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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. oooh, too many simple(ish) but effective basslines. erm, 'when you gonna learn' by jamiroquai is a really fun one to learn. All of what other people have said, really! If I were you I'd look into getting a tutor - that way you wil be more likely to play a lot to reherse, etc. I've just finished with my current teacher (says he can't teach anything else and that I should probably get someone who can teach to teach me!) and one of the best things was that i'd play for an hour with him, learn my favourite basslines, learn a bit of theory about them (the pracical stuff you'll actually use), and chat about bass for a bit. It was really informal, but when I got home it would just make me want to play bass even more! Oh, and when you come to making your own, dont just stick to a minor pentatonic - I find that if the song is major, strangely, the major scale notes (in almost any order and rhythm) really work well in some of the more chilled out ones.
  2. " I had to relist it as E-bay messed up on my desire to have the guitar available for sale oversea's as well as the UK." hmmm :/ Firstly, there's an option that YOU set to have it overseas, secondly, it doesn't come with a case so how are you going to send it over without snapping the neck or it getting 'lost' and THIRDLY, we just saw you previous auction!
  3. How much for the audio interface? Do you [i]need[i] firewire for it? Or can you use USB?
  4. hmmm, how synthy is it in comparison? I'd ask you to AB it, but it seems it's a bit. Well, you probably don't have it
  5. noooooo! How dare you sell that pedal for that amount! ahh, my hunt for a woolly clone goes on!
  6. is it a bass auto Q?
  7. *waits for the squeezer to get down to £50*... I'll take it! have an unneccessary bump from me...again ooh, ooh, ohh! Trade the squeezer for a Micro synth? Full trade? *checks his wallet* I've got 23p and 7 plectrums! just kidding
  8. I'd love one of these, but unfortunately I live in East Sussex on the coast in sunny Eastbourne oh that and my bank balance won't let me. How well does it do the range of light OD to mind-blowing synthy type stuff? Or should I go for one of 'em wooly mammoths?
  9. [quote name='Musky' post='537860' date='Jul 11 2009, 01:24 PM']I have the opposite problem. I like my strings to sound deader than a very dead thing. I'd use flatwounds, but I don't really get along with the feel of them. Anyone know how to kill off a set of new roundwounds? [/quote] 1 word: Slap. With about an hour's worth of slapping my extra bright XLs, they're as dead as cold sushi for breakfast.
  10. You know you're a bassist when you no longer tap your feet to the metronome tempo, but the kick drum when listening to music
  11. [quote name='51m0n' post='537322' date='Jul 10 2009, 04:55 PM']The likes of Mr King however gave it a very very bad name indeed (esp in various old school funk circles).[/quote] Really?! Ya Learn something new everyday! I always thought it was pretty cool - espscially if you can do that douple-pop thing that I can never really get a hold of. Slapping just sounds so damn funky! Especially on new strings. You can't say that (for example) that Virtual Insanity isn't a good bassline, even though it's really simple. Slap ftw!
  12. [quote name='Big John' post='528751' date='Jun 30 2009, 03:00 PM'][attachment=28022:l_f5c3fe...a3ca4b66.jpg] my current pedalboard![/quote] oooohhh!! Where did you get that mammoth clone - and how much was it?
  13. You have lightened up my day, Dan! I'm presuming that was done with a graphics tablet - I need an excuse to get one...
  14. Soo, does thi have to have one of those special pickups (I know it comes with one) for it to work or an I just plug in the bass straight into it? If so, does it reduce the amount I can do with the sound? Cheers! -Josh
  15. I'd expect that you'd need the 90 degree one, seeing as the wah only goes to 90 degrees. but the only DIY jobbies ive done is a mute pedal and a single loop selector!
  16. In most cases yeah, volume and gain. But the problem is that g-tards get their tone at home (with enough bass for them), and then presume that it will be the same at a rehersal, and they dont realise: [b]There is a bass guitar for a reason![/b] To finish the sentence - you know you're a bassist when you have a 300w ashdown with 2x15" speakers pressed against your ear on full blast with the bass knob up full AND YOU STILL CANT HEAR YOURSELF OVER THE GUITARIST!!
  17. [quote name='Clarky' post='535753' date='Jul 8 2009, 03:23 PM']... when you get overruled by the guitarist on EVERYTHING but accept it because you are basically a cool, laid-back dude without an ego the size of Neptune[/quote] +1... hells to the yeah
  18. When you suggest a chord change to make the root line more melodic, and they agree to change it. But when it comes to the song they don't play it and it sounds like you're playing the wrong note!
  19. If you're going down the 8 or less loops loop selector I'd also consider the DIY option. I make a single loop selector (to turn on 2 fx at the same time or to remotely turn on my tone-sucking pedals, or to turn on my synth) and it cost me less than £20... and was flippin great fin as well! I'd look into it.
  20. A pic of me (a goood few years ago now, actually). I've got a more recent one, but I can't be bothered to upload it!
  21. wahoo! My idea isn't ridiculous for once! Now to get to work on that 'relicd' set of leads.
  22. Minor pentatonic scale, major 10th, minor 10th (dependant on chord) and the major scale (for high composing) are all I use practically! But recently I've been singing stuff (or making stuff up) in my head [i]after[/i] a rehersal when the song's stuck in my head and in my head sing basslines and maybe tap the kick pattern. Either that or blast some 80s heavy rock out the car
  23. OK, considering that I used a boss bass overdrive, 3(ish) mics, and a DI channel going through some EQing. I think I did pretty well to get this! oh and I've boosted the bass track a little on this recording so you can hear it better Enjoy! EDIT uploading....
  24. :S Updated!
  25. Woohoo, just played my first wedding gig. OK it was the service, but it paid well - £100 in fact. Not only my best-paid paid gig yet, but also my shortest! We did FOUR songs. Meaning the groom paid £75 each time we played. Anyway, it was acoustic guitar, drums and me Was really cool playing with 2 world-class musicians. Time Cooke the drummer who has played huge stuff. I mean proper huge. Plays 'newday' - 6000+ people. Is playing 'Soul Survivor' this year - 25,000+ people over 3 weeks. The guitarist/singer Martin Cooper who has released a solo instrumental album, and has played with Paul Oakley and a load of other people. So here I am, the little bassist who has probably never held £100 in cash before, suggesting we should play a E/B instead of E/A to make it more melodic. ...and they listened!! Thankfully we got paid before (and made jokes about having £20 taken away for each muck-up ), which is great cos it wasn't like "hey I know you just got married, but we want money!" It was a good crowd of about 300(?) people there. Had a blast, and am very grateful that I am a kind of '2nd call' kind of person (behind Mark Prentice, but probably in front of Les Moir and Paul Stevens!! - google them). A success! Didn't get to the buffet before the guests
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