I get paid tomorrow, and I may be able to have a cheque in the post by wednesday....
Count me as 'interested'.
I may not have the money if the deal I'm in at the moment goes through.
yeah, yeah I know that lol. But the problem is that if you have it on bypass mode, then there is no way of muting it from the pedal. Which IMO is stuuuuuuupid. I want to see if I'm out of tune whilest playing, and then be able to silently tune up inbetween somgs... do I made my own seperate mute (or 'moot' as I call it) pedal
haha, probably just me but I really don't like line 6 tones. They just sound like a heavy metal tone (which is what I don;t want). It's that kind of over-the-top chorus flangy-thing that immediateltly goes into a searing hot heavy metal tone. I know for sure that it's that way on guitar, at least.
The TU2 is great except when you have it on bypass, you'd expect that pressing it would mute the signal, right? wrong. That's why you would also need a mute pedal for you to use it live in bypass mode.
arr! I'd take 'em off ya 'ands in exchange for a cann'n!
ahhh, I'd love to take these but I live in a rented house and we're not allowed pets!
have a free bump for 2 lonely hamsters
basically I want to make my own single loop selector. But the problem i'm having is that there isn't enough of those latches on the footswitch (it has 6 different things you can solder it to). all this time I've been presuming that the inside part of the jack lead is +ve and the outside is -ve and that you'd need both to make a sound. Am I right about this, because all the circuit diagrams I've seen have shown only one lead from each jack plug going to the switch.
I'll find the link in a minute for the swich diagram.
there it is
Shouldn't this be in the 'ebay links' bit? Or am I too new?
I'd be interested in the loop selector. How much is it? I can't go on ebay at the moment (filters). What loop selector is it? I mean, how many loops?
'well if I could I surely would' buy it :S:S:S
argh! I want money. This is a good price for what looks like a very versatile Valve OD!
have a free bump
I have an ashdown Evo III, and on the new EVO IVs they have a foot controller for the sub-harmonics, EQ, etc. and I would definitely use it if I had a foot controller as when ever I'm doing somehing melodic ina breakdown high up the neck, it sounds really nice, but down in the first octave of a 4-string it sounds muddy
ok, thanks for that. i probably won't be buying it as I'm really looking for a bass one. And the pedalboard's tiny! :D
Hope they sell - the guitar one is excellent for guitar
bump for a great product!
hmmm, the guitarist in the band I'm in at the moment uses an Ibanez RG series with a tremelo going through a Marshall with lots of gain and distortion (but funnily enough doesn't play heavy metal) and he has the chunkiest sound in the world, so I don't have any need for distortion or overdrive. Actually, 90% of my EHX BMS gets lost in his tone (except when I have it on a very long sweep high to low. then it just sounds legendary). I think that just aving a clean tone is a lot more useful than trying to out-do his distortion or whatever.
</my 2p>
Sorry, I didn't quite catch what cry baby wah it was. Can you post a link to it please? And can you post a picture of which model the pedalboard is as there's loads of different sizes of them