Hi People,
New to the forum.
I'm Shep. I had been playing bass for 8 years solid, got through a huge range of gear and had an album out on 2001, but I'll keep the band to myself to avoid any insults and negative feedback (:-)). Main usage was Warwick Basses and Ampeg amps.
I retired from bass playing at the end of 2007 and have not picked up a bass since. I think the time away has done me some good and left me with my creativity bubbling! I am now seriously considering picking one up again.
I'm sure much has changed since I left the scene... but its like riding a bike isn't it :-)?
Considering going for one of the few basses I have used but not owned, either a Stingray (everyone has to own one at Some point!?), Warwick Thumb BO (Used to play a streamer quite a bit and always fancied the thumb) or a Wal if I can lay my hands on a pretty one.
Hope to speak to people going forwards,