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Everything posted by mildmanofrock

  1. Hi, I bought this a couple of years ago to mic my cab up on stage, however, I've never got round to using it. I believe that, despite being called a kick drum microphone, it's a mic of choice for many bass players, live and in the studio. [attachment=163984:IMAG0570_1.jpg] [attachment=163985:IMAG0571_1.jpg] [attachment=163986:IMAG0572_1.jpg] Here are links to a few reviews: [url="http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Beta52/reviews"]http://www.sweetwate.../Beta52/reviews[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/shure_beta_52.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...ure_beta_52.htm[/url] [url="http://homerecording.about.com/od/microphones101/ss/fivegreatmics_2.htm"]http://homerecording...greatmics_2.htm[/url] And here's a link to the official Shure page about the mic: [url="http://www.shure.co.uk/products/microphones/beta_52a"]http://www.shure.co....phones/beta_52a[/url] - there are also a couple of sound clips on how it sounds with a bass cab. I don't have the original box anymore, but I'll wrap and box it solidly when posting. £85 posted, or you can pick it up from me in Swindon/Marlborough. All the best, Steve
  2. Hi there, I bought this a few months back - mistakenly thinking it was a DI/splitter! I plugged it in last night and realised. So I've used it for about 10 minutes. My foolishness is your gain. [attachment=163980:IMAG0566_1.jpg] [attachment=163981:IMAG0568_1.jpg] [attachment=163982:IMAG0569_1.jpg] Here's a link to the full details: [url="http://www.tonebone.com/re-bigshot-efx.htm"]http://www.tonebone....bigshot-efx.htm[/url] It's boxed and there's no manual - however, you can download a PDF of it here: [url="http://www.radialeng.com/pdfs/manual-bigshot-efx.pdf"]http://www.radialeng...bigshot-efx.pdf[/url] It's £35 posted. A new one costs around £50/£60 plus postage. If you want to pick it up, I'm in Swindon/Marlborough. All the best! Steve
  3. http://www.adesignsaudio.com/reddi-all-tube-direct-box.htm
  4. The best overdrive pedal I've ever used!
  5. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1388243159' post='2319865'] My comment wasn't meant in a bad way. [/quote] Neither was mine. Sorry if it came across like that.
  6. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1388165734' post='2319056'] but it has been mentioned before they also had to cut some corners to make the amp more affordable [/quote] Mentioned where? Both are great amps but, for me, the 751 has the edge - plus much better in the mids.
  7. I recognise those cabs! There are more details here, if it helps. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/207419-sold-two-hartke-hydrive-410s-l250-l220-or-l400-for-both/page__p__2079517__hl__hartke%20hydrive__fromsearch__1#entry2079517
  8. Thanks for the link, there are some great products on the site, cheers.
  9. Thanks for the recommendation - I appreciate it.
  10. Hi folks, I'm planning to record my bass this way:[list] [*]Bass > DI/splitter box > Various pedals > REDDI DI > into Pro Tools. [/list] At the same time, I want to record a track of clean bass, without effects, which would be:[list] [*]Bass > DI/Splitter > one lead going to pedals and REDDI, as above > other lead going to Golden Age Preamp 73 > Pro Tools. [/list] I'm looking for the best possible bass sound on both tracks. The track going through the REDDI track will give me that. Can anyone recommend a decent DI/Splitter box that will give me a comparably good sound for the clean, unaffected track? Thanks! Steve
  11. So, a bit like this then? http://youtu.be/EEU-WNMFyLQ
  12. The money should be with you now, Tony - cheers.
  13. Blimey. Well, I hope I've never insinuated that, if people don't like Barefaced cabs, their playing is crap or that they're not hearing it right. It's just an opinion. They sound great to me. Not so great for you. That's it. Life goes on.
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381493843' post='2239823'] I don't understand that. [/quote]
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381492211' post='2239780'] I'm sorry - I wasn't being entirely serious, as usual. [/quote] No need to apologise.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1381491676' post='2239764'] Are you implying these people can't actually play bass and have been hiding behind their rumbly muffled 70s-type cabs all this time..? I'm quite sure that couldn't [i]possibly [/i]be the case! [/quote] Not at all. I just think players are used to - and comfortable with - that type of sound.
  17. Ah well, pick it apart of you like. It's pretty pure to me - much more than any other cabs I've tried - but, yes - not absolutely uncoloured, that's impossible. I only have one mid and high control on my amp - does the job perfectly. But don't listen to me. My opinion means ****-all round here.
  18. Jas is a top fella - and a pleasure to deal with!
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1381433417' post='2239146'] I would stick with the Bergs. [/quote] Why? I'm not being confrontational, just interested in your thoughts.
  20. Price drop - £125 posted.
  21. Thanks! Someone's just expressed an interest, but I'll contact Paul if it's not sold. All the best, Steve
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