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Posts posted by iamapirate

  1. Right! Sorry for the late feedback! I've been waiting to use a 16-track recorder that I bought off escholl about a month back. Great seller, even though I had to drive 4 hours to get there. :/ Probably won't be doing it for a while yet unless theres something that I can't refuse! Great price for a great product! +1!

  2. I'm up for trading for a boss ODB-3 for the muff. Pretty OK condition, the rubber on the screw thing for the battery compartmant has gone slightly dodgy, but the only difference this makes is that it stomps softer and quieter.

  3. I'm not sure if it works on vista. however....

    I had vista home basic on my current toshiba laptop, and decided to upgrade (yes, up) to XP. It works wayy faster, and there are no driver problems at all. I'd highly reccommend it. The links that were posted by G-77 are brilliant ones (by the looks of it) especially the alesis one.

  4. You may find that it doesn't quite use the floor in th same way it used to and lose some bass. If that happens, make a giant 'skateboard' with a plank and 4 castors and just whack the cab on that when you transport it! Works a treat.... except on outdoor gigs where you have to take the cab along 100m of grass to get to the stage :)

  5. Ampeg ftw! ahha, well, I'd say try out everything in the shop, then go to another shop and try everything there. Can't really go wrong, then. Oh and take whatever essential effects you will be using. An overdrive sounds completely different on a peavy (peewee) to an ashdown.

  6. oooh, I'm worried by this thread now! Ah well, it's my first (proper) amp (4x10" combo 300w EVO III), and I just love ampeg (from the sounds I've heard @ gigs) - shame NO ONE near me supplies them!! argh!!

  7. Well, as far as my clean tone, I usually just change it by pickup selector or tone knob on my bass. When I start going into effects and gis, I pay special attention to the 'Bass' control on my amp :) I also use my EHX micro synth, and I'd love to hook up by bass into MIDI! :rolleyes:

  8. +1 - I've noticed this whilest using my homemade 'Moot' Pedal and my 'lo.Op Selecter'. tey both have slightly different height jacks, and with the maplins connector, it just kinda feels as though something should be breaking when I step on it.

  9. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='521906' date='Jun 23 2009, 04:43 PM']How come you don't put your E thru-body? Never really thought of mixing and matching like this before.[/quote]
    Cos last time I did that it snapped :) Also, I think that when I EQ my amp properly, I get more than enough sustain on the bottom E, and I don't really need anymore by thru-bodying it.

    Well, I didn't think about mixing and matching until I snapped a bottom E, and then snapped a top g when replacing my strings, and then realising that I prefer some makes of strings for some string positions.

  10. Well, I thought I'd show escholl that I AM using his 16-track, and whack up a recording with the band and post a link here.

    Mainly, I'm posting this for technical advice on recording - from a home recording studio's point of view. I know it's not all mixed perfectly (guitars a bit too loud and drums too quiet? - last section of guitar solo too quiet). Also, because of the lack of a REAL drum kit, we had to scrounge and use the drummer's £2000 electric drum kit! xD I did my best (and panned it!). haha, yeah, we didn't know how to fill that little section near the end so we had a few random facts that we felt needed to be said.

    first song on the player - [url="http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid"]http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid[/url]


  11. wow. Nice setup! I love ampeg...

    I've just finished some home recording - can't wait to get ina studio some time. Probably not going to happen. Saving up for a macbook pro, then by the time that happens I'll probably be @ uni, then another 5 years of debts, then maybe start a proper life... :/

    Pretty cool, though! When you going to have some MP3s out?


    I swear you're meant to have the mics at least a metre away from the cab. Well, that recording magazine aboutrecording bass sucks butt!

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