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Posts posted by pantherairsoft

  1. Hi people,

    Mark Bass 106HF... A beast of a cab, but surprisingly light for it's size. The cab can handle 1200w and runs at 6ohms. It's a 6 x 10 with a 1" compression driven horn (adjustable vis a dial on the side of the cab). The SA450 drives it beautifully. This cab is now discontinued and has become a bit a rare one with a stupidly high retail value. Last month I bought a new pair of casters an wheels from MarkBass's UK distributors and since fitting them it has only left the house once.

    The cab is in great condition and sounds absolutely stunning. I am only getting rid due to size, and know I am going to miss the sound :-(

    Reluctantly this is now [b]SOLD[/b] NO OFFERS , providing you are willing to collect, This is because I do not have a car and I don't fancy taking it on the train! Anyone that would like to try this out, I am in Nottingham and your more than welcome to come and put it through it's paces! Please bear in mind that people are asking more for 4x10's on here than I'm asking for this!

    PM me for a quicker reply...

  2. [quote name='budget bassist' post='612271' date='Sep 29 2009, 05:55 PM']could you drop me a pm when that corvette becomes "priced to sell"? i may be interested.[/quote]

    Yeah will do. I had a good play around with it today. It needs the action and truss rod sorting, which I will do on Saturday and it could do with some new strings as well. The fretboard needs a good lem-oiling, again I'll do that on Saturday as well.

    Its up at £649, which seems to be about average 'in retail' for them at the mo, but it does have a the Turquoise Blue finish, and it also have a fretboard with no fret markings as well... neither of those options are available on a factory run Corvette now to my knowledge, and it does sound nice (fantastically light for a Corvette as well). I will have to see what they paid for it on Saturday and see what happens. I think, had it been set up right in the first place it would of sold at £649 long ago... quite possibly to me :-)

  3. I have just spent 2 hours down at the Guitar and Drum centre, trying to go though stock and to try out a few amps with both my bass and there basses and in most cases I was pleasantly surprised.

    The SWR Working Pro range they stock is fantastic, its expensive but when you think its cheaper than my MarkBass by a mile and tonally very close, plus the lovely added extra of a foot switch with a mute and 2nd channel (Bass Intensifier), its very nice.

    I raised the issue of strings. They mainly deal in Ernie Ball Slinkys, but also have a few dribs and drabs of D'darrio (is that how you spell it?), Hartke and rotosounds. All the 5 string sets are EB's as are the Flat wounds (yes they do have some in stock, but only Med gauge and only 4 string sets). We had a good chat about strings and they are currently sourcing pricing to start stocking Elites as the primary string, and I have suggested they speak to Overwater about the chance of stocking some of there stings as well.

    As they have access to the entire Ibanez range with the exception of the Prestige items (these are from a different distributor) I have already suggested that stop sticking to the budget ranges and so we are looking at getting some BTB's in soon. They mainly stock the ATK and GSR's along side the Sound Gear range but are keen to do more with Ibanez now they no longer deal with Warwick due to a few distribution issues (so I'm told).

    That said, the Warwick Corvette and the Warwick Profet 3.2 and a few cabs that are left in stock will soon be 'priced to sell' should anyone be looking. Fingers crossed, come saturday I should have a little control over shifting out old stock that has been there for a while, in order to fund getting in more up to date stock.

    Watch this space.

  4. Dale and the boys at Fuzz are cool, there product range is quite luxury as well, there pricing however is a bit off as they carry much of the same Fender stock as Guitar ANC Drum, but slap an extra £200 on them... Not sure why!?

    I know Fuzz are looking to sell a few decent bass ranges in the near future as well so hopefully they'll be one to watch...

    If your at college nearby I assume thates Stoney Street? I'm at the Ice House around the corner... Small world!

  5. Sorry, your right. Music Room is correct. I got the staff right though! Maybe I get good service because I've known them for years! :-) To be honest I don't shop there a great deal, I have an apartment in the city and can see Guitar & Drum centre as well as Soundcheck out of the window... No prises for guessing where I go when I need something!

  6. [quote name='cytania' post='611845' date='Sep 29 2009, 12:38 PM']Do they do part-exchanges there?[/quote]

    Not really. I asked that myself as a customer about a year ago and was told they avoid it due to them never shifting on 2nd hand stuff. If anything changes though I'll let you know!

    [quote name='WonderHorse' post='611874' date='Sep 29 2009, 12:53 PM']My GF has just started uni at Nottingham so I'll make an effort to go to this place.

    Only place I've been to so far in Notts si the one in Victoria Centre. Wasn't too shabby.[/quote]

    That would be Music Inn. It's good for sheet music and picks/cables etc, due to it being a small store there range is obviously limited! Joe, Matt and Rachel are great staff though. Joe is actually a damn good bass player, you can fond his band on myspace, called 'The Other Left'. Very funky.

  7. I agree. I expected to be met with a little more resistance but Dave and Andy were really keen on the idea of having someone around now and then they can pick up a few pointers about bass from and I was pleasantly surprised about there honesty over the lack of knowledge.

