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Everything posted by BabyBlueSound

  1. Oh thanks, but I prefer more... shape we realised we need more stuff from Thomann anyway, like Elixirs for the shortie, so went ahead with that Thomann bag. I also got a spare nut which I can file to rubber string size, so I can have one nut for the regular strings (if I'd go for those RIDICULOUSLY expensive flats at some time in fhe future), and another for the rubber ones. I think the bridge holes might need to be enlarged for those rubbers tho... πŸ˜“
  2. Not yet, not a priority for me being a living room bassist, but I was eyeballing this one as I don't plan to spend a fortune: https://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_uke_bass_baritone_uke_gigbag.htm Apparently baritone uke bags work.
  3. @JohnDaBass how is your E string though? Mine was pretty dead, and the A is already losing brightness, and I always play with clean hands. Ordered D'addario nylons anyway, might need to file the nut a bit
  4. One thing I must highlight is since the strings stretched to their length, I barely have to re-tune the little guy, holds the tuning very steadily!
  5. Sounds about right, I would have never gigged with this. But so perfect and comfy for noodling around at home, and hobby recording. Just too loud to play next to a TV in the living room πŸ˜€
  6. ...and how did it go? 😁 I am still enjoying mine, but I am just a living room bassist, no band. My experience is similar with the tone knob, anything above 50% becomes scratchy, artificially metallic sounding. My only problem is, it's so easy to pick it up and play it's loose-ish comfy strings and tiny neck, my muscle memory is already starting to reset and I am making more mistakes on the shortscales πŸ˜„
  7. Here's a fun little thing Moises does. Sometimes it can fall "between" tempos somehow I was recording my most recent video the other day, and used Moises for backing, basically playing to the drum track and the smart click track from the song I was recording. It was running from my phone for simple handling, through a bluetooth speaker. When I was finished, and wanted to add the full, clickless backing track, I have exported it via the web client, imported to Reaper, and was trying to align them without any success, they always sounded bad together. I noticed despite both being 164, they're not the same tempo, the web version was slightly faster. So if I synced up the beginning of the song, the end was out of sync, and vice versa. No problem, I thought, I'll just export it via the phone app then. But now the phone one matched the one from the web... so seems like I played my song to a "magic" 164 bpm that just can't be replicated, and now I'm without a backing track. But I still had my video where the "magic" 164 and it's click was still audible, so I added that audio to Reaper, and then started playing around with the web export to try to match the magic one. Ultimately I found if you decrease the playback rate from 1 to 0.9988something, they finally match. Lesson learned: if recording, always export the track first, and play along using a good ol' wav file. edit: even better, export the click track and the clickless at the same time, so no gremlin can mess with rounding errors etc
  8. If I had a penny every time a new technology / approach / genre / instrument completely devalued music... 😁 Like how garage/techno "defeated" all other music with it's simplicity. I mean I get where you're coming from. But about 99% of the world's current human-made music is absolute trash (at least from a very subjective perspective, what exactly makes up the 99% varies), I really don't think the 1% most of humanity will be listening to will actually be premium quality AI made music. I am a lot more concerned about Gen-Z being absolutely crazy about what I consider today's absolute nothingburgers, those crap tracks where there's like a 80 bpm digital drum with 16th-32th hi-hat runs, some bloops and beeps, and a guy or girl basically speaking in an autotuned voice about something in a monotone, bored manner. And there's millions of songs of this same thing. Even AI can do better than THIS.
  9. I love mine when practicing, the bluetooth connectivity to the phone is so useful. But I don't think I'd try to record it. The output is very digital to my taste, I can hear the sound is coming through a cheapish toy. But if this is the only device you have for recording, then it's definitely better than nothing, and should do the job for Youtube and stuff! And I have never tried the "Mightier" app yet that is supposed to give you more control...
