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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. What would you be looking for for the cab?
  2. Well, I ordered my d'arrdio's the afternoon before and they got delivered in the next morning with the normal post! hehe, The funny thing is that i broke the g string (LOL) putting it on (LOL). So I had to go down to bonners and spend a fiver on an elite spare. argh!! At least I'll never do it again!! xD
  3. [quote name='WinterMute' post='517933' date='Jun 18 2009, 10:45 PM']Good speakers (and good kit in general) is no guarantee of good recordings.[/quote] +1. Still, I just love listening to high quality music the way it was recorded, which I reckon studio speakers are best for. Anyway! I'm probably going to go for the samson 4i ones.
  4. I had a similar problem (ok, almost completely different) when I was doing a new years' eve gig. We kept getting horrible feedback through what appeared to be our guitarist's channel (typical, eh?) and the monitors. However, I hadn't realised that by sitting on top of my amp, I had turned the bass on my EQ to full, and it was booming through his mic, and then through all the foldback then back into the mic. Dunno if you wanna check your EQ on your bass amp...
  5. OK, so I've just re-strung and tuned up my jender american standard jazz with medium guage XLs and I keep getting a buzzing from the nut on the a-string! I think it's a bit loose up there, but I'm not sure what I can do about it!!
  6. Staple gun!! I bought a pedalboard a while back, and it came with some tape (brand new) That just didn't see to stick down. I put one (heavy Duty) Staple on each end, and one in the middloe, and it works like a charM! Plus, you can get them out and it doesn't leave very many marks.
  7. Will you be willing to sell the cab seperately? XDXDXD I've got exactly the same head in my current 4x10" combo!
  8. iamapirate


    Why that you certainly can - but it will sound weedy and horrible on 99% of the setting! XD
  9. ahha, except all the ambulances are now getting some thumpin bass in their receivers!!
  10. haha, brilliant! Well, I've just bought a set of XL strings from stringbusters. thought it was about time I jumped in and took the plunge (I've used nothing but EB's for the last and only 3 years of my bass-playing life)
  11. hmm, it says it works by light/shoadow, but that looks as though it would work by proximity... Also, if it does just work by light, then you would have a bit of trouble on a really dark stage (or a really bright outdoor gig)
  12. yeah, I know what you mean. You need a certain amount of 'muddiness' to make the music feel full. Well, in a couple of paycheck's time, I'll probably bite the bullet and go for it!
  13. Tune, Pray, Red Bull, Go!
  14. I like TMD 500W should be fine - it just depends on what cabyou're using with it... or is 500w your pa system? XD
  15. Well, it might be a bit big, but I've been using the boss BR-900CD for the last 3(?) years to record all the bands I've been in. I've only recently upgraded, but I still use it a lot. Great for demo CDs. But like I said, probably a bit too big. It's got 2XLR inputs, 1 or 2 jack inputs, a phono output, a jack (headphone) output, and a phono input, plus some really good USB stuff and other things.
  16. I might be wrong, but you probably should have the TU-2 first in the chain so it doesn't get the distorted signal from the ODB-3 going into it. However, that will give you a bit of noise when you tune up from the OD pedal.
  17. Well, I'm a lot more glad you put 'horse' in the title as opposed to 'Fender Jazz Bass' and in the small text put 'it says 1960 on it - looks old. Anyone want it?'
  18. Cheers! I just did some rough recording with an eletric drum kit (a really nice £2000 one) using my bro's samson 4i monitors, and I have to say it sounded simply incredible. It was just perfect sound quality.... for my needs....
  19. I am yet to use anything other than EB slinky's on my jazz bass... they all cost so much! It's like going to starbucks! You find one coffee that you like, knowing that there's much better coffees and much worse coffees, and next tie you go in there, you just get the same one because you're afraid of specing £3.50 on a coffe that tastes horrible!! XDXDXD Thus with bass strings...
  20. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='514830' date='Jun 15 2009, 10:23 PM']a link to Scam by Jamiroquai Z x[/quote] XD I was quite proud, thinking of that! :D:D
  21. [url="http://open.spotify.com/user/iamapirate/playlist/4xerYqG6uyEudMeDZqHIpC"]http://open.spotify.com/user/iamapirate/pl...6uyEudMeDZqHIpC[/url] ahem...
  22. How dirty does that hartke preamp go? EDIT OT, but why does it say on one side: 'made in china' and on the other 'engineered in the US'? It's ok, I'm not as stupid as i sound!
  23. oooh! I totally should rip off the system! KIDDING
  24. Its a mystery... One that God obviously doesn't want us to work out! XD
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