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Everything posted by pbass67

  1. Hi there You may be able to help me out occasionally as I play in a couple of bands and get the odd double date. It would be covers ranging from 'Walk in the room' to 'Since you been gone' to 'