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Everything posted by 12stringbassist

  1. [quote name='thebeat' post='467729' date='Apr 20 2009, 05:35 PM']..maybe when i have a bit more spare change i'll give it a twirl, though the weight issue kinda puts me off.[/quote] The weight is not insurmountable. I've done several gigs with mine. Worth having a look for one to try.
  2. I broke this one, totally and completely by accident - and I have never forgiven myself. I have tried to replace it, but am still looking for one...
  3. [quote name='RhysP' post='467060' date='Apr 19 2009, 09:23 PM']Hello there! I'm a HUGE fan of Hamers - I've got two guitars (a 1995 Standard & a 1982 Special) and I used to have a Chaparral 12 string bass too. I've just had a look at the link to your gear - LOVE the John Birch! Did you get your Chaparral 12 string off Ebay a few years ago? I have a funny feeling I might have sold it to you.....[/quote] The Chapparal was a local purchase (bankrupt stock or something) from a shop in Bolton - last year. It was new, still had some wrap on bits of it. The Birch IS nice isn't it? Made in 1976. I have actually had some daft offers for it from the USA end, but I'm not wanting to sell it just yet, though it doesn't get out that much.
  4. [url="http://www.crazeeworld.plus.com/kerbcrawlers/pages/gigs.htm"]http://www.crazeeworld.plus.com/kerbcrawlers/pages/gigs.htm[/url]
  5. I bought a lovely new USA 08 standard Fender Jazz in Boston last year. It came back on the plane with me to Heathrow, then British Airheads (sorry, Airways) managed to 'lose it' in Terminal 5, so it didn't get on the plane to Manchester with me. I found this out when miserably standing jetlagged and semi-coherent by the baggage carousel at Manchester Airport, watching for a bass case that never showed up. The customs people called me over to say my bass case had 'missed the flight'. It was on a long printoff of list baggage that somehow had not managed to turn up at the gate at the right time. They said that it would be arriving in 2 hours. I already had transport booked and waiting to get me home and so they said that they would courier it to me later on. They asked where I had flown from? I missed out the bit about buying the bass in the USA and said [b]'London'[/b], as that's honestly where I'd flown from. I told them that this bass was my oldest friend and asked couldn't they have misplaced something else instead? It arrived at 7.30 in the evening. I never paid a bean in duty. Bargain. The remainder of our adventures with BA on that return trip is on my blog at [url="http://12rants.blogspot.com/2008/07/advantages-of-flying-club-class-with.html"]http://12rants.blogspot.com/2008/07/advant...class-with.html[/url]
  6. The action on mine is fantastically low, fortunately. With very light strings, it's fantastic to play.
  7. I have a white Bison with gold gardware. The shop put it under the lights. They knew how to make me pay!!! Not sure where it was made (It's in the lockup as I type) but it's about 5-6 years old now. It sounds great onstage and has more of a Ric sound than any of my Ric's! It has a very long reach on the neck and a superb variety of sounds. It also weighs a ton!
  8. I have a few Squiers and they are pretty good on the whole.
  9. Suzi Quatro (with Suzi on bass) The Bangles (formerly with Michael Steele - end right - on bass)
  10. Hi, I [i]have[/i] used the 12er all the way through, but it doesn't suit everything we do. Both of the Hamer 12's I use are quite heavy, too. I have a nice Dean Rhapsody 8 which is lovely to play, with a nice big sound, but that comes out in its turn. I'm into my Warwicks at the moment.
  11. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='466933' date='Apr 19 2009, 06:49 PM']Enjoy the forum.[/quote] Thanks for the welcome!
  12. Hi, My name's Ian and I'm a bassoholic. I have been playing for far too long! My band, The Kerbcrawlers, can generally be found wandering the venues of the Manchester area, with a view to extracting dosh from landlords. My band website and gear page are in my signature. Cheers!
  13. [quote name='SJA' post='466884' date='Apr 19 2009, 06:27 PM']... but "reap the wild wind" from the Midge Ure era is a great line.[/quote] Have to agree with that choice. I saw them in Manchester last week and it was a ridiculously good show.
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