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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. Boil the kettle, get some blackcurrant ribena and dilute it THE best solution.
  2. iamapirate

    Festival gigs

    Our guitarist: 'hmm why does his bass tone suck when he's using your amp?' Me: 'Cos he's plugged his active bass into the feckin passive plug and turned the input to 11'
  3. Go into all the good places in you town/city that book bands and give them a demo CD - preferably a live DVD. Generaly speaking they just want people that can get people buying drinks - 90% ofthe time they don't care about the actual music, just as long as it gets people moving. Do the first couple for free or really cheap - that way they don't lose out (but mention that you'd usually charge or they'll think you're a noob band ) oh and this is going to take a lot of effort - more than what you put into your post
  4. hahahah, someone just failed
  5. [quote name='dr.funk' post='601143' date='Sep 17 2009, 11:07 AM']I would disagree with that, you can record on a PC with quite modest specs. Latency shouldn't be a big problem in this situation. I have a 1.5 Ghz laptop that can handle 2 channels in, through vsts and out without any noticeable latency. It's only when you are monitoring live like this that the latency will play a part.[/quote] ok, thanks for clearing that up for me
  6. The guitar effects can be applied to a mic - look in the manual for that. I *think* you can go into bounce mode and ONLY put that vocal track up, press the effects button once or twice until it's illuminated and it'll apply effects I *think* to the tracks that are bouncing. Then hit record and play and it should apply the effects. EDIT damn, just seen it's a microBR - I'm talking about the boss BR-900 haha. it might be the same
  7. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='603169' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:27 PM']I know what you mean about Superstition, bassists usually follow the clav instead of grooving out on a beefy Eb with the occasional chromatic run.[/quote] +1, although the best ever version I heard of superstition (played by Matt Weeks on bass, his brother on drums and his dad on electric and singing - along with a couple of brass players and a keyboard player) Matt played the main riff quite high up the neck. he played that entire night without a single pedal! Couldn't be bothered to lug it over from the main 8000-people venue (this was at a huge christian festival thang) [quote name='woodyratm' post='603432' date='Sep 20 2009, 10:26 AM']I keep messing up Hysteria's verse when i play it with the band. Can do it fine on my own, soon as the guitar plays i start missing notes everywhere.[/quote] speaking of Muse the riff to 'Unnatural Selection' I worked out last night (on a 5 string hah) and it's actually quite simple to work out, but tricky to play. got it eventually, though
  8. ok, skimmed over the topic, (no time) as it looked interesting and I have NO time at all so sorry if this is repeats: look, 4 string basses is standard. People dont go: 'oo-er you've got a 4-string bass guitar?' They do the complete opposite! And 5 strings arn't just used for metal! You can use 5s in every genre! Go on, challenge me to a genre that doesn't use one
  9. [quote name='Wud' post='600795' date='Sep 16 2009, 09:02 PM']Its a bit mean to blame retailers like GAK for the lack of availabilty of these pedals. Manufacturers and distributors often give retailers false E.T.A's on release dates in order to get the retailer to advertise it early, so as to build a buzz about the product. Typical cynical marketing BS.[/quote] +1, I work in a bookshop and the things get releasedd and we end up getting them weeks later, even though we pre-ordered them. Ok, it's slightly different here. I remember opening up a box to find they had been ordered a month ago! And it's meant to be next day delivery!
  10. it's basically an ampeg preamp, no? So it'll sound identical I'd imagine. Hence why they're so expensive! (speaking in DI terms, that is)
  11. Fuzzy Elephant? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54915"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=54915[/url]
  12. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='602728' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:40 AM']Someone told me that they can't play their own songs live either [/quote] A bit like Busted...
  13. I'd love to have one, have the money, but there's more important things for me to buy at the moment... like a train ticket to college.
  14. Good price bump. I got a similar sized pedalboard for £20 without a supply!
  15. how very strange. i did PM and got no reply. oh well, I was gonna buy the hartke - if you wanna keep it thats fine tho
  16. For about 3 years I've used a boss BR-900CD. it's great for home recordings, etc. it's past my needs, so PM me if you wanna buy it. If you've got a normal dell PC, then I wouldnt really recommend doing PC recordings because of lag, etc.
  17. yehaw! You're the first person to take my advice and not fail!!
  18. Fender american 2008 jazz, all standard - I'm about to change the strings (roundwounds) to some medium Ernie ball's - I've got an ashdown - Can't get much more standard!
  19. Get a muff. Then another. Then another. Then put them all on and get an appointment with an Otolaryngologist.
  20. soooo the hot hand sensor is the wireless one? How much you looking for it? (including the pedal obv)
  21. Well, there's that £3 one from ikea... For power supply, you really don't need a power brick or anything, the Boss TU-2 can be daisy-chained to the others, and it looks neat and takes up less space (and weighs so much less!). What you really want is a plank of wood at the enjd of the day. i'd sell you mine but I need it Keep a look out in the for sale section (as I did) and you won't need to spend more than £20!
  22. Short: [quote name='Muriel' post='596849' date='Sep 12 2009, 09:42 PM']Do I need a teacher?[/quote] Yes Long: [quote name='Muriel' post='596849' date='Sep 12 2009, 09:42 PM']I've been playing bass for a year and a half. I've self taught the basics and have worked and worked on them till my fingers bleed. I still don't think I any good but I want to progress to the next level. There are several reasons for not wanting a bass teacher, one being I don't have any spare cash for lessons and the other is I love working things out for myself and doing thing my way. But now I feel I can't progress without proper guidance. Is there any alternatives or is having a proper teacher the only way?[/quote] I self taught myself for 6 months, and then realized that I go to a church with a world class bassist. I asked him for lessons, and, to my surprise he doesn't offer them, but made an exception for me. It benefited me so much. The main thing that i got from these bi-weekly sessions was just wanting to play bass more as he showed me songs and how to play them (so, on my second lesson i was playing Sir Duke!). I was in a very similar situation to you, and after these lessons, i'd go home and just play for hours and it really kept me going. And the great thing was that it felt like I was totally independent, even though he was giving me these songs, etc. He kept saying that he wasn't a great teacher (and technically, OK maybe he wasn't the best teacher), but he did what most teachers don't do enough (like my former cello teacher), he made me want to play bass! I think that it's not really a question of 'if' you should get a teacher, but 'who' you should get as your teacher. Don't be afraid to say no to one because you don't actually like him! I basically got taught by one of my best mates, and it kept me going. It's more vital that you have the spark and the want to play, than what you're actually playing... otherwise you might end up as some poor sod in an orchestra (too far?)
  23. Whenever I have to learn something i either get given a) a chord chart or a CD a few days before the gig. But i don't play with orchestras or anything like that and if I ever do functions and get given a list of songs to learn, I spotify them and learn from that (and usually make a chord chart). it just seems more natural to work out what they're playing, and then to go ahead and just plain copy it But obviously, there sometimes scenarios where you're given sheet music the evening before a matinee performance
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