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Everything posted by mildmanofrock

  1. Folks, I'm struggling. If you can help, I'd really appreciate it. I'm replacing my Sansamp Para Driver with the Aguilar Tone Hammer. With the Sansamp, my EBS octabass tracked fine in this signal path: [b]Bass > Sansamp > EBS multidrive > EBS multicomp > EBS Octabass > EBS IQ (envelope)[/b] Now I've swapped the Sansamp with the Tone Hammer, the bloody Octabass isn't tracking properly. Is it a problem with the Tone Hammer? Or is there something fundamentally wrong with the signal path? Thanks people.
  2. Great bloke - can't fault the transaction.
  3. Me neither! Never mind. Ibanez now sold, Sansamp still for sale.
  4. Hi folks - couple of pedals for sale: Sansamp Bass Driver DI - really good condition (apart from the back which has a few cosmetic nicks from peeling off some pedal board tape). Complete with box. £85 posted. [attachment=28355:DSC00655.JPG] [attachment=28356:DSC00656.JPG] [attachment=28357:DSC00657.JPG] *Sold* Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed - nice overdrive/distortion - retains low frequencies nicely - only selling because I don't really need it. No box. £25 posted. *Sold* [attachment=28358:DSC00658.JPG] If you're interested, PM me - payment by BACs or PayPal is fine. Thanks, Steve
  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='524514' date='Jun 26 2009, 07:43 AM']Filters sound good before overdrive (Sansamp) and after heavy distortion/fuzz (Boss HM-2) I reckon. Boss Heavy Metal into Sansamp is also a nice sound, and I prefer flangers etc nearer the end. Multicomp placement is a tricky one, but since the overdrive on the Sansamp is so touch sensitive I would choose to put compression after rather than before it. If you've got the stadard Decimator I'd shove it at the end, if you got the one with the fx loop put it first and put all of the other pedals in the fx loop. Boss Heavy Metal EBS IQ Sansamp Multicomp Flanger Decimator[/quote] Cheers Danny - I will have a fiddle later.
  6. [quote name='cheddatom' post='523495' date='Jun 25 2009, 12:00 PM']Sansamp Bass Driver EBS IQ (envelope filter) Boss Bass Flanger BF 2B EBS Multicomp (compressor) Boss Heavy Metail disortion ISP Decimator (noise suppressor) But obviously there are no set rules and you don't have many so just try every possible combo.[/quote] Thanks very much, I'll give it a go. Appreciate your help.
  7. [quote name='metaltime' post='522914' date='Jun 24 2009, 08:15 PM']do you use the sansamp as a di? or a distortion?[/quote] Hi - I use it as a bit of soundshaping thing with a touch of fuzz.
  8. Hi folks - as a bit of a tech numpty, is there any chance someone could recommend a good signal chain for these pedals? Much appreciated! Sansamp Bass Driver EBS Multicomp (compressor) EBS IQ (envelope filter) Boss Heavy Metail disortion Boss Bass Flanger BF 2B ISP Decimator (noise suppressor) Thank you, Steve
  9. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='518456' date='Jun 19 2009, 03:04 PM']An even easier solution is to [b]TURN DOWN [/b]the Bass and Treble on the SansAmp which has the effect of increasing the mid. That's certainly what I've been doing for more years than I care to remember!! [/quote] Yeah - that's what the instructions say - I've tried doing that but it didn't seem to affect the middle at all. Maybe it's just my ears. :S
  10. Just to clarify - I've currently got a Sansamp Bass Driver but am wondering whether to upgrade to a Sansamp Paradriver or Aguilar Tone Hammer.
  11. [quote name='cetera' post='518437' date='Jun 19 2009, 02:49 PM']Why don't you go for the Sansamp Paradriver insteads of the Bassdriver? It is very similar yet has the mid control the Bassdriver is missing [/quote] Yeah, I might do that. Was just trying to save a bit of GAS cash, if whacking up my amp's mid knob did the trick.
  12. Hi folks - just a quick question. Many people moan about the lack of middle control on the Sansamp bass driver, and that it seems to suck the middle from the sound. Isn't an easy answer just to turn up the mids on the amp rather than spend the extra sponds on a Sansamp Paradriver with mid controls? One more thing - Sansamp or Aguilar Tone Hammer - which one do you prefer? I feel some GAS coming on.
  13. [quote name='NickSpector' post='198565' date='May 14 2008, 10:47 AM']I hope they're not like Sansamp Bass Drivers in that they get bigged up, but are infact utterly sh*te and useless![/quote] Eh? Why's that?
  14. I use an EBS MultiComp and I'm very happy with it. Adds sparkle and consistency to my sound, and doesn't take anything away from it's natural qualities.
  15. [quote name='lowdown' post='509314' date='Jun 9 2009, 05:41 PM']Good one Steve. [url="http://www.tbonewolk.com/TBoneHome.html"]http://www.tbonewolk.com/TBoneHome.html[/url] Garry[/quote] The stuff he plays on Spilt Milk by Jellyfish is superb.
  16. PMd. Thanks for flagging me up King for a Day! Cheers.
  17. The Boss HM 2 (Heavy Metal) is very good. It was made in the 80s and sounded like wasp in a jam jar on electric guitar, but works a treat with bass - nice thick bottom end. You might be able to pick one up for about £40 to £50 on ebay? Make sure you don't accidentally buy the Boss MetalZone pedal though, as this isn't as good, apparently.
  18. [quote name='Rich' post='501142' date='May 29 2009, 05:50 PM']I think he tried to fire himself via text once, but then he agreed to meet himself at a neutral pub to try to iron out both his difficulties. It's all sorted now.[/quote] Who/what is that about?
  19. Screw 'em, I say. Good luck mate, Steve
  20. I'm not sure whether he's the best bassist, but Tom 'T-Bone' Wolk is good - he did some brilliant bass lines on Jellyfish's Spilt Milk. And I've always had big love for Chris Squire's inventiveness and tone.
  21. Damn! Foiled again!
  22. I don't really find that my EBS multicomp stifles my dynamics at all. If anything, it just seems to add some meat and sparkle to the sound.
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