    Hope a few people can pop in, a bit of feedback on the range from other Basschatters will go along way as well!

    Here's to the revolution ;-)

  8. Great stuff guys. I'm hoping I can steer them in a more commercial direction in terms of what's on the wall. There is actually some nice Ibanez stuff in as well as a surprisingly good Washburn under £300, but they are hanging out of reach and go unnoticed.

    Give it a month or so and hopefully things will be brighter for bass in Notts :-)

    I have a half day at work today so I'm going to take my Overwater down this afternoon and go through the amps they have in stock. I know the sound of my bass so I'm hoping it will give me an insight to what each of the amps they have in is capable of...

  9. Hey people,

    For any of you that have visited Nottingham Guitar & Drum Centre you will know it has a great range of low - mid priced basses (one of the largest for miles) and a workforce with a reputation for great customer service... And absolutely NO knowledge about bass at all!

    This is my 'local' store, but I was getting sick of picking up a nice bass to find out it has been set up by someone who has no clue.

    So what did I do?

    I took a punt that something might change and confronted the owners, Dave & Andy about the way they handle there bass stock, both of which admit the stock is not tendered too as it should be, and that none of the staff can set up a bass. At the end of the rant and lecture they offered me a job!

    So... As of this Saturday I can be located at the store as the 'resident bass expert'. As I work full time plus some already I will just be doing 4 hours 10 - 2 for the time being, taking time to go through the entire bass stock, one by one, setting up, cleaning and generally making thier bass range more playable. They will be looking to me to advise them on where to go with the stock and so I expect to be selling through the older items in the near future.

    If any Basschatters are in the Nottingham area on Sarurday mornings, it would be cool to put names to faces etc. Bring a bass down... There's some nice SWR Working Pro rigs that need a real test!!

    If your about pop in and ask for Shep!

  10. [quote name='Kev' post='604810' date='Sep 21 2009, 06:13 PM']PLEASSSSSE don't judge a fuzz pedal by soundclips on the internet! Iv gone through a fair few, and IME i have found that, more so than any other type of effect, fuzz pedals vary wildly with your setup and, more importantly, your playing style. Unless you really cannot try one out, do not rule out pedals from sound clips.[/quote]

    I can't agree more!

    I heard nothing but cack about the Bass Blogger and the Internet snippits made it sound like a fart box. One went on eBay for £25 so I bought it on a punt and I bloody love it! It's my main overdrive, holds all the bottom end and the tone of the bass. Flick the switch over to it's fuzz setting and it's a bottom end monster! I particuarly like the fact that when in ' drive' mode the volume dial becomes redundent as it matches your input volume... Means if you take it out and about with you you don't have to fiddle about matching the volume to your amp.

    And... It's well under your £70 budget leaving you beer money for after the gig!

  11. [quote name='alexharvay' post='605689' date='Sep 22 2009, 03:42 PM']Yeah, that's really nice. I like seeing boards neat and tidy, makes all the difference. A pedal Train 2 is next on my list.[/quote]

    I agree. George L's let you do that though. They are cut just to size, to avoid any excess cable, and also to hold the daisy chain cable against the bottom of the board :-)

    [quote name='cheddatom' post='605703' date='Sep 22 2009, 03:49 PM']Nice board! Needs moar dirt though.[/quote]

    Explain dirt...?

    I would consider 'dirt' to be overdrives etc... I have an overdrive, a really really heavy distortion and a synth with squarewave/bit cruncher style distortions on it as well, so id say I have more than enough!... or do you mean something else?

    I'm a bit more into tone than fuzz though to be honest...

  12. Time for the finished shots. I have been though a silly amount of pedals to fill the last space until I found something that fit with my sound, and settled on a Pro Co Turbo Rat for some filthy distortion and feedback. The Bass Blogger stays on 'Drive' mode for my fat punchy sound. Run the Blogger and the Rat together on risk of serious injury! :-)...

    So here it is...

    And before people ask... a night shot (yes the Blue LED really is THAT bright!)...

    All mounted on a Pedal Train 2, patched with George L's and powered by a Diago Powerstation (both EHX pedals have a GigRig Virtual Battery so it all runs of daisy chain).

    Signal chain is you care...

    (Bass) --> TU-2 --> Bypass Loop --> Turbo Rat --> Bass Blogger --> BF-2B --> CEB-3 --> DiscumBOBulator --> Bass Microsynth --> DD-3 --> Back to the Bypass Loop --> (Amp)

  13. I was lucky enough to meet Nine Inch Nails before there last gig in Manchester, as well aseeting all the road crew. I had a good chat with the bass tech about how complex Justin's set up was and had loads of questions to ask him.

    When I did, my questions came out a bit like 'pleh blah ahhhhhhhhh errrr.... Bye'. I am never lost for words....!

    Then I met Trent Reznor and managed to muster, 'Hi, Im Shep', to which he replied 'i'm Trent, it's awesome to meet you, I hope you enjoy the show'.

    I searched hard for the best statement to keep the thrilling conversation going and came up with, 'thanks, I will... Bye'


    It was a surreal experience, but cool

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