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Everything posted by FLoydElgar

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWkpC7jmADI
  2. I don't like Nymans... it was far to powdery and the grip for a d-bass rosin wasn't all that imo
  3. Amen. Mtroun...
  4. The basses are good... This is great price for what it is... if there was a buy now button... I'd say click it! also, try before you buy
  5. please remove
  6. a thought, instead of spending money or wasting time on mutes etc... You could practice playing quiter with the bow! The bow is capable of playing Pianmissimo as well as Forte ;-p
  7. Name is right, the double bass will hold its "new" price pretty well! Thwaites have some available in watford even a rental is good start!
  8. How much do you have to spend?
  9. Pete were are you based?
  10. Yeh they are good those bows for the money.... But if you have the money get a Claude Marchand
  11. Simple... Get a lesson on the bass first... Try their bow... Talk about whats best and how much £££ you have to invest... If I was you I'd just buy a used Carbon bow... Buy the George Vance books too... That'll assist you in getting straight into 4th position... Goodluck
  12. Yeah looking at peoples string height Mine is double o.O! Yeah, I wouldn't suggest raising it this high! Jazz on my bass isn't as smooth... too much Clarity in the strings due to the tension on the strings! I presume you picked up a solo model too? My tutor owns a Lott double bass and I was going to take Pauls Lott model when I was there earlier this year... but I am really glad i picked the smaller one as it makes a massive sound! :3
  13. @mtroun I too Own a Bryant (Soloist Model (No.96 2011) It is superb value for what they are... Classical and a bit of jazz/blues G10mm-E16mm string Height Claude Marchand Bow Belcanto strings Orchestral set
  14. It's nice to see a professional Luthier take the time to help people out on this forum! regards to that DVD... I own it and its very well thought out and each part of the DVD follows onto the next... Rather than someone who is well known saying play this exercise and increase speed to unlock the realms of virtuosity... Its simple and direct, gain some better understandings of the double bass and then conjure up some double bass questions for lessons with professionals in the future... Even try Thomas Martin's online Skype lessons that are now on offer, I posted it a pages ago and I believe someone had a lesson or two from there so... Might be worth it... As Tom is one of the best! anyways Good luck and Merry Christmas!
  15. To follow my last comment, buy this DVD, this will answer all of your bass questions! - http://www.amazon.co.uk/DVD-Double-Bass-Techniques-Number/dp/B007HWGKXA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1356438303&sr=8-1 He is my favorite soloist/tutor!
  16. Its more the space between the 1st and 2nd which requires the stretch, your 3rd finger is redundant so you can stretch it to the 4th but it naturally sits next to the 2nd... You only have to practice this for 1 min x5 times a hours (worth of practice) 3 times a day!
  17. @ 3mins 26 is the shape I'm talking about 1--23-4, however, when he mentions the distance between 1-2-4 being the same is not true in the half position. hence why I use 1--23-4... Now you can follow 1-2-4 but you'll never have precision. Now if you want to experience this (pick up our tuner then pick up the double bass) find Gsharp using 1st finger on the G string then use 2nd finger for A (a semitone away) then 4th finger for Bb then look at your hand... I will bet you my bryant, the distance between finger 1-2-4 are not the same. You have to stretch finger one more than 2-4 for Perfect intonation!
  18. Link me the clip please! I'm suggesting what I have been told and have for practiced for many hours... which has paid off with very good lower left hand technique. So... I am passing on what I am told... I still practice it every day... as I'd rather not worry about the intonation and just play the music... Iam not perfect but work very hard on it all.
  19. Hey Pete, Work more on shaping your hand 1--23-4 in the lower register of the bass as people saying that it's an even gap between 1-23-4 is wrong from a intonation point. PLaying with the polytune is great, however please use your ear first and check against the open strings or harmonics then to check everything with the tuner... i.e Gstring - 0G 1A 4B... (the numbers are the fingers...) 1A check against 0D 4B against Dstr 1E ( really stretch that first finger!) goodluck
  20. YES, Duncan McTier's CD's are superb - http://duncanmctier.co.uk/McTier/Discography.html
  21. Just save your money and get a Bryant, check his website and contact about prices etc... I recommend them, most Professionals use them as a second bass, due to their reliability and quality... But your choice, I just see a Bryant as an investment, as a good instrument will make it easier for you to improve, with a lot of practice and all that "jazz" haha... All the best - F
  22. Neil Tarlton's bass books are very informative... I think you'll see me ranting about how good they are cos they are = ) the testimonials are second to none... Good luck!
  23. In all honesty, Lowest bow I'd entertain is a Carbon bow... If you're looking at pernambuco bows best bet is the Claude Marchand (£1200-£1400) before you start going into £2k... When buying bows try before you buy!!!!!! It's wood, as wood varys from tree to tree the balance isn't always the same... But a bow that is not all that for you might work for someone else... Few tips keep back straight, no hunching over... Bowing arm extended and relaxed... straight bow strokes... relaxed thumb, whilst gripping the frog... even sound and from frog to the tip of the bow. = ) Good luck!
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