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12stringbassist last won the day on February 19

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About 12stringbassist

  • Birthday October 21

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    North Manchester UK

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  1. Paul McCartney Sting Lemmy Mark KIng Phil Lynott John Entwistle Sid Vicious Oh yes it's hard to name 10 bassists that the man on the street would easily come up with... Some of mine are probably a bit obscure to the younger end now.
  2. THE WHO BY NUMBERS. A less than cheerful listen...
  3. We just picked a few songs from our set and some extra bits and sewed them together....
  4. The bass section at PMT in Salford is rather sad these days.
  5. I very rarely go into a musical instrument store these days, as I have decided to thin the herd rather than adding to it. With only a couple of years or so of playing, I am unlikely to buy a guitar or bass now, as I have what I need.
  6. Slade are now in that situation, with only Dave Hill from the original line-up. I haven't seen the Nod and Jim-less version of the band since 2000. I just can't bear it. When Dave and Don parted company, that made it even less attractive.
  7. My band's got an album out - all original songs - available here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305838185616
  8. Did anyone actually manage to get any of the Rory Gallagher items sold yesterday? I assume an amount of it will be in bank vaults.
  9. You get bands who continue and evolve over many years - I'd cite Dr feelgood as a band that has shed original members gradually and once the last of those left, the question obviously arises - should they stop? Obviously not. They have kept an audience (maybe smaller than in their heyday) and serve them. I liken most bands to WH Smiths. Some one leaves, it's still WH Smiths. I have to hold back a snigger at a certain band in the North West who BOUGHT a band's name for £1500 and trot out some 60's clunge... introducing the songs as THEIR hits... (the bit I find funny).... but they are keeping working and making some people happy. Their website has an honest band history and you can see that the current line-up is nothing much to do with the originals.
  10. I wouldn't be without my BDI21. A little bit of drive and the tone boost are fabulous.
  11. We take between 110 and 120 a year (including a regular Sunday jam night). Our gigs are on the front page of http://www.the3.co.uk
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