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Everything posted by pbass67

  1. Clear out time, bargains to be had. . . . Dr Bass 1580. £SOLD 450 watts RMS Neo 1x15, 8" mid w/horn 3-way X-over w/ mid and HF level control 40hz to 20khz 102 dB 1W1M 4 ohms 24.25"h x 20.75"w x 17.5"d 52 lbs. Neodymium [attachment=176067:photo 1.JPG] [attachment=176068:photo 2.JPG] [attachment=176069:photo 3.JPG] [attachment=176070:photo 4.JPG] [attachment=176071:photo 5.JPG] Silly cheap price of £225 for this great one cab solution. Next . . . Crate 2x10 w/ tweeter 200 watt, 8ohm cab. Tatty, well used, but seemingly bombproof!! Heavy at about 54lbs, but cheap at £75. Works perfectly. Sounds great! [attachment=176072:photo 4.JPG] [attachment=176073:photo 1.JPG] [attachment=176074:photo 2.JPG][attachment=176075:photo 3.JPG] This cab was made by SLM Electronics in the USA who also made Ampeg stuff. Lastly . . . . Ashdown Mag 300watt head. Hardly used, very good condition. £120 [attachment=176076:photo 1.JPG] [attachment=176077:photo 2.JPG] [attachment=176078:photo 3.JPG] I'm based in North Wales nr Bangor. Happy to courier stuff at cost, but you are also welcome to come try stuff out and pickup. Cheers. Paul
  2. pm,d Cheers Paul
  3. pbass67


    Feel I better chip in to say I've got the HB head, not the combo, and its been great. I've been using it for gigs for the past couple of years paired with a BF Midget and its always surpassed my expectations. Its a very versatile amp tonally, and although its inherent tone is quite middy, once the color and contour controls are bought in you can totally dial the mids/top out and have a dub monster. The midget is a middy cab too but doesn't mind having more bass pushed to it, so I generally set the amp to Bass at 1 o'clock, bass boost engaged, Treble at 2 o'clock, EQ off (sometimes on with mid cut), and then use the contour control at 2 o'clock. It gives me a great deep but punchy tone that I really enjoy using. I've only pushed this amp to near max once at a gig in a huge cowshed, and it was still fine. Reliability wise, all I can say is that I've used it for 2 years with gigs pretty much once a fortnight and its never missed a beat. Its also got a pretty solid chassis as I can sit on it during rehearsal and the box doesn't flex at all. Great amp for the money. Mines already payed for itself I reckon.
  4. Chris bought my Stingray fretless neck. Great chap to deal with, no problems whatsoever. Thanks alot mate! Cheers Paul
  5. Hi Tom I don't know why I didn't receive your earlier reply to my pm either. Thanks, all understood. Will discuss with the band and get back to you. Cheers Paul
  6. Bump for edited title and a veritable bargain price. £150 + pnp
  7. PM replied to I have now sold the hardware (tuners and string tree) but the neck is still available. Cheers Paul
  8. Just sold some machineheads to Ron. All went quickly and smoothly. Good communication all the way. Cheers Ron P.
  9. another +1 from me. Couldn't be happier running my Midget T through a Harley Benton BA500H. Been using this setup for the last year, gigging every 2 or 3 weeks and its always been fantastic. Definitely keep it on the floor for coupling. I push the lows and lose some mids and it gives me everything I need. Love it!
  10. Bank holiday bonus bump ! Ok for today only, I'll take £190 and if it don't go it'll be back to the bay at considerably more. C'mon you Musicmen, I doubt you'll see another neck this nice at this price.
  11. Special offer bump till Sunday 6th May to help meet my outgoings. £199 including pnp to UK. No more No less. Here's the catch, must be by bank transfer, No paypal as it will take too long to transfer to my bank. Done a fair few deals on here with no issues. No haggling as I have other means to pay the bills if necessary, but this is hanging around and deserves to meet some . . . .body! geddit. P.
  12. Yep, I made it there too. Really enjoyed Wilko and Norman, although Norman could've done with being a touch louder in the first half of the set, but they did a great job as ever. After a few more beers, was looking forward to the Blockheads, but it wasn't Norman on bass. I kinda recognised the stand in but it wasn't until halfway through the first song that it suddenly twigged . . . .Guy Pratt ! Fair do's, he don't do it like Norman but he did do it very well indeed. Lovely old ? stackknob Jazz, sounding perfect through a big Ashdown rig. Great weekend, really enjoyed it. Sadly, I had an unscheduled nap on Saturday night and missed loads of great bands including From the Jam. Gutted about that. too much pizza 'n' beer !
  13. Now sold. Sorry to those others interested. P.
  14. Just sold an amp to Noel. Paid very promptly and great comms. Top chap! Thanks alot mate. P.
  15. I own the Harley Benton BA500h and have been very happy with it. Done loads of gigs, even ran it pretty much flat out in a very big open barn into my Barefaced Midget with no complaints from amp or cab. Would really like to A/B it with the Promethean head to see how similar they are. I'm in North Wales if any Promethean owners (or micro heads of any make) would like to do some testing, send us a pm. Paul.
  16. Love the look of these. A welcome break from the black box syndrome. Fair do's to Epifani for pushing the boundaries. If they sound anywhere as good they look, I think they'll be rather busy.
  17. Yep, I reckon it probably was. Now officially SOLD!
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