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Everything posted by mildmanofrock

  1. Thanks Mace, dood. Great advice. I can't believe my Pod has been gathering dust for 4 years while I've sp**ked hundreds on various preamps and pedals. And my dream sound was there all along.
  2. Thanks fella. You say the XLR includes cab simulation. Do you know if there's any way to switch this off - so if I'm using it to send a signal to the front-of-house desk, it won't conflict with the PA speakers?
  3. Thanks for encouraging me to persevere with the Pod, dood!
  4. A revelation. After 4 years, I've realised just how great the Pod X3 Live is. And its all down to using the Live 1/4 jack plugs to connect to my power amp - not the XLR direct out, which sounded fuzzy. It's incredible. I will never need another pre or multiple effects pedals again.
  5. Thanks! I'll give it a go.
  6. Hi folks, I wonder if you could help. I have a power amp, Sansamp Paradriver - which I use as a pre - and a Pod X3, which I use for effects, but with no amp simulation settings. When I just use the Sansamp, everything sounds fine and clear. However, with the Sansamp and Pod together, the sound distorts slightly and clips occasionally - even on a totally clean setting with no effects. Any thoughts? Should I put the Sansamp first or second in the signal chain? Fiddle with the volumes on the Pod? Or bin the Pod altogether - which would be a shame because I like its effects? Any advice gratefully received! Thanks, Steve. P.S. just realised this might need to be in the 'technical issues' section. Sorry!
  7. One word: sponds.
  8. Don't go, join the party. Thanks for the tips folks. I'll give that loopy tape thing a go.
  9. I use a Sansamp Paradriver floor pedal as a preamp for my power amp. Rather than bend over and fiddle with its knobs in the dark during gigs, can anyone recommend a secure way to attach/strap it to my 2U rack case or power amp? I tried strong pedal tape once. Didn't work - the vibrations wobbled it loose. Thank you, Steve
  10. Just interested, because I use the 115 with a hydrive 410 and it sounds huge. And it pumps out more low-end than the 410. Well, to my ears, anyway.
  11. What's wrong with the 115?
  12. Bought Sam's Gator rack case - great bloke to deal with!
  13. Thanks Dan. Or if anyone wants to trade a 2 unit rack case for this, let me know.
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