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Everything posted by FLoydElgar

  1. This is the man who brought the bow to a whole new level! - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fran%C3%A7ois_Tourte
  2. The real deal double bass all the way. Claude Marchand bow as well!
  3. Its a Baroque bow that stays within the correct time period of this piece!
  4. Just thought I'd share a few pieces of music with picture... 2nd mvt is the one I'd like you lot to listen to, please skip too 3 min 40 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgMKftB_aOM[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWxvEi48YWQ&feature=relmfu[/media]
  5. French or German? Price range and quality? If you got the money go to adrew Mcgill get one of the Claude Marchand bows £1400ish Boom I got one... amazing bows
  6. IF you are having shoulder issue, please look into Alexander Technique for the correct posture and remember to practice relaxation!
  7. Practice everything equally 15 mins on each (thinking about the following: right hand, left hand, pizz, arco... etc... Its longer but you'll progress faster. I.M.O... Its what I would teach to a student! Use some sticky rosin, Kolstein all weather or pops (might be too sticky) and play long notes... Open D relax hand, relax arm then you notice big sound Take your time and you'll be fine Focus on only open strings for now... You are not expected to play any lines you normally would play with your right hand, so... do what is expected of you... Open strings full bow.. From Frog to tip... Anyways... I have Some Vivaldi Cello sonata's to attack... Enjoy... Keep at it
  8. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1348219561' post='1810932'] Is this available for adults not in formal education? [/quote] well, my local council do as we rented one for my brother and they included adults as well!
  10. To start I'd recommend the George Vance "rabbath" books!! It will have you playing music and up in the thumb position Another world of excitement
  11. Great news! Just a few tips! remember to relax the arms and body for the biggest sound with the bow! like an eletric bass play, closer to the bridge for harmonics and faster bow strokes! Take your time with every aspect of the bass and enjoy it Ask your tutor about the Sevcik book and Neil Tarlton, the genius himself!! its a book of small ££££ but probably the most valuable bowing book out there! I spend months working on one exercise as there are about 150 variations to 1 exercise - that really haves you using all of the areas on the bow! I'm a bass geek so.. yeah... I get a kick out of it lol..
  12. Sounds like a good plan! Glad you got that sorted!
  13. When you get your Nick Lloyd bass do some vids
  14. Hi... Let me clear something up here... I said "...[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Depending how serious you are with the instrument... Get yourself a good tutor preferably someone who's a pro!".... Not that people who play the bow are the only serious double bass players.... Seriously I respect everyone regardless of what music they play.... End of the day we all love the bass instrument... Please remove your posts... Because we were here to help someone with questions not taking any opportunity to snipe... Much respect to all here. Floyd.[/color][/font]
  15. Do bowing... very important... Depending how serious you are with the instrument... Get yourself a good tutor preferably someone who's a pro! Buy Niel Tarlton's Bowing method books and off you go.... with a decent tutor... you'll be fine!
  16. Rent one from your Local Council... My coucil charge £40 a year if you live in Kent or £80 if you're outside! At the very least you'll know weather this is the right route for you! otherwise Thwaites in Bushey rent one at around £35 - 50 a month which is what I did for the first 6 months! Until I sold my Ken smith and amps... But I wouldn't buy a cheap instrument... not worth time or hassle! Also the insurance is like £2 a month with Thwaites and if a string breaks or anything you take it in for repairs and pick it up when its ready!!! Hassle free
  17. Elgar's Cello Concerto... Would love to hear how this made you (the listener) feel! possibly add some time frames with notes on how it touched or didn't touch you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM9DPfp7-Ck
  18. @Hector Yeah I suppose it does!! However, I'm open - post away!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7xqomuWVSY Well This has been a groove I loved for a while and very melodic!!! Yo-Yo ma is amazing!
  20. @Hector A massive fan of Edgar Meyer His playing is spectacular!!!! Listen out for the Solo's they do its awesome! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j526fXDhBLc
  21. I'm glad this had a great response! Rinat is a very special musician! He has captured the piece and executed it with so much grace. You actually forget how dexterous you have to be to play these pieces! let alone play with spectacular intonation and musicality! Here is a full concert of Duncan Mctier! He is an absolute delight to listen to! His performance of Rachmaninov's Vocalise is just epic! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x-_EiW2BZs
  22. Orchestra: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHsFIv8VA7w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-c1LLZaVCA
  23. Double bass solo pieces - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgZ_-f7pVk4&feature=BFa&list=PLjigvpB6JNyYvuSRo_uPpXxqPQEN_PvLz[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgMKftB_aOM&feature=BFa&list=PLjigvpB6JNyYvuSRo_uPpXxqPQEN_PvLz[/media]
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