  10. So the little guy has arrived, and I am enjoying it a lot. I guess it's not for everyone, but as a mainly shortscale guy, this is MY shortscale. The build quality is not terrible for £220. The wood is fine, the pieces are joined up nice, it's a pleasure to look at. It DOES sound prec-ish somehow. The fretwork is where the "made in China" shows, they don't even show on photos that much, but the fitting is quite disgusting around a few frets. As you can see, the fretboard was dried out to the point where the wood starts to become grey-ish, so gave it some lemon oil, and it turned nice dark brown. However at this point my nut fell off. After a brief panic, I used some very weak wood glue to stop it from moving sideways and I let the strings hold it in place. It's working and should be fine. Unfortunately the E string is pretty much dead, compared to the other 3 strings which sounds fine. But I don't mind as I never care about the factory strings anyway. Might try the weird postie rubber strings just for kicks, but I in the long run I just plan to put some proper strings on it. I might also try cutting up my older coated strings, try to put them on and see what happens. After re-stringing, it takes ages before the strings stretch to wherever they should be. Intonation is... what it is. For any bass ukes, usually this is the pain point. The G is spot on, but the D is almost a quarter tone off at 12th, and there are smaller differences for A and E as well. Just play the low frets, or get a real uke 😜 The electronics are pretty nice, colourful accurate tuner, and a pretty wide TONE knob. I guess it's active, having a battery, but's surprisingly loud even compared to the "hot" pot setting on my Sterling Stingray. I was genuinely surprised how crappy and dull the Sterling sounds after playing the uke (but I got 1yo bummed out cobalt flat strings on the Sterling, so that's somewhat expected, I was just surprised at how big the difference was in clarity). My biggest pain point is, there's no blue coloured uke bass. They made a blue uke... but not a bass uke. So now I got an instrument that's not blue Mildly Sansamped sound in action below. Please excuse the crappy playing, this is just a test short, I shall use this instrument properly in the near future
  11. Made this short just to test the fun size bass in action, so far enjoying the little thing!
  12. "Hey again, it's Mark here from TalkingBass" is my all time favourite online teacher. No nonsense, only useful stuff, and I am a fan of the deadpan presentation. Teaches technique, approach, and specific basslines as well, dissecting everything into consumable little steps.
  13. Ah, my Mirror Stingray brother, finally... It's beautiful. They're all beautiful. And so weird, can't stop looking and πŸ’—ing. I am left handed but I play a rightie... This is the first time I regret it.
  14. !!! WARNING !!! ATTENCIΓ“N !!! POZOR !!! Just ordered one of these, NBD post incoming in a few days or so!
  15. Whoops sorry for the spam, not quite sure what happened here. Can't delete my own posts so can't clean up...
  16. It's so beautiful it hurts. Do you have a link to this bass?
  17. It's so beautiful it HURTS. Do you have a link to this bass?
  18. It's so beautiful it HURTS. Do you have a link to this bass?
  19. It's so beautiful it HURTS. Do you have a link to this bass?
  20. Like every time I try to update a component on my PC or look into using some specific apps for specific purposes, the (prolly sponsored from head to toe) Linus Tech Tips thumbs swarm my results, and all I can see is his dumb "reacts" O-face, in literally anything related to a PC, even though I never clicked on his stuff, as I just can't stand him. Enter Johnny Dibble when I try to look up anything gear related... 😁
  21. Finally had a few hours to myself to really test it. Unless I mess up the threshold completely, it just sounds good on all settings. Always a bit different, but always good. The sort of great compressor where you can't really hear it, you can just feel it. I only ever had cheap ones before, the difference is amazing.
  22. My bad, I completely missed the SSD part!
  23. I wanted to say Reaper, but I see people are already saing Reaper However your bottleneck will be the storage drive's speed when recording all those tracks that need to be written on your drive. I would not expect a small older Dell laptop to have some crazy fast storage, so you might need some external (USB) drive to plug in and record to that can handle all that I/O. Definitely do some 15-track dry runs to see how it copes with writing multiple files on the fly.
  24. A placeholder idea that became a short multipurpose song: tested some new gear with it, practiced cutting/editing skills in Davinci, entered the song into the November Composition challenge, and most importantly, I had some fun with it
  25. Consider that some pro bass players own like 300 basses and keep switching them anyway (I would)
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