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Everything posted by rumour6

  1. Natural soft spot as it's the same colour scheme as my '73 Jazz (bought new in that very year (shows age)... sadly long gone). Luckily I'm 6,000 miles away and skint... Love the look of this and was knocked out by the sound of Frailins in a MIJ Jazz my mate had. Best of luck.
  2. Had a V6, of all the Trace tube heads it was by far my personal fav. (had several V8's and mates had V4 and AH400) Very focussed, punchy sound... oh, and loud as pigs... always helps
  3. Good call man, enjoy what you've got in its place...
  4. Well said sir ... pass the cheese...
  5. You sir are a very brave man... Tele interfering = death in my neck of the woods.... Great price for much underrated piece of kit.
  6. I have a Fretless 5 by Alan and played this when I went to pick mine up.... I've had a Yammy TRB6P original series, Pulcinella 6 and tried many others. This bass is BEST six you'll EVER play. I have no dosh and no way of getting any... saddest man on the forum. There's no better 6 on here regardless of brand or money.. IMHO... oh and I'm right BTW., I won't say 'good luck' just hope someone realises what an opprortunity this is...
  7. That's gorgeous, what you ARE playing must be really special. I love the colour scheme/finish.
  8. I'm currently using (loving) a CL: have used a Skunkworks, Trace V8's, V6's AH500's, Acoustic 370, 320 etc etc... if you want it to 'just happen' for live bass so you, the band and the venue all hear AND feel what's going on there's [b]no better tool[/b].. IMHO. The 410HLF; serious bass... And me sober and with no commission....
  9. Having done mucho A/B.. if you don't want the 86lbs lug of a Classic, the 3Pro is as close as you can get. having seen it I can say this is one immaculate.
  10. Oh man.. pity, I have a Recurve 5 F/less (wieghs nowt..) and the sounds available are stunning. anyone buying an ACG (with all the correct info ) will not be disappointed. Being emmmm 55+ have to say weight matters more...(the bass's[b] not[/b] mine..!!). Whoever gets this will be over the moon at what it can do... Best of luck.
  11. The gear is in tip top condition and Andy's a great bloke to deal with...
  12. I''m sure there are versions of Marshall Bass cabs with them as standard, the DBS or similar 215's... you know the gold ones... also the previous bi-amp 15 & 210 Marshall boxes... I think?!?!
  13. Slightly off but I have a GK Neo 112 (Mk1: slightly smaller): it weighs next to nothing, goes much deeper than you'd think and takes a fair pounding from my iAmp800. I can't get over what you get for the money from GK. Also had an MB150S Mk111 which i loved the tone from.
  14. I think Bose used it first in the 802's saved many a horn driver...
  15. Hi there, used Trace since 1984 (AH400 original 150W@8ohm Hi pass + 250W@4ohm Low + 1812 (18 + 15 +12) cab) to AH500s + above etc etc... gone lightweight... bought an SVT Classic and Trace 1524 cab Also have a EA iAmp800 I use with a GK Neo 112 if I'm playing in a telephone box and someone's on the phone... The cab is great and goes surprisingly loud and deep, the amp tone shaping is fantastic and it's completely silent and reasonably light (19lbs), loud enough but no match for a MkV AH500.
  16. I've owned Wals, GBs, Statii??, Egypt, Overwater and all the 'stock' names: currently have an ACG Recurve and a Bass Doc/Cairnes 'Jazz' 5... there's just something about the way they play/feel. The point I'd make is that given ALL of the above are beautifully made/sounding instruments, you REALLY need to try as many as you can; so a big thanks to all of the shops who stock custom built units.
  17. Forgot... Marshall 2001: [size=5][b]8 x KT88[/b][/size] conservatively rated at 375W RMS by Marshall. Bit of a bu**er to lift but emmm very present when it's finished sucking all the power from your street and moved into KILL mode....
  18. Hi there, pics will always help move things along; might also be an idea to list a couple of things you'd like to end up with instead. Best of luck.
  19. A Dan Armstrong sliding pickup medium scale bass... from purchase to return as trade-in: 6hrs (including one each way on the bus...). Don't know why I ever took it out the shop never mind parting with cash...
  20. I recently picked up a Jazz5 from hillbilly deluxe: Howard body, Jim neck: best Jazz I've owned. [attachment=132170:IMAG0057.jpg]
  21. Funny you should mention it but... I've never used Gibson basses (apart from a small shot of a week or so to convince myself it was against nature...) BUT, recently I keep looking at a Flying V bass on these very pages... I'm 56 and should know better... or should I
  22. As per Mr F above.. an 80's Hiwatt 200 or 400 is BEYOOONNNDDD!!! Less said about M'ground the better. OR and early (up to series V)Trace. More recent but still in the past, the Marshall DBS 400W head was superb sounding (I agree Marshall are often overlooked as doing good bass amps). Up to date I'd love to hear a Laney Nexus tube head but never even seen one in the flesh.
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