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Everything posted by thewebow

  1. Ok. Ones I have seen both have smaller tuner plates. So I am guessing will be export ones.. also ones seem new and the other slightly used but both around £1.2 and £1.3k.. which seems pricey for a Japanese model? I’ve seen the Nordstand do a hum cancelling 51 replacement..
  2. Yeah and I am a shorter average 5’8- the jazz bass sprawls across me. The precision shape just seems more concise and my plucking hand just fits more comfortably in place.
  3. I’ve seen a couple in a store in London. Will investigate the pickups further! Thanks for the info on US specs on the non exports. Good to know.
  4. Anyone ever tried a custom shop, nash or Japanese replica ‘51 or ‘55 p bass? How was it?
  5. Anyone know whether there is an English maker doing something similar? I mean you could buy a used jules Monique for £1050!
  6. How much to get a noble Di imported these days and what is the wait time on that!!?
  7. Is it me or does a p bass just look more natural and sit better on a strap than a jazz bass. Whenever I catch myself in a reflection the bass seems to sit so much more naturally on me than any jazz bass. The only other bass I get that does the same thing is my stingray..
  8. To be fair I have not used them yet. Did they react with your varnish or did you just not like the dampening properties?
  9. Scott’s bass lesson recommend these particular ones:
  10. Love the look of this with your ampeg pf-20t- how decent was that tone?What is making you sell what looks like an epic studio set up? Just curious. I am watching your head on eBay too! Best of luck with sale.
  11. Are those Hurley bridges available to buy after market? Interested to know how to get hold of one. I only play Used USA player series so don’t feel guilty about putting holes in one!
  12. Gosh that is stunning. If I had the funds I would be all over this!!
  13. Of late I have found that rather than have a rack of different sound options that the truth is I am not a session player.. so I am refining it to more options of sounding like myself.. so I’ve refined it to flavours of p basses as opposed to having every bass ever recorded.. easier to maintain fewer basses and easier to always be happy with the tone you know you can always sculpt from one bass you play all the time..
  14. Agreed. Something about it that is very appealing. The flats felt great on it too. the pure tone of a p does really refresh the experience of just great tone pretty much instantly. There is an immediacy and authenticity, where small changes in position or angle make such a huge difference. I am still searching for the perfect way to get a b-15 sound in a small and affordable unit. My line 6 does a good approximation but to get that tube response it seems maybe that the pf-20 or Nobel is the best route? Anyone tried the origin effects bassrigs? Seems to get the sound all the demos add the compressor!! what’s everyone best experience with a flats p..? Anyone love nash guitars? Are limelight basses not really just MiM with some relicing? What’s the best value for money to get a Motown experience?
  15. I am so in love with p basses at the moment. After years not really playing bass, my stingray and thumb had been put into storage until over covid I pulled them out. After falling in love again with bass I fancied a change to a passive bass. I stupidly traded the thumb for a loss to pick up a 2006 MiM jazz bass… which I like but since then went mad and picked up a fretless 1996 US p bass as it was reasonably priced and a shop spoiled 2016 MiM Jaguar bass. Between the two of them I realised I was in love with the passive tone of the p.. so I sold the only ‘valuable’ guitar I had to pick up another p bass a 2008 USA which again it seems I overpaid for ( judging from this forum) I had planned to put flats on it as that was what was on the fretless. But when I got it to my rig it just sings with roundwounds on it. It’s strangely light compared to all my other basses. I love it but still want to find another p bass to put flats on it.. just a bit annoyed at trading the thumb for a loss when I could have gone straight to the USA p. So no need to find a way of not losing so much money selling the jazz to pick up another USA p bass! Seemingly being cash poor makes you lose more than I was expecting in deals.. just need to find a better paid job!!
  16. Is this up for sale at the bass gallery too?
  17. anyone own a 2013 p bass? What are the stock pickups and neck like. as we have figured out earlier it’s a thicker neck but not the holy grail of the ‘62 neck profile of post 2015. just wondering if I hold out for post 2015 used or American pro II used. I found that the 48 neck depth a little thick and hard to handle. Little bit like ‘50s style and industrial. can anyone shed some light on 12-15 range and neck profile. As in how thick is thick?
  18. Used to love just that tone. Now a days I like to have that and something else in my pocket. Like flats through a b-15 for example.. has anyone tried dunlop strings with p bass? Interested in peoples opions
  19. Yeah. 09 pickup is quite scooped. but great for pick/percussive playing and brighter thumb plucking. Very inspiring and has kind of taken over as my number 1 bass.. don’t really want to retire it to just ‘vintage/flat wounds/Motown’ sounds although mainly what I love to play!! ok. Back to the hunt for USA p bass with preferably slightly chunkier neck. Got to sell off the next Jbass but this forum has already been a great place for selling/buying and realising what normal prices vs retail prices and inflation looks like.. as I say I saw a lovely Pbass here in March get listed retail for £300 added on… so think might stay round here for trades/swap and buying/selling. Thanks again for all your help.
  20. You say the can all take flats. But which would you say sings best in a more vintage way. Because although I could put flats on my 09 p bass I think it suits roundwounds because of the neck and brightness.. I mean is it foolish to specifically get a usa p bass for flats? Should I go Mexican vintage range- or is there a sonic reason to go for a specific age p bass?
  21. I saw a p bass go on here for £800. Has now appeared at bass bros on @ £1099..
  22. How low did he go? just also looking to shift a ‘96 MIM jazz bass which And am looking for a USA Pbass.
  23. Seems like American pro 1 is what I am after to counteract my 08-12.. thanks again.
  24. i have a 2009 p bass. And I have to say it is amazing and sounds great but I am not sure how well it will handle flatwounds. It feels light and the neck is far more streamlined than my 90’s fretless p bass. What I was wondering is whether to go 90’s again, AVRI or as you say more modern. I tried two American pro ii’s recently- exactly same model but felt very different.. one felt very vintage and like an old 62 neck, the other one seemed to be less so and not to be leaning that way… so in order to go flat with a p.. which age or model should I be hunting for?
  25. What do people reckon is the best value for money? Used of course: American pro II, AVRI or older American pro? Japanese vs USA? also do vintage features really make that much difference to the sound?
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