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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. When it comes up in conversation again, just say it was a bargain you couldn't possibly pass up. You could afford it and you bought it with your money. Don't be pressurised into selling it, as you know that the issue is that you didn't mention it, not that you've still got it.
  2. Slade went to the USA several times and eventually decamped there for a prolonged period in 1975 and 1976 to concentrate on the Yankee dollar. They couldn't get radio on their side. TV avoided them. An earlier 'next Beatles' hype that wasn't their fault, backfired very badly on them.
  3. My other book is available on Amazon still, but it's not about my band - could have been at one point, though.... https://www.amazon.co.uk/NOIZE-discography-Mr-Ian-Edmundson/dp/179435915X/
  4. It was a pre-planned deletion - like on Stiff Records - PM'd you both back. Ian
  5. This one was mine... https://www.amazon.co.uk/GLITTERING-CAREER-MUSIC-IAN-EDMUNDSON/dp/1798712652/
  6. Still no arrival date............... Publisher: Harper Design Going to chase this up and see if a second print is likely.
  7. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gator-GWE-TBIRD-BASS-Thunderbird-Bass-Guitar/dp/B01JAPZHA8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1553478706&sr=8-2&keywords=epiphone+thunderbird+bass+case https://www.amazon.co.uk/Epiphone-Case-Thunderbird-Bass-x/dp/B0002H09OI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1553478706&sr=8-1&keywords=epiphone+thunderbird+bass+case
  8. Mine's on Amazon til tomorrow night. Then it gets unpublished.
  9. More people should write books about their band stories...
  10. I went into the city at the weekend, to drop a bass bin for our PA off for repair. I'd spotted a whole HiWatt rig for sale at a bargain price in a shop (new MaxWatt series 300w amp and 4x10 and 1x15 cabs). I thought hard about storing it and using it and didn't go into the shop when I drove up to it. Will power.
  11. Last night we played near Wigan. Our first time at the venue. I could have unloaded at the front, but the pub was full because of a 50th party. So I drove onto the rear car park. Mistake. I had a terrible time turning round to get back up towards the rear entrance and carrying the gear via a very very circuituous route to get into the pub. I vowed at that point to cancel the gig there later in the year. However, what turned out to be the party gig went well enough and we managed to load out through the front. Maybe it would be an idea to arrive a bit earlier next time.
  12. The price of the book keeps being messed about with by Amazon - currently £23.12.
  13. I find that checking the online price is the way, then comparing other shops on google to try for a price match. That won't work for a lot of their Fender guitars, as there are more variations than is sensible and identifying them. Is a pain.
  14. It is being reviewed in the next issue of Shindig (#89, Velvet Underground on the cover). It got a really good review. Hopefully the other music mags will follow suit.
  15. Sometimes the only way to play a song is like the original. We couldn't change this....
  16. I helped a band out whose bassist was ill, for a few gigs a couple of years back. The frustration of dealing with people who really don't give a toss how a song is supposed to go, astonished me. When the intro of Proud Mary bears no relation to the key of the actual song that follows it, you know that it's ONLY a couple of gigs, then you're free again..
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