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Everything posted by W1_Pro

  1. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1469260954' post='3096970'] Now there's a hornets nest! In my view, not at all unless it's to the degree where it is essentially a semi acoustic... [/quote] It's definitely one of those questions eh?
  2. I'm not quite sure why, other than the difficulty of doing it, but as far as I know, semi acoustics generally aren't shielded. Anyone got a view? I only asked, as I have a vague memory of a guitarist mate of mine having an Ibanez semi from the eighties, I have an even vaguer memory of that having a sort of tinfoil bath around the controls (on the inside of course). Having said that, I fully accept that I'm not as young as I was, and memory can be a finicky mistress. In short, I might be talking total sh*t.....
  3. Looking great Andy. I have to admire your thoroughness, attention to detail and craftsmanship. I take my hat off to you, I really do. What do you reckon should go on there in place of the binding then?
  4. I'm sorry. That is [i]deeply[/i] tasteless...
  5. So, my question would be- and please feel free to tell me if I'm getting ahead of myself here-Does the process of chambering have any implications (planned or otherwise) for the resonance of the guitar?
  6. One thing that has occurred to me Andy, should there be some shielding in there somewhere? I just wonder that if it's absent, which it seems to be, could that have been the cause of my original buzz issues?
  7. That is mental. Well done Andy. Fantastic work.
  8. That is amazing. The tailpiece looks like it's always been there. Just out of curiosity Andy, hows the action?
  9. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1468957376' post='3094709'] A pal of mine often says he likes watching the stuff I do (including playing) because I'm always on the very edge of disaster... [/quote] In the immortal words of David St Hubbins; 'such a fine line, between stupid and ([i]Nigel steps in[/i])....clever'. ...
  10. That is handsome Andy. Good call!
  11. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1469086409' post='3095561'] It's when parts of the body are hollowed out, or chambered, usually to make the guitar lighter or balance better. I think that's correct. I only know because the bass Andy made for me has a chambered body, and it has made a big difference to the weight!! [/quote] Ahhh, I see. Makes sense. Many thanks.
  12. I've always wondered Andy, what is a chambered body and what does it do?
  13. Thats what I said, funnily enough. Apparently, it's the wood grain, which will polish smooth......
  14. Here's a quick update to this. Andy was unhappy with the first coat of stain, so he stripped it back. Here is the bass after the re-refinish and clear coat, just awaiting a final buff- Lovely!
  15. Excellent work.
  16. The bass has always had issues, due in no small part to my slightly tw*ty design brief to the builder, which involved a lot of having cake and eating it type stuff. In my defence, I was only 21 at the time, so the recklessness of youth etc etc. It's a maple through neck- The body is indeed imbuya, which is called walnut even though it's not walnut, according to wikipedia (who knew??). Ebony board with rather nice abalone block inlays. There was originally an active circuit on it, but that made terrible hissing noises- the original builders strong point was not wiring- so I had it removed, and now it sounds dead. I always thought it was extra long scale- mainly because I couldn't reach the first fret- obviously I never actually measured it or anything like that! In short, this bass has been largely unplayable for more than a quarter of a century, which frustrates me enormously. So I'm very happy that Andy has agreed to take this on. He seems to specialise in turning very fiddly no hopers into cracking instruments, so I have high hopes. Sincere thanks for doing this Andy. I look forward to developments.
  17. Just bought an Epifani 410 off Chris. Very easy to deal with. Buy with confidence.
  18. Lovely job Andy!
  19. PM'd
  20. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Unfortunately I didn't manage to source any Velve's ,[/font][/color] [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]​Ah well, heigh ho. it was worth a try. Thanks anyway![/color][/font]
  21. Highfox, did you manage to source Velve tune machine heads? One of mine is an odd one and I can't find replacements anywhere. If you have a source, I'd love to know!
  22. Is the FB original do you know? Looks very...sort of..modern....with those dots on the bottom edge.
  23. Thats lovely.
  24. ..well quite. Of course the biggest mystery is, why did they stop building it? Fender have been spanking the P for 240,000,000,000 years. Have we learned nothing?
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