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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. ah, i see. Yeah, you're right.
  2. "Bear in mine though that it won't do "envelope filter"." But it will get pretty close to a synthy envelope. You can set the rate quite low and the sliders to start low and then get higher. Can get quite messy if you don't play very tight, clean lines.
  3. [quote name='soopercrip' post='511052' date='Jun 11 2009, 11:50 AM']I have No 29 I believe Stuart Clayton has one too [attachment=26878:IMAG0459.JPG][attachment=26880:IMAG0466.JPG][attachment=26879:IMAG0464.JPG][/quote] Oh that is just SO not fair! How much did that set you back? and to answer the topic - get a fender american j-bass - best bass I ever bought (the only bass I've ever bought - my first was given to me and I've only ever own'd 2). I tried out almost every bass in GAK before settling on the j-bass... and i play quite a bit of slap. Seriously, with new strings... oooh... i did a man wee thinking of it....
  4. I really like that matt finish. Shame the guitarist already has a fender strat, les paul and an ibanez RG series with the locking nut and trem or I'd put it by him!
  5. Yeah, I defo wouldn't want a pair of speakers that has an EQ that dominates any certain frequencies. Just the most balanced and clear ones I can get. I've got a few things to pay, so I'll probably be buying the start of July or maybe August - depends how hard I work this month! XD
  6. slightly OT, but would it damage an amp to have it running through a normal combo? I mean sureley then you have BASS -->FX --> DHA (a preamp) --> PREAMP ON AMP --> POWERAMP ON AMP ??
  7. Why that you certainly do! Bought a EX BMS and havn't regretted it since. I'm getting it mod'd pretty soon as well. The only other thing was that I used it so much that I have to have it on it's own stand (or another bassist's amp) so that I can change the controls for songs. The only problem then is that I had to build a single looper to turn it on/off with my fot as bashing it with my hand didn't seem like a good idea. You will probably have the same problem with the behringer if it's any good and has more than 1 sound that you like on it. Except it'll be even harder because it has tiny controls. Your move. I'd buy it if I saw it going cheap (and i mean, £20 kind of cheap)
  8. ooooh, i'd love one, but have not the money, and really don't want to cheat sucah a nice guy out of a pedal's worth., I really ope this sells before my next paycheck, or I could go another month broke :D:D
  9. That's an intresting setting you have on it! Rate down, oscilatting from low to high. I generally have it: Start f: 10 Stop f: 3 Rate: 10 Anyways, it's a fun pedal with quite a lot of diversity, I've managed to get 3 or 4 amazing sounds that I use regularly out of it. Couldn't live without it!
  10. the bass has ended, but this made me laugh: "Q: Hello again, Since this has been left in an attic, what is the neck/action like. How does it play?? Lee A: Hi Lee. I actually couldn't believe that it was still in tune after all that time hidden away! The neck is dead straight and the action is very low with..." bahaha! hmmm, I'm not sure bu i would've thought that 27 years of it being in the attic, goign through 4 seasons every year would've changed it's tuning just a TAD!
  11. ^^ I also have a similarproduct for sale. If anyone would like to purchase 2 hammers specially designed for bass guitar bodies and necks, I am selling them at £478 and £2076. The £2076 one was used to model and relic a relic of one of Flea's infamous battered up basses. Serial Number on the hammer is 14M4N0Ob4BUY1Ng7H15. Pictres will be uploaded later
  12. OUCH! I'm still not sure about upgrading... I've got some that work fr me that sometimes get thrown off simply because it sounds better and lets me get into dah groov!
  13. You could buy 2 of these [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=1249"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=1249[/url] and then get a bit of cable and make some - they'll fit your pedalboard perfectly as well. I can vouch for these, I've had them as part of my input plate on my pedalboard for literally a year now, and they've only peeled away a tiny bit - east fix with a hammer!
  14. blimey, you've got a good cash convertors! Havn't seena bit of decent bass (or guitar) kit in mine for a good few years!
  15. Squirrels it is, then. By the way, 1 post is easier to read than 4 in a row Actually, I have the same problem as you at the moment. I've got the same cab as you, only in a 300 watt combo! So it's twice as heavy - WITH NO CASTERS! I'm gonna have to make a skateboard of some kind.... or nick one off a kid in the street *walks over to the door
  16. I reckon preamp valve. The input would have a cut off so that the valve isnt being used and there would be no output if there was no input cable connect, ehich is why it doesn't hiss without it in. I'm just guessing here, I really don't actually have a clue. Just an idea
  17. ^^ wow, so how about those cases that look like they're keyboard cases - the rectangular ones that come as standard with all the new american jazzes? Not that I've got any gigs in germany coming up or anything! Someone sticky this!!!
  18. hhaha, I don't have a clue what one of them is! Sounds useful, though! Literally half of the pedals on my pedalboard I homemade for myself (input plate, Mute pedal, Loop selector)
  19. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='507910' date='Jun 8 2009, 02:46 AM']They wont work, there the polarized ones. you can get red/blue ones cheap from ebay - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-PAIR-RED-CYAN-3D-GLASSES-CHEAPEST-ON-E-BAY-WITH-POST_W0QQitemZ160334980032QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Home_Garden_CD_DVDStorage_SM?hash=item2554b5a3c0&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1687%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50"]CLICK HERE![/url] Haha ive still got mine from the KISS Psycho Circus Tour. Z x[/quote] You're completely right! hha, they arrived a few days ago, and did nothing. if anyone has any red/blue ones lying around (search thre attic!) then I'd be very grateful for a package to arrive on my doorstep
  20. If I wasn't dealing with owen electronics at the mo, then I'd take him up on it straight away. But it does sound like he has an ample workload. anyway! Back On topic, the micro-synth is amazing
  21. Genius! A power amp in a pedal. Has anyone thought of that before? I mean, for that size
  22. Including the expression pedal?
  23. It's a case of changing 3 of the risitors to make it a bass one from the guitar one (the old on at least). It's just a case of finding and destorying (/replacing) those 3!! EDIT you can probably fin a modd'r to do it for you, (and put an expression pedal on the stop frequency at the same time!! WOOO!! I'm SO getting THAT done!)
  24. hmm, I think the general internet consensus is 69 russian muffs, a roland synth, an akai deep impact and a clean trak mixed in. OR 79 amps: 3 overclocking in a fridge to stop them exploding 30 tube amps mod'd to produce more gain than is possible 34 russian muffs running into a seperate amp each 2 clean amps 9 roland synthesizers running in parallel 1 akai deep impact going into an unknown amp Or something like that....
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