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Posts posted by pantherairsoft

  1. Found this... Seems pretty good for the price and no worries about it fitting or not!

  2. I would say the man above makes sense....

    The Superfly is an odd creature, a friend of mine runs one, through the old ashdown 4 x 8 and 1 x 15 compact cabs... He had a similar problem. he now uses it almost as a power amp only and gets his sound by running it into a POD.

    I'd say that maybe somewhere between what the amp puts out and the 2 x 10 can take your loosing a bit of clarity driving it hard. Maybe another 2 x 10 or a 1 x 15 would help round your sound out a little more.

    For a little more versatility without too much stress you could try a simple parametric EQ as well... just to round off your tone in certain areas....

  3. [quote name='KevB' post='646463' date='Nov 5 2009, 05:14 PM']Come to think of it my jazz has never had a proper shop set up and it's due for a restring anyway so I may nip in on Sat, would it be likely to be done same day if I brought the replacement strings with me (which were bought at the shop anyway) ?[/quote]

    PM'd regarding set-ups

  4. Right, I'm Back this week. Apparently someone popped in to say ho last week and mentioned BassChat, but I wasn't around... If it was you... Sorry! :-)

    I'm told that 3 of my recently set up basses hav sold in the last 10 days, 2 of which had been there unsold for over 2 years... So something working!

  5. [quote name='51m0n' post='646315' date='Nov 5 2009, 03:21 PM']Thats not bad!

    Mind you I got mine new for £470, back in the day....[/quote]

    I paid £500 for mine new after some haggling... which for what it does is still a bargain. I have no desire to ever use another amp head at all... which is saying something!

  6. [quote name='wayneyboy' post='644774' date='Nov 3 2009, 10:14 PM']i have just got a travellor 1x15- tried it with my ebs td650- awesome! didnt think it would be enough on its own but certainly was- got a new 2x10 to go with it but think may get another 1x15 so will sit on top nicely for bigger gigs- must say very impressed![/quote]

    Do you find the 1x15 handles the clarity of sound well enough on its own? I like a lot of high-mids so my flangers and chorus sounds ring out... according to the 'quoted' frequencies I was unsure if the 151p would give them the credit they deserved...

  7. Ah, yes... I should of said....

    A 2U rack bag would be fine... but I do not have the rack ears as I bought my SA450 without them, and with a set of rack ears costing the same as the rack bag I was looking for other options... That does still work out cheaper than the MarkBass bag though so is currently the best option!

    I am happy to just have a case and bag I just take it out of/put it back into for transportation and storage though... its no big stress to do so.

  8. Hi guys,

    can anyone recommend a decent am case or amp bag for my MArkBass SA450 head.

    I am trying to avoid paying £90 odd quid for the Markbass one, as much as I would love it...

    I would prefer a bag over a flight/brief case style bt will consider anything that people have some experience and success with. I have tried all the local shops for a standard padded messenger style bag, but have not found one that is large enough for the head...


  9. Cheers for the words of advice. I do use lots of effects, but not too much overdrive and distortion... and I never 'push' my amp... As of yet I have never had my gain or volume past 50%. I like a nice clean, smooth tone.

    Cheers again for the guidance!

  10. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='616862' date='Oct 4 2009, 08:19 PM']For me it's gotta be playing on every track of Texas based band The Secret Handshake's new record!! I've been a fan for ages so being asked to do it and getting paid for it is just awesome!! That along with the fact that there's thousands of people out there in the world enjoying that CD, millions of plays on myspace and knowing that even roger sadowsky took the time to check my tracks out (he loved it) really makes me proud of it! :)[/quote]

    I saw them not too long ago supporting Bring me the Horizon at Rock city... very off support choice given the pop-esque live sound of The Secret Handshake, but all of the emo kids loved it. Actually Bring me the Horizon were crap anyway so Secret Handshake was prob the highlight of the night!

    No live bass though..!? Was just drums and vocals live with backing track, which I thought was a shame.

    Mine was finishing my debut album back in 2001 and holding the finished product in my hands. Seemed like a dream at the time. Then 2 months later seeing it in independent music stores and a 'selected' 30 HMV stores. Reading the 4K review in Kerrang magazine and thinking we'd made it.

    Lowest point, was 3 months later when HMV sent 90% of the stock back as unsold as our management deal (if thats what you call it) had done no promotion and shortly after the band fell apart... The high was pretty good though :-).

    The other was 2 years ago, with a reformed 3 piece version of the same band, playing main stage Nottingham Rock City, the venue I had seen all my fav artists on whilst supporting 'Reuben'. Great gig. We called it a day after that... quit while your ahead and all that. I remember walking out onto the stage thinking 'I've seen Mike Patton walk this same walk onto the stage'... I felt like the coolest dude in the world for 45 mins.


  11. I have a question that I don't think has been covered!!!

    I am running a MarkBass SA450, which runs 300W into 8OHMS and 500W into 4OHMS

    Its well know that you want your speakers to be able handle more than your amp can give to allow a little headroom... but if you have two speakers.... do you add the Wattage together, or treat them as separate...

    I want to use some portable cabs for on the go gigging.

    I am planning on getting my hands on some MarkBass Traveler cabs in the near future two of these will run at 400W, 8OHMS each. Therefore my amp will be putting a 4 OHMS load into them (8ohm + 8ohm = 4ohm), meaning 500W...

    So Am I likely to cause damage to the speakers, or is the combined wattage of 800W enough to take the 500W @ 4 ohm...


  12. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='642035' date='Oct 31 2009, 05:29 PM']i'm gonna say, compression, subharmonic processor are the two main things going on there.[/quote]

    +1 on that... definitely the subharmonic... I think thats a staple part of his recording tone for Make Yourself & Morning View

  13. I have an SA450 and love it, great tone, and the most amazing sounding solid state amp I have ever used in my life. Having tried most of the MarkBass options, its by far the best IMO and I would choose it over its more expensive alternatives as well.

    Cab wise I have a Markbass 6 x 10 (106HF), which sounds absolutely stunningly crystal clear and the SA450 drives it beautifully. Its stunningly loud, the amp volume rarely gets over 25% even in a loud band situation. The cab is costly however, and slightly large for my needs, so am interested in looking at the smaller cab options out there, maybe a 4 x 10 or a 2 x 10 and a 1 x 15. Id take the 106HF over any 8 x 10 alternatives on the market though, for the fact its about half the weight of them alone!

  14. I have the same problem with the Bongo... I play an Overwater and whenever I play a Bongo I think 'its not as nice as my Overwater'... yet the though of a Bongo 6 is so exciting I come over all funny!

  15. [quote name='FLoydElgar' post='628713' date='Oct 17 2009, 12:46 PM']Nice man post a couple of pics and the spec :)

    Sorry for the late reply. I think most have seen mine already but here goes...

    Overwater Evolution 5 string
    Fretted 35" scale

    Body: White Ash with Wenge top plate (with matching headstock, pick up covers AND 12th fret marker)
    Neck: 3 piece Maple with a Maple board (side dots, but only the Wenge Marker on the 12th)
    Hardware: Black - Hipshot style (with moveable saddles for string spacing)
    Electronics: OW BMT 3 band preamp and OW5 pickups (wood covers)
    Strings: OW Medium weight Nickels

    Pics from Overwater...

    Pics under a more natural light by me...


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