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Everything posted by rumour6

  1. You CANNOT go wrong with any of Alan's basses... love the facing on this one.
  2. No dosh but HOLY F**k... stunning!!!
  3. have one of these, (TWO WOULD BE SILLY) I use with a Markbass SD1200... doesn't matter what you want to do where, this does it... really light comapared to what you guess just lookin' at it... I play mostly 5 ST fretless (ACG); cab sings and how...
  4. O.F.F.S... Fabby. I wonder if there's anything in any of the pics that could be attributed to being the cause of said bad back??? W bins do 'Proper' trouser flapping with the added free laxative effect... +1 on the respect front...
  5. Whooooa a CV BG250 head!!!... sorry .. off topic but saliva rules...
  6. Luckily I live in Edinburgh... 'cos 'being over 60' and 'having no need' are NOT accepable reasons not to buy this cab at the asking price... used a 371 rig for yonks... 1x18 folded horns... NONE more room filling (read ANY room/hall/stadium) LOVE the white CV baffle... all the best!!
  7. cannot overstate how well this went... just bought a combo from Tony, comms/shipping/packing/description AND the combo itself.. all, to quote a famous guitarist, 'go up to 11' totally recommend and would 100% buy from Tony again... good as it gets.
  8. Thanks man
  9. Hi, what's the scale length?
  10. Have one of these... not same as Little Mark series... loud beyond but controlled and warm... totally fabby!!
  11. I'm 62, small local gigs only, but i have NEVER wanted anything more that this amp, at one point had a 300W Rumble Bass tube head... no words. The best.... A 300w fender tube head equals world domination... as whoever is lucky enough to snag it will find out!!! All the best all round!!!
  12. For info... https://reverb.com/uk/news/interview-fender-visionary-dan-smith-on-how-to-turn-around-a-faltering-guitar-brand
  13. This finish is Ivory as was mine.... well darkened... cool as
  14. Used to have one of these, the Dan Smith era basses marked Fender's return to really high quality after a spell of quality control issues.. super well made and play great. Fabby instruments.
  15. Any interest in any sort of trade? I'm in Edinburgh.
  16. Have a Big Twin T that i use with a Markbass SD1200, before buying, I had wondered about comments on weight, build, how thick the ply was etc etc... PLAY THROUGH ONE! these are totally fabby.. if it takes you more tha 5 secs to be convinced... you're a guitar player.... convert of this Parish
  17. No hi-jack intended but but... what a FABBY lookin' bass... Reverse TB with clovers and jazz pups... genius 😎
  18. Love these, big sound, fabby with my Jazz Deluxe V either passive or active... plenty of volume, always tight but warm.... steady....
  19. Tuppence worth... i have the 212 with horn, no mid... echo all of the above... super definition but growly if you want it to be, really light,efficient and projects really well... I used to have reservations re the thin wall construction (Alex Klaber explains really well why that's as is)... just listen to one... 5 seconds, total convert... (Jazz Deluxe V, Markbass SB1200) Ddear Walshy please promise NEVER to let me hear your 610...
  20. LOVELY colour, matching headstocks are the biz... IMHO...
  21. Did you really say too many amps? Heard it was possible but... 😁 GLWTS
  22. had a Magellan 800... LM 111 blew me away... fabby amps... got greedy... bought an SD1200. There IS a fabby rich but cutting tone to the MB amps. Whoever gets this will be well happy.
  23. fabby ad fabby deal... bloody mised it... typical!! Seriously, £25 to *iss about trying whatever you wanted to do to find out how bass work is just great. Total respect to Binky bass!!
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