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riff raff

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Everything posted by riff raff

  1. [quote name='jonsmith' post='511962' date='Jun 12 2009, 11:23 AM']If it's a 75 then it will have the old style truss rods (there should be two if it's a genuine Rickenbacker). The shop should not attempt to tighten these anymore to adjust the neck. There is a high chance of 'popping' the fingerboard if they do. In fact the truss rods actually need to be loosened off before adjusting the neck, then retightened. There's a pretty useful guide to Rickenbacker truss rod adjustments (old and new) and plenty other things besides at: [url="http://www.joeysbassnotes.com/Joeys%20frameset.htm"]Joey's Bass Notes[/url] (See Rickenbacker section within Bass Guitar Maintenance) It sounds more daunting than it actually is. Rickenbacker necks are easy to maintain if you know what you're doing.[/quote] you've said exactly what the shop owner said about not wanting to tighten it any more to avoid popping the fretboard.it is genuine and has the authentification from rosetti.the guy is very genuine and th price is reflecting the work needed.and based on the fact that we have a good relationship with him in the band maintaining valve ampegs and mesa's.
  2. just spoke to the gut in wizard and im gonna order a thumper and see how i get on.
  3. i have seen it myself.guy is very reputable.it has a high action at the top of the fb.truss rod/s is very stiff.he's guessing that the rods/cavity is very dry where the rod/s hasn't been adjusted and maintained through its life.it needs a luthier to take a good look.etc.and all this is reflected in the price.plenty of headroom on the price to spend money on it and not throw money away.particularly as i've got a fender aerodyne jazz to chop in against it.its perfedtly playable.
  4. just spoke to the guy again and its a 75 4001.i could really do with some expert advice from someone who knows something about ric necks and truss rods.anyone out there?
  5. i,ve been made aware of a 73 ric,which has been part exed into a very reputable music shop locally.i've been offered a very good deal on it.very good.but it does have a neck issue which has left it with a high action and strung with light gauge strings.
  6. comfortable thumb position is a real problem for me on a lot of basses.like it quite low and never find it easy.probably a lot to do with poor right hand technique.playing a lot with a pick these days so out of practice too.sitting down is fine.standing.........not comfy.with regards to the ric, i like the sound of it played with a pick so finger style on that wouldn't be a major problem.is the ric neck similair in any way to a warwick?
  7. [quote name='Sandmann' post='511262' date='Jun 11 2009, 02:53 PM']fralin, nordstrand, seymour duncan quarterpounder, .... all very good. but as far as i know cliff williams used to play a musicman stringray with ac/dc, didn´t he? though i like the tone of a good fender p even better for this style of music ... sandmann[/quote] you are totally right about the stingrays.i believe they're very early 76 77 models.but my band is the bon scott era only.cliff wasn't really using stingrays until the very late seventies.i have tried modern stingrays but weren't really the same. the bass player before cliff was using gibsons.grabbers i think.early footage of cliff shows him using p's primarily.and again in the eighties.also seen him with jazzes and thunderbirds. honestly..im really not as anal as this post makes me sound.lol.
  8. brutal price tag at the mo though.
  9. looking at your avatar waterof tyne, you seem to know your p basses!!!!!!!!!!
  10. i want a rickenbacker. thats it really.just wanted to share my feelings.
  11. yeah..i was expecting that to be a popular suggestion. just looking for some opinions on whether 1/4 pounds,wizard etc are what i'm looking for because they're gonna help with the sound i'm looking for or simply because they're better than the standard fenders.d'ya know what i mean?
  12. yeah i'd looked at the wizard.wasn't quite sure what to make of "...dark and earthy."
  13. hi everyone.one of my firsts posts here and i thought i'd pick the brains of the wise and wonderful here. i've got an 80's fender p.japan. playing in a an acdc tribute band.so im using this bass exclusively for it.already strung it with d'addario flats.playing through an svt cl and various ampeg cabs.just not quite getting cliffs sound.not that its particularly unique!!!! lol.just wondering if any of you guys out there would recommend any pickup upgrades that might help.cliff williams sound although possibly unremarkable to a lot of you hi fi guys is nevertheless an essential element of acdc's sound.......the music just doesn't rock as hard when its not right.not had the p long and i'm finding the tone control massively sensitive and erring towards the trebly side of things.and just mudding up on the bass side.i.m looking for a thick warm tone.....a thrum as i call it!!!!!!lol, but still with definition and punch.not muddy and dull. any advice or opinions will be gladly welcomed. cheers.rob.
  14. svt classic.8x10.fender p bass.dig in hard with a pick......................flush of blood to the loins. if ya like it, ya like it. if ya dont........ya don't. peace and love.
  15. i'll take it mate.how do you want payment?
  16. unless im mistaken.isnt this a guitar pedal!!! or is it suitable for guitar and bass?
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