? THE MORE YOU KNOW! Other brands use re-amp or replay box or something like that) I especially like there's a version that works with the headphone output, no messing around is necessary with monitor outs on the back. But it's not really a pedal nor effect per se, is it? Hope it still counts! Anyway, the whole point is, I want to properly test and listen to my pedal chain, as I keep mixing it up but I sort of like the various tones in every configuration. I also plan to Reamp my signal through the Rumble and the Shure, and blend it with the line signal, pretty good initial results based on a 4 second riff! I shall be having a lot of fun with this one.
  8. The Sterling is fixed. Literally everything was wrong with the wiring, dry cracking stuff, questionable soldering, bad earth. Interesting it all broke so suddenly, must have been the sudden change in temperature (we had some open windows on some of the coldest days due to contractors working on the house).
  9. I checked all that I could as the nut is not perfect, but could not affect the buzz by pressin down on possibly vibrating things. Tried everything. It's with the tech now for a while πŸ˜… He tried all the things in front of me I have tried... and said this might be a tricky one.
  10. I have a very esoteric theory, hope someone can clarify this I got a new ABY switch recently, it's passive, and there's definitely some slight signal bleeding inbetween the channels. Recently I hooked up the Sterling through this ABY to both my amp, and my audio device. But I noticed that even if I use A for Amp and B for the device, and switch it to purely A, there's still a very faint, quiet signal being recorded by the interface on B, so some A bleeds over to B and vice versa. If that's the case, I suppose the very slight bleeding goes all directions, so maybe my pickup was getting some input signal it did not expect? I really don't think this should destroy a pickup by any means, but this is literally the only new thing I have done since recording the same bass successfully in early October, when it sounded all fine. I checked the cabling and pots and they all seem fine and sturdy, but then again I'm no expert, and I definitely don't feel confident enough to rewire/solder myself. So I asked my tech about this whole issue and will see how he gets on
  11. Yep there's a switch, and it might be problematic, but nothing indicates that directly. It should not be very worn, I barely used it, sounds and feels right. If I push it, it does the same kind of distortion, just on a different volume
  12. The tone is something I have checked briefly but not in detail, did not hear any weirdness going on over there... I think I'll talk to my tech about it at this point and get this checked, hoping it's just some loose capacitor or the like (I checked that too the best I could, everything seems soldered properly, nothing seems loose)... Thanks for all the assistance, Everyone!
  13. Here's some comparison, the first recording is the Sterling, the 2nd is the Ibanez. The Ibanez is clearly much louder (-22dB on Sterling VS -15dB on Ibanez) but there's absolutely no distortion.
  14. It does seem like a standard volume issue at first, but I think it's somehow more related to the signal level of the pickup/bass. Again, I always used this same bass with the same pedals and same settings, recorded it before, and I did not experience any ridiculous rumble. I have a recording from this October where this does not happen at all. I love to compare tones, so swapping this and the Ibanez all the time is pretty standard operation for me, and this was never an issue before. And the volume is not actually loud. I am very far away from peaking anywhere, no reds or oranges, and even having the single Sansamp as my "chain" greatly increases the already present, but normally barely audible distortion (as expected, as it adds saturation). Again, my October recording is still proper clean. I can set the Ibanez to much higher volumes without hearing any similar distortion happening, and even then the clipping starts in the interface, visibly reaching peaks, not just making fart noises without visible issues. My current DAW peak was not ever louder than -16dB which should be way more than enough headroom. So all in all, the signal seems to become distorted as soon as it leaves the jack output of the Sterling...
  15. If there are no pedals and I'm just recording directly, of course the distortion effect becomes weaker, but the sound is still a bit weird. Like I have lost some definition and gained some rumble. The weirdest thing is, I have recorded this bass before fairly recently as well, and I never really mess around with the compressor or Sansamp, I just leave them at the desired sound I found months ago. I don't recall having any similar issues. I'm starting to think that's the case... I can also replicate the distorted rumble if I pluck the A string with some decent force. The issue is most prominent in Series mode when the signal is the loudest, but Parallel is not that different once I start plucking really hard
  16. Something happened to my Sterling shortie, anyone has any idea what's going on? Example attached. The E-string (Elixir, not very old) is ridiculously distorted, no matter what settings I use (serial, parallel, etc). The same settings work absolutely fine with my Ibanez. I have done some recording on this Sterling not that long ago and I did not have any of these issues. All pedal settings (sansamp, compressor and HPF) are the usual, and again, the Ibanez does not distort, and I recorded both many times with the same settings, never having problems with one of them. I even thought maybe it's the pickup height (which was unchanged since I last recorded myself), so I lowered it to the very bottom, but the E string still farts. EDIT: It's important to note the gain IS set up correctly, there's absolutely no peaks, nothing's even close, I even halved the gain I usually record on, monitored it on both the Focusrite and the DAW, etc. DISTORT.wav
  17. I had to file off the plastic from the sides of my EMGs πŸ˜… Does anyone know what electronic trickery it would take (apart from going active) to make it match the output of the P, if there's even a way?
  18. The Ibanez Talman shortie has a neck width just between P and J, and I find it very comfortable, not too thick, not too slim for fatter fingers. Also ticks the "must be cheap" category. I can't imagine that you won't like shorties. 😁
  19. I have recorded a basic tone comparison test where the Sterling and the Ibanez run against the Fender Fullerton u-bass (with some terrible muting, so yes, I am practicing a lot more since )
  20. ...or six. But finally done. Could have played a bit better, so umm "tone was my point" yeah πŸ˜… This was recorded back in July so my mistakes are even more obvious to me after a couple months of additional practice since. But always short on time, so compromises have to be made... πŸ˜… Planning to use all 3 in a proper full mix setting too, working on a cover.
  21. I actually constantly keep this video open on a tab on my desktop, and listen to it almost every day 😁
  22. Just finalising a basic tone comparison video between my Ibanez Talman, the short Sterling, and the Fender uke bass, good fun. Hope to be uploading it in a day or two.
  23. Be extremely vigilant. I have bought fake strings via Amazon that were too cheap to be true.
  24. I agree with your band's approach. I did not say to definitely record with a click! But if you practice to a click every day (especially if you usually don't), you'll have a much easier job overall when it comes to the actual recording. I just believe recorded "life" provides much less wiggle room compared to live "life". I have seen studio guys fixing that "life" with a weary face when the bass misses those ones on the bass drum 😁
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