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Everything posted by mildmanofrock

  1. Hi, I'm interested in buying a GD290 George Dennis Chorus/Flanger pedal. Does anyone know if it would be suitable for bass? Or should I look elsewhere? Cheers folks, Steve
  2. Hi - can you let us know how things are going with the noisy fan situation? I have an SVT-6 Pro and mine get pretty loud too.
  3. [quote name='Muppet' post='22458' date='Jun 23 2007, 08:17 PM']I too have a 4PRO (which Mike has serviced in the past). The fan only comes on when the unit needs it, though this is anything from one minute to five minutes from turn on and is variable in speed. The fan is not absoutely silent if listened to in a quiet room but in normal use I'd be pushed to tell you it was running unless I felt the unit. I must admit I switch my unit on to mute before I switch it off and when mute is on, the peak light is lit, so I'd not necessarily experience what you're getting. I guess something could have happened in transit, but seeing as I live very close to Panic I tend to drop off and collect everything myself.. To be honest, I'd go with what Mikes tells you - you have a warranty for the conversion remember. Try it in a gig situation and see what you think. What cab have you got it connected to?[/quote] I really wouldn't mind but it's so bloody noisy. It starts of whirring and then goes to a high-pitched whine - a bit like an old VCR rewinding - the high-pitched drone when they rewind to the beginning of the tape. If that's how it is, I can't live with it. Doing a quiet number - acoustic, maybe - would be a nightmare.
  4. [quote name='PauBass' post='22411' date='Jun 23 2007, 05:51 PM'] I've got an Amgeg SVT 4Pro that was also converted by Mike from Panic Music and I can tell you that the fan doesn't make any noise at all... I can not tell you for sure if there is something wrong with yours but mine doesn't make any whirring/humming noise. I suggest you give them a call and let them know about this problem.[/quote] Strange - I called Mike earlier and he said fan noise was perfectly normal - that it's a variable system that speeds up and slows down depending on how much ventilation's needed.
  5. [quote name='wizbat' post='22195' date='Jun 22 2007, 11:09 PM']Do you know if the fan was changed as well? my svt2,s have mains voltage fans and yours may have too.[/quote] Hi Wizbat, no I don't think the fan was changed. Is your ampeg quite noisy too?
  6. I recently bought an Ampeg SVT-6 Pro from the US. I sent it to authorised Ampeg repair people, Panic Music in Cambridge to do a voltage conversion. It arrived in today and all seems fine, except... the fan is is pretty noisy and makes a constant whirring/humming noise. An odd thing also happens when I switch it off... the green power light goes off, then the fan whines angrily and the red peak light comes on... then it switches off as it should. Are all Ampeg's like this or is mine buggered? I'm not having much luck...
  7. [quote name='TPJ' post='16953' date='Jun 13 2007, 03:23 PM']PM'd[/quote] It goes from bad to worse. The damn thing kept going out of tune, no matter how much fine-tuning I did. Last night, I took it off and put it back on, in the hope that something would slot down right. That done, I flicked the lever, and it only detuned a little bit. I've taken the thing off and put my old Musicman peg back on. I'm considering my next move. I feel a Hipshot sale coming on.
  8. Thanks for the replies and info folks, appreciate it. Good to know I can ask a thick question and get an intelligent answer. Nice one!
  9. Thanks Hamster! I shall now retreat to my hole of ignorance. As you were people.
  10. Hi. I'm a bit of a technical [Bowler Hat], so here's a really dim question. I've just bought a rackable Korg DTR 1000 tuner - and I want a lead to connect it with my Ampeg amp head. Should I use a normal instrument lead or a speaker lead? Don't laugh. Cheers!
  11. I bought a Hipshot BT-1 extender for my Musicman. Followed the instructions. Even watched the annoying online instruction video, and sat through a presentation of a bloke who says 'toon' not 'tune', 'levver' not 'lever', and E strings that 'pop' sharp, not sound sharp. But I can't get the damn thing to work properly. I do all the fiddly bits - tuning flat, lifting the lever (sorry, levver), and repeating til its in tune (sorry, toon). Then dropping to D and tweaking the adjusting screw. But then I made the mistake of trying something out. I tuned down my E string just to experiment (don't ask me why. there's no real reason. But it did highlight a problem. Coming next). One very slight tune down on the peg and the whole string loses its tension. It's as if the grooves in the pole at the bottom of the tuning peg aren't slotting into the wheel gear (the round bit that looks like a cog.) I'm stuck. Any advice? I'm close to chucking it away, complete with the levver. And de-tooning the bloody thing myself.
  12. [quote name='Muppet' post='8576' date='May 29 2007, 01:15 PM']Bear in mind they are extremely busy so don't expect a quick turn around unless you can deliver and collect yourself. Ask Toasted..;-)[/quote] Thanks - do you know roughly how long it will take?
  13. Hi, I've spoken to the guys at Panic and they recommend not using a voltage converter unit, due to inherent safety risks - and that it's better to get a new transformer installed or converted in the actual amp. Just relaying what I heard!
  14. [attachment=318:bass.jpg] I got a Westone Spectrum ST (or GT? Not sure now) when I was fifteen. I finally sold it around 10 years ago. A great bass, especially for the price. In that time, I had a Rickenbacker and Status, and they didn't even come close.
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' post='7360' date='May 26 2007, 10:25 PM']Actually if you've bought a US Ampeg and you're going to want to run it off UK mains you'll need a STEP-DOWN transformer 240V - 110V. Make sure you get one that has sufficient rating to handle you're amp running at full tilt and then some.[/quote] Thanks for your replies folks. Can anyone recommend a quality step down transformer that handles up to 1500 watts? Cheers Steve
  16. [quote name='acidbass' post='7305' date='May 26 2007, 08:45 PM']I use a 4PRO with a step-up transformer with no problems at all. It can be a nuisance to carry around at times, one extra piece of equipment at a gig, but it doesn't really bother me when it's plugged in and I let her rip! I was considering voltage conversion myself though - the main UK dealer and repairer for Ampeg amps is [url="http://www.panicmusic.co.uk/"]Panic Music[/url], they're based in Cambridge. If I were going to have the voltage changed, I wouldn't look past them really. Hope this helps! Danny[/quote] Hi Danny, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
  17. Hi there folks, this is my first post here, please be gentle! I've just bought an Ampeg SVT-6 Pro amp from the US on ebay. It's set up on the 120 volt US system, sp I'll have to make it suitable for the UK's 220 volts. One option is to buy a voltage converter unit. However, the US shop recommended that the safest option is to get an Ampeg authorised/qualified technician to change the amp's voltage. I'm based in Wiltshire - can anyone recommend a technician and give me a rough idea of cost? Also, is there any reason why a voltage converter unit might not be a good option? Thanks! Steve
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