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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. wow. Nice setup! I love ampeg... I've just finished some home recording - can't wait to get ina studio some time. Probably not going to happen. Saving up for a macbook pro, then by the time that happens I'll probably be @ uni, then another 5 years of debts, then maybe start a proper life... :/ Pretty cool, though! When you going to have some MP3s out? EDIT I swear you're meant to have the mics at least a metre away from the cab. Well, that recording magazine aboutrecording bass sucks butt!
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='522891' date='Jun 24 2009, 07:58 PM']If you have had lessons and the tutor says he can't help you any further as you have exceeded his level of teaching look around for another tutor. There will be someone at a higher level around.[/quote] Yeah, my current teacher (who plays @ soul survivor - 12,000 people, week long event - yearly, and plays in lots of other stuff and practically every christian contemporary worship album there is) has now said that there's not a lot more that he can teach me. So I'm going to find another one, but we still meet up to jam along to some tunes! I'd highly reccommend getting into a band, though. (shameless plug) - a recent recording of my current band - [url="http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid"]http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid[/url] (/shameless plug) yeah, so get in one! They're the best way to learn, and develop your own style! I highly agree with the ipod --> shuffle thing. Even if a 1 star song comes on that makesyou crnge every time.... :/
  3. [quote]Thats the Killer Quote[/quote] woohoo! xD I don't think that you're going to lose your job for correcting a bit of poor technique - I mean, if you do, it's their loss if they have crappy teachers that can't teach properly!!
  4. wow!!!! £250!! I've got this exact combo and that is an AMAZING price for it! Such a great amp - heavy as crap, though! xD
  5. Yeah, well We've been doing a lot of home recordings so he's used to hearing his own voice a lot on reocrdings. I know it's kinda what you said not to do but we got a (very) thin sock over the mic (I think we used the SM-57 in the end). Bearing in mind that the band stayed round my house for the night (and we went to sleep at 2:30am) and that the vocalist had to go at 11am, we really didn't want to make a pop-shield - plus I think my Mum would kill me - firstly taking her stockings, then going and cutting out the bottom of her favourite piece of tupperware! So a sock was the easiest thing to do. We used the macbook for reverb, and whacked it in and the results are here: (It's only the first track - others on their way!) [url="http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid"]http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid[/url]
  6. As for singing style, I'm not sure what songs I have on the myspace, but it's [url="http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid"]http://www.myspace.com/bandhybridhybrid[/url] Our singer sings at people's normal shouting volume, and yet we can't get the energy across that's in his voice very well. Is there a substitute for a wire coathanger for a pop-shield? I expect we'll get some tights and get the drummer and g-tardist to hold it in position! xD
  7. hmmm, not as far as I know... The Akai's working just brilliantly! What are the aux sends actually for?? I tried sending signals thorugh them (and pluggin in the auxes to monitors) as I presumeed they were monitor outputs. Doesn't matter - not as thought we actually need 4 seperate monitors!
  8. haha, well at the moment it's the mics and your recorder!! xD oh and our guitarists' 2 week old 8gb of RAM macbook pro haha
  9. Well, I'm (literally) recording guitars as we speak, and I'm going to be moving onto vocals tomorrow, and I have a sehhenheiser E840S and a Shure SM-57 and a PG-57. Which is best for vocal recording. Also, are there any general tips for recording vocals? I don't have a pop-shield (probably should get one) and apparently a sock over the mic does the same thing . Also, EQing it and other things. just to give it more clarity (and make sure it cuts through the mix) Any help is MUCH appreciated! EDIT just out of intrest, which of these would you use for mic'ing bass, Or would you just go ahead and DI? Thats just an aside cos I've already done the bass DIing and it sounded nice and clear (and bassy) for my tastes!
  10. Oh God I want that cab....
  11. Oh that is such a lovely guitar. Just such a nice instrument! I'll go over to my guitarist... (he plays whitesnake and Vai, no I wouldn't expect much from him )
  12. Do you have any phono to mini-jack leads? About 2 or 3m long would be ideal! xD
  13. I want the original chapman stick!!
  14. flippin nora! I'll have to think about this one (well, by think I mean work like hell until the next paycheck and pay back bills etc!)
  15. oooh, i love hartke sounds... I'll stick, though. There'll be planty more deals where that came from!
  16. teeheeheee, me neither xD. It's a good basic distortion, though... in it's defense xD. I don't blame you!
  17. I've never actually seen one of them! Thats such a cool pedal. What are you looking for (price)?
  18. hmmm, I have some EBs on the way to me... not sure if I'm going to use them. But then again not sure if I want to use these rotos - especially as I have 2 4-strings and 1 5-string acoustic! xD
  19. ODB-3 part-ex for your muff? Money coming my way (slightly)
  20. same! Is that a chapman stick in the photograph from the ikeahacker? or just an 11/12 string bass?
  21. haha! There's nothing like getting into the grove! Funk hard rock ftw!
  22. Not 100% sure if this is in the right forum, but what the hey! just thought it would be cool to see what strings people use (and combinations of srings). I've heard that people don't like the tone of certain strings in certain places eg. so EBs might have a lovely 'E', but you use elixers for the 'G' and elites for 'A and 'D'. Also, do you thru-body some strings and put others through the bridge? I was thinking something like this: Current Set up: E - medium - D'Addario - bridge A - medium - D'Addario - thru-body D - medium - D'Addario - thru-body G - medium - Elites - thru body Feel free to put a dream set up
  23. Practise, unfortunately, makes permenant
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