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Everything posted by W1_Pro

  1. Given the price I'm asking for this, vs. the price of various other -lets face it, quite similar vintage instruments on here at the mo- I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that this bass offers a remarkably cost effective way in to early eighties custom luthery......😉
  2. Sweet baby Jesus....What.A.Machine.
  3. Congrats. Thats pretty reasonable I think. You never know, if the bass player from Tool starts using Wilkes basses, you could be on to a proper result....🤣
  4. Had a similar problem with the pickup (a Wilkes badged KA). I replaced the circuit with the Doug Wilkes reccomended John East one. Seems to have sorted it and it sounds miles better. Great instruments.
  5. I am sorely tempted, but what with Brexit and the ensuing VAT and duty....beyond my pocket at the mo. Lovely, unusual bass. GLWTS!
  6. The thing is though, it's really only Wal that have experienced these vertiginous price rises....Think of the other UK builders from the same era...Wilkes, already mentioned, Overwater, Goodfellow, Jaydee, Pangbourn, Manson...when they come up, they come up at reasonable prices, I can't sell an OW original for £1200 at the mo, theres been a very nice example of a Goodfellow on for some time, with the price reduced accordingly. I recently bought a Jaydee supernatural for just over a grand, same for the Pangbourn Warlord I have. Can this all be down to that chap from Tool using one?
  7. Bizzare isn't it? I've got a Wilkes Musicman copy that is miles better than my actual Musicman. I paid £150 for it...
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Doug-Wilkes-Custom-Bass/324532874838?hash=item4b8faaae56:g:fmEAAOSwlKBgV-Im and https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Doug-Wilkes-Vintage-Custom-Hand-Crafted-Bass-Passive-DiMarzio-Pickups/324534444882?hash=item4b8fc2a352:g:lLIAAOSwc7xgWSJw Never seen one with two jazz bass pickups. Nice basses, but I think £600 is a bit salty for the one with the two humbuckers. They never seem to fetch much for some reason. Compare and contrast with Wal.......
  9. Lovely looking bass. I daresay you are not, but I have to ask..interested in trades?
  10. Lovely bass that. Always wanted to try a Dingwall. Interested in any trades at all?
  11. Another bump. Trades very possible: Interested in an old Stingray. Rosewood board prefered.
  12. The irresisible rise of Wal prices continues... GLWTS!
  13. Thats a lot of bass for a little money. Someone is going to be lucky. GLWTS.
  14. Back from The Gallery. Frets level. Playing like a dream. What a lovely bass this is.
  15. Gotta Gettaway by SLF. Got me into wanting to play bass, all those years ago. Still a great, catchy bassline.
  16. At the risk of asking a silly question. Is this US or Mexican? It's lovely either way. Best Stuart
  17. Just musing on the weight difference between it and my other (early) Original (4.8 kilos), I also have a later (flat top) Original with a single KA pickup. This one comes in at 4.1 kilos. The one above that is for sale weighs in at a feather light 3.1 kilos. I have checked the control cavities in the heavy ones for bricks, there are none. So this leads me to wonder if the lighter Original is actually Mahogany. It looks like mahogany. Could it be chambered? Anyhow. If you've got a bad back and always wanted an Overwater Original....well, have I got a deal for you....;0)
  18. However, having just strung it up I notice that the 12th and 13th frets have lifted a little bit on the G side of the neck. There are a couple of little buzzes around the 12th because of this. Back to The Gallery it goes for a fret dress.....
  19. ....and here are a few more pics, with knobs back on etc etc. Note the 'Made in West Germany' Schallers. They were the days....
  20. So, as you will have noted from the above, I finally got around to retrieving this from The Gallery. Martin has done a lovely job of lining the cavity with copper foil and rewiring it, albeit with one random Gibson volume pot. Still, it sounds great. The Bill Lawrence pickups really are something else. Please see pics below and I've taken more/better pics of the bass. I've tried to highlight the actual large scratches. There are additionally bits of bucklerash etc that are not easy to photograph, but not that visible either.
  21. Having finally got the bass back from The Gallery (blame me and lockdown, not them), here are the answers: 34inch scale 41mm at the nut with 14mm spacing Weighs in at a relatively featherweight 3.1kilos. As opposed to my other Original which comes in at 4.8 kilos.
  22. Thats kind of what I thought.... High praise indeed!
  23. Thats a great idea. They are the 'rail' pickups that Dimarzio build I think? I have a couple of those on the BC Rich NJ Mockingbird that @Andyjr1515 sorted out for me. An awesome device indeed.
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