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Posts posted by W1_Pro

  1. Ahh, house insurance. I had a similar incident a couple of years ago with an acoustic. Tripped, dropped it, buggered up the bottom bout and the binding. The repair plus refinish came in at a rather unpleasant £900. My insurance company, fair play to them, settled very quickly. When I came to renew the next year I found my premium had gone up by..erm..£600 because of the claim...bit of a bummer really...insurance companies, you think they work for you because you pay them. Mmmmmmm.....

  2. Jesus Christ. In 1983 I bought a no name precision copy which some enterprising previous owner had a: Lovingly hand painted a 'Fender' logo on the headstock and b: added a second pickup. This second pickup was a rather agricultural device, which looked- to my untutored eye at least- like a six inch nail with some copper wire wrapped around it. The tone it produced (when engaged by means of a light switch attached to the scratch plate), could best be described as challenging. Not in a good way.
    That was £95. There was nothing else to be had locally for less than £200, which was a lot of money back then.
    So here we are in 2017, and you can buy a bass of this quality, Japanese made, in good nick, for the same price £ for £.
    Quite astonishing. GLWTS. Lovely bass for someone.

  3. [quote name='Shabbs' timestamp='1487682609' post='3241758']
    Perhaps no 2nd chance offers because he's bidding with a second account?
    Controversial.....I have to say though, that bit in the listing about 'checking notes with a scanner' is a bit mental. I'm sure buying secondhand basses is not organised crimes route of choice for passing counterfeit cash.

  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1486512379' post='3232464']
    That does sound interesting, I prefer the older brighter sounding pickups!

    [/quote]How come Gibson never managed to do this? It beggars belief.

  5. In 1983 I bought my first bass, from a music shop in Cardiff. It was a Precision 'copy'- and I use the term in it's loosest possible sense- which some enterprising previous owner had lovingly painted a fairly passable 'Fender ' logo on the headstock. Possibly the same enterprising former owner had added a second pickup near the bridge. The pickup looked remarkably like a six inch nail with some copper wire wrapped around it. It was £95. There was nothing else within £120 of this, and I had £100, which had taken me AGES to save.
    Thirty four years later, this is £85 and actually looks like quite a nice bass.
    Globalisation can't be all bad, eh?

  6. [quote name='Maz LFC' timestamp='1487272905' post='3238582']
    The seller messaged me today. It was won by a Ukelele dealer in Yorkshire who has failed to pay for it :rolleyes: He asked if I was still interested. I declined, being very glad he didn't take me up on the £1k I offered originally.I told him why, as it is a Roadie and as such far too expensive.
    I've checked and the dearest Roadie of the 4 sold on eBay last year was £720. One only made £521 and a Series 2 Supernatural in lovely nick made £1119.(bargain).

    The seller must be gutted, he must have thought he was on to a proper result. Those prices for secondhand Jaydee's sound about right to me- and as I said earlier I'm no expert- I would love to get my hands on a proper supernatural.

  7. [quote name='Maz LFC' timestamp='1487174980' post='3237774']
    The Roadie is a Supernatural. The JayDee website states that the only Supernatural to have a black fronted headstock is the Roadie. The one on eBay was a Roadie Active which sells for £1455 new as W1 Pro said in the first post.
    Whoever won it at £1200 clearly had not done their homework :unsure: and thought it was a full-blown Supernatural. I almost bid on myself and contacted the seller, but luckily he turned down the offer I made before doing the research that I should have done first.
    He hadn't done anything wrong,just failed to state that it was a Roadie, which he must have known as he bought it new in 1999.
    Bet he's laughing his head off :yarr:

    I would be!

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