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Everything posted by W1_Pro

  1. Glorious looking machine that. Have a bump. GLWTS
  2. I suppose that a build this radical will always be a bit 'marmite'- you either love it or hate it. Whichever side of that divide you fall on, you have to admire the skill involved in the building and Mick's courage in coming up with the concept. Lets face it, it's certainly not a P bass! Superb work Andy. Mick, I hope you garner many years of enjoyment from the finished article.
  3. [quote name='Basstardz' timestamp='1500642140' post='3339316'] there's pics in the ad [/quote] I can't see 'em. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?
  4. I have two of the PB 500 'Precise' Precision copies from the late 70's. Quite frankly better than any precision I have ever picked up apart from a couple of 60's ones. These are very fine, seriously underrated and undervalued instruments. Have a bump. GLWTS.
  5. The Wal Mark 1 would be the one for me. I tried a fretless one in Livewire in Cardiff in 1984 ish. It was £800 (ish) brand new iirc. Lovely it was. Prices have ascended into the stratosphere in the last few years, and I'm not particularly convinced - with all due respect to what remains a very fine bass- that they are worth it.
  6. fine looking machine. Glad it got finished at last. Enjoy!
  7. Lovely job. Nice to see an old bass being brought back to life so thoughtfully.
  8. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1498596899' post='3325820'] Good to hear from you, Stuart. And no....I'm NOT going to build you one [/quote]Really? I was hoping for a short scale acoustic five string with thunderguts on it.....
  9. You have to love the sparkling frets in that last pic. Top job Andy.
  10. Wonderful guitars these. For what it's worth, I'd be inclined to build it as ...erm...nature intended..;0) Whatever you decide to do, good luck.
  11. nice bass.glwts
  12. Thats lovely. Well done. If it's any consolation I've recently spent a faintly mental amount of cash getting a Fenderbird built. Sometimes a mans got to do what a mans got to do....
  13. It looks to be nicely made, if you are in to that sort of thing. Maybe if you got the 'amazing technicolour dreamcoat' gig and it was due to run for 240,000,000 years...?
  14. [quote name='Acebassmusic' timestamp='1495399149' post='3303508'] ....and at the other end of the scale..... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Warwick-Thumb-Neck-thru-5-string-with-hardcase-/272681082362?hash=item3f7d0f1dfa:g:eJYAAOSwj85YNLjM"]http://www.ebay.co.u...JYAAOSwj85YNLjM[/url] Nice bass but £4k ?!? [/quote] Four grand!?!....Hells bells....more front than Sainsburys...
  15. So there's this [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-style-precision-PB-50-relic-vintage-bass/272673782946?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D44293%26meid%3D8bdc8d28b8814ccc945c50eb60569a85%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D112406961443"]http://www.ebay.co.u...%3D112406961443[/url] Harley Benton PB 50. Apparently relic'ed - looks like some random paint chipping to me. I'm really not getting his pricing strategy. It's BIN at £115 plus a P&P cost of £18.99. A new one from Thoman at todays exchange rate is £93.60 plus £10 delivery. So thats a premium of about thirty quid over a new bass. Have I missed something?
  16. Just read this thread. Amazing workmanship and beautiful woods Ian.
  17. Thats a beautiful job Jez. As a design it's very easy on the eye as well. Lovely!
  18. His pricing strategy is a touch...erm....optimistic? I mean good luck to him like but the last Wilkes Bass I saw sell on here went for less than £300 iirc.
  19. Thats a fine deep shag you've got there. Sets off the basses a treat. GLWTS.
  20. It's worth noting that this guy has a lot of other very old, very nice six strings for sale. So I'd chance my arm and say he's not a scammer. Not sure what to make of that finish though...looks nice, but not...erm...age appropriate?
  21. Thanks all. Scratch it, here I come!
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