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Posts posted by pantherairsoft

  1. 2 minutes ago, Hellzero said:

    Come (back) to Europe. 😁

    We're actually contemplating a move to Germany. My brother-in-law moved there 6 months ago (he got a job with Thomann) and is absolutely loving life. We went over to visit between lock-downs and felt really inspired. It's a serious consideration.

    Edit - this thread has gone major off topic! 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Lfalex v1.1 said:

    Nevertheless, cheap they ain't, and even if you bought them direct from BassLab, you'd still get hit for import taxes post-Brexit.

    So that €3350 just became €4020. Plus, presumably, shipping and currency conversion... eeek!

    This is the agonising truth. At €3100, compared to other luthier specs, it sounds about right. But add VAT once it hits the UK and it’s time to cry. Wish I’d investigated this a few months ago :)

  3. My google-foo has failed me!

    Many (many) years ago I stumbled over a bass maker and one model in particular that gave me major GAS. It was ‘very’ out there, most notably from the fact that the upper horn travelled the full length of the neck and connected to the headstock! I’ve never seen anything else quite like it - I can sketch something if the description doesn’t make sense.

    They typically came in very striking colours as well - metallic purples and blues etc.

    I seem to think that they were a composite, opposed to wood build, but that detail may be incorrect.

    Does anyone know what the hell I’m talking about? I’d love to track down the builder (and ideally, one of said basses!).



    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, lee650 said:

    Hey great to see you Shep! Welcome back!

    I've bought stuff from you in the past,and always a big fan of your pedalboards 😁

    Hey dude!

    Rebuilding said pedalboard is currently in planning :)

  5. 17 hours ago, sprocketflup said:

    Boooo :( lost loves

    The one that really hurts is my 32" scale Roscoe LG5. That was sold during financial hardship. Sometime later, I tried to trace it back through the person I sold it to, and then the person they sold it to etc. Ends up that it's now in a musical instrument museum in Japan and is not for sale :(

    I have my eye on something in the market place though. Hoping it's still there when my inheritance comes in soon :)

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, sprocketflup said:

    Hey Shep :) You still got that Rim Marseer?

    I don’t :(

    But I’d very much like to find it again! It was pretty special (though the neck was a tad wide for me).

  7. 5 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:

    Good evening, Shep , and ...


    Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. rWNVV2D.gif



    Hang on a minute; that Username rings a bell. Weren't you that fellow who played bass in... Errrm... Oh dear; it's quite slipped my mind. You know the one I mean, though. It is you, isn't it..? Isn't it..? :/


    :lol: :P

    Most probably, yes :) ha

    • Haha 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, OutSpoon said:

    Hey man, sorry but I’ve now sold (subject to shipping) this bass. I didn’t update the listing yet. If something goes wrong, I’ll let you know. The bass is currently with Jon Shuker not me, if that makes your travel and shorter! 

    Ah! No worries. I hope the sale goes smooth. Thanks for the update.

    • Like 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, dmccombe7 said:

    If you know the old email address can you still access the account and change the ownership details ? 

    I'm just guessing with that as never had to do it. I know my old aol email address i can access old items even tho i changed address at least 8 yrs ago.


    You’d think so... but apparently not. It just won’t give us access. Not that we’re super bothered, it is very much an ‘old project’.


    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Rich said:

    Yay! Welcome back matey :D oh how I remember your awesome pedalboard. Amazing otherworldly sounds from your (Roscoe IIRC?) bass.

    You're still on youtube too!



    Oh yeah, YouTube too!

    We’re in the odd position that neither of us seem to be admins on the Facebook page anymore and the email address associated with Bamdcamp, YouTube and Spotify no longer exists... so material is out there, but we don’t really have control of it anymore! Ha. So yeah, enjoy what’s out there!

    Synthetiks - prob the best track we made. Utter b@@@h to play live. Soooooo many pedals active at once in multiple parallel loops. In the interest of the amplification question in this thread, that was an EBS Fafner into a Barefaced Big Twin T, though I did go smaller further down the line and found stuff that could still cope with the sub lows.

    • Like 2
  11. Ok, I’m mega late to this party... first time I’ve logged in here for about a year, but..  I’m Shep and I’m still alive.

    My old blog was closed down when I stopped playing bass as much (I got a record deal ‘producing’ for an electronic act - WRISTS) but Si offered to host all the interviews I’d done so everyone could still read them - hence the Shep/Si connection.

    My old ‘band’ was Our Helical Mind - google it and you’ll find stuff on Bandcamp and Spotify. We were 2 guys using drums and a bass to make analogue drum & bass. It was fun, but we kinda peaked at what we could do with just 2 of us around the release of ‘Synthetiks’ and figured that Nerve had the 3-piece market already covered, so we called it a day. The pedalboard was a 2-man lift. It was insane. As was the tap dancing.

    Thanks for remembering me though. Makes me feel all important! Sorry it took me 9 months to reply!

    • Like 4
  12. I can’t believe this is still here! This is the first time I’ve logged into the site in 2020 and I recall drooling over this the last time I was here.

    Maybe the fact that it’s still available is a sign! As such, a few questions...

    1. I assume it’s still in the near-pristine condition in was when you posted it up? Also, still strung E-C, right?

    2. Can I come and try the bass at some point? It’s actually a rather epic 5-hour round trip (and that’s if the traffic is kind) for me, but I swore to myself that I’d never buy a bass before playing it ever again. Too many purchase regrets! 

    3. Are you open to negotiation on the price (obviously done in private)? I appreciate the ‘new’ value of the bass and the potential value it holds to you, but it going unsold for so long speaks volumes as to ‘what people will pay’ for such an instrument, me included.



    • Like 1
  13. 11 minutes ago, Daz39 said:

    What does the r.i.p. knob do?

    It's an adjustable filter which adds in some wet synth sound. Tech21 have always be cagey about what it actually does, but it appears to be an adjustable band witch filter with increasing resonance. It can be turned off entirely for no synthy tone.

  14. 14 minutes ago, lee650 said:

    I used to have one and it even beat my original Mastaron as i was running both! If anyone wants the sound of a 3 leaf Doom this can get close and do more besides, great synthy octave up brassmaster tones can be had too. A really versatile drive at a great price 😁 the sellers a pedal legend too!!

    I like that 'pedal legend' bit ;)

    I agree with everything said in this post though. It's very versatile and has insane low end.

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