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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. hmmm, £20 and a bag of plectrums? JOKE
  2. I'll have a chat 2 my guitarist... he's not online now the lazy idiot ...
  3. yep. Anything from that kinda era... I LV jamiroquai.
  4. noooooo... ah well, I probably shouldn't seeing as I only have £100 for the next month.
  5. sorry, I've just seen this thread and can't be a**'d to read it all! I've got a relatively heavy (ok, very heavy) ashdown 300watt combo with 4x10 speakers, and whenever I'm playing in my band (with the guitarist going through his amp into a 2x12 marshall cab) I always find that my tone is getting swallowed up - just as you do. But when I played a gig last saturday with the guitaist going through a 4x12 marshall cab (same head) I end up cutting right through. Really strange.... But one thing that does help is a) setting the guitarists's bass on his EQ on the amp to zero, then pulling off the knob or (if you've got an ashdown) press the 'deep' button (or if you havn't got an ashdown, whack up the bass.... all the way) and you should find a quite boomy tone. However, if, lke me, you prefer tone over bass, then go for option a). :D:D
  6. bah, I've got an ashdown MAG-300 EVO II combo with 4x10" speakers (no, it hasn't caught fire yet ). Its as heavy as hell - me and the guitarist struggle to carry it further than 50m, but it sounds soooo nice - and loud.. yeah.. really loud
  7. I'm just wondering... does this have a facility to input a jack, and then output as a MIDI signal to the computer through the USB port? And could you put this through some radical synths? XD
  8. yeah, we're definitely up for it. It's just finding a day when 2 or more of us are free lol. Stupid exams!
  9. OH DEAR GOD THEY CUT THE HEAD OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't like it. Why would you cut the face off a beautiful [s]woman[/s] bass like that?
  10. haha, on second thoughts I might just take you up on this. the band could come up on the train (with a flight case) and pick it up...I'll talk to them. I've already got an 8-track with if anyone wants to buy at the right price then this could be a very real possibility...
  11. the first picture looked ok, then i saw the headstock.... urrgh...
  12. It's on FleaBay... *sigh [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180365200414"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=180365200414[/url]
  13. hmm, the next time I'm going up to bedford is September lol (I live in Eastbourne - cbs to go up by train - I might if it doesnt sell), and this is such an amazing deal that I'm pretty sure it'll be gone by then.... ah well! good luck
  14. sorry, I mean red/blue. It comes from this: [url="http://www.engadgethd.com/2009/03/01/skate-2-enables-red-blue-3d-mode-via-cheat-code/"]http://www.engadgethd.com/2009/03/01/skate...via-cheat-code/[/url]
  15. ahhh, If I had £180 more money in my account....
  16. ' all features of this bass are now copyrighted which makes this a very rare item !' It's rare for a reason....
  17. holy crap! I'll talk to my band! Thats one hell of a deal, there! How is the sound quality to you? I mean, obviously sometimes it's about the way you recrord, but how abot the effects? Especially the reverb (if it has any) on vocals. oh and does it have an any akai deep impact settings?
  18. ah, sorry! Didn't realise it was the jr. My guitarist has the bigger one and I thought that was it!
  19. 'with some belt scratch marks on the back body.' oh dear, oh dear... That's not good
  20. oooh, sunday may be a bit early for me. would you be willing to meet up in central London or at a train station somewhere for the cab? I'm in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Looking at google maps, and it looks like london/west london is the best kinda place. Slough kind of area. EDIT I've got an exam tomorrow and I'm testing out a venue's nwe PA system on friday, and I work saturday and I'm busy Sunday morning! Monday or tuesday is good, but you will have moved by then... hmmm.... one other thing, EVO III is the latest (it has valves! oooh...)
  21. Well, because I really don't want to go on ebay I want to test out afeature on my xbox 360 on a game with a supposed 3d effect. Just in case any lovely basschatters have been to a 3d film recently and are willing to give me their glasses out of the goodness of their hearts Thanks! EDIT They must be red and cyan(?) coloured
  22. ern, could I attach these onto my ashdown combo? It doesn't appear to have anything on the bottom, but i suppose I could just drill through?
  23. do you have any pics just so I can get an idea of what this is? Looks really cool. What's the quality like? Studio worthy?
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