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Everything posted by iamapirate

  1. Trade only, got it for christmas last year, been gigged, one of the feet is slightly cracked, but it doesn't affect the coupling with the floor. Lovely sounding amp. I think it's the evo III i.e. it has compressor, sub-octave, DI, etc. Looking for some kind of full rig for this, not that interested in combos anymore. I do love hartke, and 2x12s would suit nicely. Not really looking to sell it, but if you desperately want to take it off my hands and leave me amp-less, then PM me. oh and if I don't reply to this topic I apologise - there's something up with my email notifications. again, pm me if it gets out of hand! ahha.
  2. fiddle with yer knobs!! If you've got any tone knobs on your bass or amp, have a fiddle around with them. I find that on my jazz, the single tone knob on it makes a HUGE difference to my tone.
  3. great pedal, the dirtiest sounding fuzz on the planet imo!!
  4. one of only 2 decent pedals they make IMO. I've only ever used it in-store, but its nice and flexible and does what it says on the tin.
  5. for your budget i'd go with the EHX Mass micro synth. A complete beast of a pedal with some really cool sounds. i've got one and it's done me well! The band I'm in (hard rock/synth) hasn't rehersed for about 6 months so PM me if you want to make me an offer on it, though it's not 'officially' for sale as such! If you want to save up, the markbass super-synth is meant to be really good - like a modern day deep impact.
  6. I know a guy that has almost perfect pitch that he's developed. I mean, surely when it's a born thing, then the gene makes the pitch exactly to 440 tuning? What about these strange cultures that use other tunings other than 440, and where you have quarter tones? I think that you can develop perfect pitch. You can train your ear to recognise certain notes. For example, I can 100% recognise an Eb becasue of a song I used to constantly play which had an Eb nearly all the time. Unfortunately I can't really just sing it out, but I'm 99% sure that it could be something that you could develop to a pretty decent standard.
  7. ok, this is quite expensive, but the gigrig is always a thought. You probably know what it is, but you put all your seperates into it's 8 different loops and you select about 8 different presets, of which they can select any combination of the pedals, so you could have the 2 ODs in seperate loops (cos I don't know about you, but my OTT overdrive is crap for grit and my grit drive is crap for OTT sounds), and it's probabaly exactly what you're looking for. It's great because after the initial investment, it's cheaper in the long run as you just upgrade certain pedals. But it's bloody expensive!
  8. you know you're getting good service when they use dolphins. (Y)
  9. 'Yesterdays' by Switchfoot. An absolutely beautiful song to play, simple and stunningly effective bassline which compliments the guitar line more than almost any other song I know. 10/10
  10. I can't remember which I used, but I tried some vocal tablets before doing a new year's eve gig last year and they really helped. I mean it was easier to sound good from the off with only a bit of warming up beforehand. They really feel nice. i think the ones I used were vocalzone tablets. not sure, though.
  11. Welcome to the bass. Only one thing left to do...
  12. ooh, excellent! Looking nice, though it's taking quite a while to load in general for me plus I really would have liked to see a background image to make it feel less plain, but good work.
  13. Master blaster and sir duke just come naturally to me I'd say kula shaker's version of hush.
  14. I'm ill. this sucks. and i'm being put though the torture of aled jones' voice.
  15. +1, awesome stuff, guys. Loooove your amp tones. Shame I've only got your preamp at the moment!
  16. The g-tarist, who also uses protools, said it's like a simplified version of protools, and pretty much just as good. it's a completely different program to reason in my opinion. Reason's more of a DJ's tool, or for someone composing music. 'record', cubase and protools all strike me as much more of 'recording' type programs.
  17. Something close up with a fish-eye lens.
  18. New years gig this year.... 50 songs to learn.... should be fun remembering all that lot! Nah, when it scomes to mucking up it's always a case of 'look at the keyboard player, then just shake your head slightly and mouth 'what is he doing?''
  19. Of course there's always the spacing between the 12th fret and the bottom E string, but that's another topic...
  20. i'd go for the hartke VXL bass attack. Versatile, does grit, has a lovely tone to it, very similar to valve (arguably) without the huge price tag. Has DI out (pre and post EQ switch so you don't annoy the soundman at gigs), a nice EQ, plus some other goodies. I've had mine for a while now, and always use it when i'm recording, and I find it gives a lovely tone going just straight plain into my mixer/recorder. Also, remember not to add any amp modelling once it's gone through your toneport. burgh!
  21. Yeah, guitars are a bit chorus'y, bass is solid, and there. The guitars could do with some panning, as could the drums to seperate the tracks a bit. But seriously, for 5 hours that is absolutely AWESOME! That would take me a couple of days to produce in my little studio!
  22. Whats the current expected finish date?
  23. [quote name='casapete' post='685409' date='Dec 15 2009, 04:55 PM']Macca's band looked 100% live to me.[/quote] +1! i was suprised how good they all sounded. Loved the music, didn't really like the singing. Complete opposite of all the contestants, eh?
  24. Thought the songs were really good, but his voice was a bit croaky, but seriously, what do you expect? However... George Michael. Amazing voice, but what the hell was that song? Verrry strange...
  25. I hate it when the sound isn't what you like. You'd think that the guys at the back would have training in how to do live sound properly...
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