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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. ahhhhhh, I play wayy too hard and it's something I have to constantly remind myself of. The funny thing is that I back off, and my vlume stays the same. I like the attack, but I've realised that I get exactly the same attack when playing light[b]er[/b].
  2. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='562783' date='Aug 7 2009, 01:17 PM']No. There is no quick fix and it is a hard slog. And its boring and it takes a long time. It is taking shortcuts that messes people up. There aren't any and don't believe anyone that tells you differently. Get on with the work and be patient. It will bear fruit, I promise.[/quote] Bah rubbish! all you need to do is play the root, then the octave and the respective third above (minor or major depending on the chord) and you'll have people oohing in no time!! [size=1]Pleas, please dont follow that advice - work at it and go for what I've quoted.[/size]
  3. Yeah, sometimes in more...relaxed settings (i.e. when I play at my church) I whack it on suring choruses to give the bass some more oomph with the sub-slider set at about a quarter. I'd still love to try out the DIP, though
  4. Hey, I've got a pretty bog-standard ODB-3 - it's a bit battle hardened, and I will get round to posting pics of it if you would like. I'd be intrested in swapping for almost anything! I dont really need a wah, though which is the only thing I can think of that I wouldn't accept. Check my profile for what i already have. But yeah, money offers you'll have to make, becasue I'm not sure it's worth it if I'm just going to get £40 thats going to go straight down the drain. Oh yeah I bought it new about 2 or 3 years ago for full price!
  5. I'd be in for a trade with my BMS if you do!! haha i've never used a deep impact, nor really heard much of them, but it'd be cool to try out. Heck, maybe swap them for a week or two?
  6. yep, Agreed +100000
  7. I'm not sure if this is from biking, but does anyone else have a hard spot of skin on your index finger on your left hand from when it's constantly been scraping up and down the fingerboard. I don't mean on the tip, I mean on the first 'segment' of the finger (if you gt what I mean). no? just me, then.
  8. hahhaaha LOL twenty bucks says people were STILL looking at the fecking guitarist!!
  9. email sent! That was actually quite long! h well - worth it for something like this!!
  10. haha, I'd +1 but he's not THE goofiest. i've seen worse at local pubs. I think VIctor just gets into it in a very 'funky' (apparently) way. Actually all he does is hit the strings but that's another issue
  11. Yes, I do need things going through my monitors even though I have £180 earpllugs in - these things don't automatically pick up everything on-stage and mix in my own in-ear mix when I'm not even connected to the main system! And might I suggest that you also listen to me when I say I want more of something in the mix and not just stand there at the desk, say 'ok, sure you can have some of your own vocals in the monitor, but can't you just hear yourself anyway?' because I fecking can't hear myself over my own bass rig!
  12. GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Seriously, write it down, learn it from memory, say it out loud, put it in your bed, write it back-to-front on your forehead so that when you look in the mirror in the morning you can see it there, write it on the door of your toilet so that whenever you're on the loo you can read it, just learn the damn songs!
  14. Likewise with a jazz bass, only with more style...
  15. WOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. [quote name='bassace' post='567240' date='Aug 12 2009, 07:58 PM']be very friendly towards the catering and bar people so you'll be fed and watered well,[/quote] Watered?
  17. haha, I'm talking about this particular bass - the cheapy rubbish one. I'm not sure if it was even a hofner - it just looked like one!
  18. heh, had a surreal experience today in a music shop. Asked to try out an ashdown envelope filter, and he got it out, got the leads, and then gave me a hofner to play it through with I was amused, but slightly bewildered. I mean, when did paul mccartney ever do extreme jazz funk? It wasn't even a nice bass either. The trebles were cr*p!
  19. I am useless with amps, cabs ohms, etc and I have read the tutorials and I still understand jack. i've got an ashdown MAG-300 EVO-II combo with 4x10" speakers and was wondering if this cab would work as an extension cab? I like the looks of thjis, and at £50 I might take it.
  20. wow! Cool website! Can't listen at the moment, but will when I get home
  21. The vocals are still quite off I think on bleeding black. I'm not using my proper earphones (I'm using the ipod ones at the moment!). You really need to get him to concentrate on the pitching rather than the emotion in the voice. Especially on 'look up to [b]the[/b] skies.' Otherwise it's pretty cool!
  22. What I find ridiculous is that his birthday hasn't been mentioned at all apart from on her. Not a single article!
  23. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='564598' date='Aug 9 2009, 11:47 PM']nobody needs a mac, everyone needs a bass synth[/quote] Unfortunately the second Year of iMedia uses Final Cut pro, so unless I want to be at college from 9-5 every day finishing off work, I'll need one. ;D
  24. iamapirate

    Boss ODB-3

    That sounds like 90% of it is from very bright strings! I've got one and it sounds nice, but not as nice as that. i'd be very suprised if that was a completely direct output from the pedal going through no EQ things. They didn't even give a dry sound to compare it with.
  25. Welcome! It's obvious you're not meant to be a drummer - you managed to sign up to the forum. I've used an amp that looks exactly the same as that - it's a good amp - will serve you well!
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