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About pantherairsoft

  • Birthday 16/02/1982

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    Derby, UK

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  1. Broughton JoshWah. One of my fav sounding envelope filters, with lots of flexibility. Built in optional drive circuit for extra squelchy grit. Great condition. Fresh Velcro on the back. No box. Asking £130 posted in the UK.
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  2. I’m massively digging the Fuzzrocious Lil Fella for low-to-mid gain OD. Absolutely amazing in a mix. It’s almost pretty badass as a gated fuzz too, which is a nice bonus.
  3. I’ve been using a standard one for ages (purchased new a few years ago). This one was purchased direct from Ryan, after he found one blackout enclosure in a dusty corner - so both from new. I’d been holding out until I found a different enclosure so it’s clear on the board which is doing what (one is a sweepable LPF, the other used for LFO and regular envelope, while being swept by the first one). Also had no issue getting self oscillating out of both without the need to adjust the internal trim, so I’ve never bothered playing with it since the day I got the first one. For how I use it, stock is perfect for me. I might revisit it a bit on this one to give me some different options… but I do have enough wild stuff going on already
  4. Dr Scientist Dusk - Blackout Edition. The text is there, it’s just black, so you can only see it when the light catches it. This is my second Dusk and they are both going on the same board, so I don’t need the details twice This is bumping my Broughton JoshWah off the board and into classifieds. Love this pedal so much. I plan this to be my only pedal purchase of 2025. I’ll let you know how that goes! Ha.
  5. There is obviously no 'right' answer, but for classic squelchy synth tones, the most common order is Octave > Dirt > Filter > (Modulation), with Modulation being optional. Depending on your particular fuzz and filter, you might need to mix things up, and depending on the output of your bass, you might find fuzz before octave works better, but as a 'go to', the chain above is usually the place to start. The true sweet spot tends to come from tweaking the cutoff of your filter according to whatever your fuzz is pushing into it.
  6. WMD Geiger Counter Pro. I’ve been after one for years, and have been a long time user of the regular GC. Finally getting my hands on the big boy version was awesome and it absolutely does not disappoint!
  7. The Lusithand Ground ‘n’ Pound. On paper, everything about it was perfect for me, but the pedal was really disappointing. Nailed the tone is set out to nail in isolation, but couldn’t cut through a mix with other instruments no matter how I tried, and importantly to me, just didn’t play well with other pedals at all. Stacking it with other dirt was mess, it hated every filter I put it through and just turned to mud after an octave. Long story short. It wasn’t for me.
  8. Lil Fella is AMAZING. My go to for low gain overdrive, AND as a gated fuzz. Bloody great pedal. Half tempted to try two of them... maybe they stack well!
  9. I know it’s a long shot. I already own one, but have an idea that involves using two of them. I’m hoping I can get my hands on one for a day to give it a whirl. Happy to pay postage both ways, and will even give you a deposit if that makes you feel more comfortable. So, if you have one, and can help me out, please get in touch. ALL SORTED - thanks! Many thanks, Shep
  10. Another smooth transaction with Chris. Thanks, bud!
  11. Moog EP-3 and Fuzzrocious M.O.T.H now SOLD. Bump on the others.
  12. Correct. The Dusk replaced my Moog LPF. It's there for the synth swells and for pushing the board into dub/sub mode. It gets a lot of use. The JoshWah gets used as a traditional envelope filter, usually along with octave and fuzz for classic synth tones, which are them commonly swept through by the dusk for double resonance.
  13. Have you tried it with another power supply (or even a battery if it has that option)? Any other power supply? I'm not saying it's the issue... but I stopped using a GigRig power setup after some odd behaviour. Ruling out power is step one... and you need to try alternatives to do that.
  14. Overdue pedalboard update today. I've had a few new arrivals that, after much testing, has bumped other stuff off the board (a few bits now up for sale). In my usual rambling style, I thought I'd do a break down of the signal chain, and other details of how the board is looking right now... Input > Boss OC-5 Octave > Montreal Assembly PURPLL > Fuzzrocious Li'l Fella > Dr. Scientist Frazz Dazzler V2 > ZVEX Mastotron > WMD Geiger Counter Pro > Broughton JoshWah > Dr. Scientist Dusk (+ Moog EP-3 Expression Pedal) > GFI Synesthesia (+ GFI Triple Switch) > Hologram Electronics Microcosm > Source Audio Collider > Keeley Bassist Compressor > TC Electronic Polytune2 Mini > Output I also keep another Moog EP-3 on the floor pending the mood I'm in, usually connected to the Geiger Counter Pro or Microcosm. All pedals mounted on a Pedaltrain Jr Max, using an OCD In/Out Jack Kit, all cabled with EBS gold flat patch cables and powered by a CIOKS DC7 and 8 Expander (this power supply is a beast - barely tipping the 40% capacity mark for this board). While most of this stuff has been here for a while, the return of the Mastotron has been significant. I moved mine on years ago for various other boutique gated fuzz pedals, but coming full circle... nothing beats it for gated synthy fuzz. Utterly in love with pretty much everything here. I'm still in the honeymoon period with the JoshWah, but with minimal tweaking the Sense knob, it plays really well with all my dirt pedals. Overall, very happy!
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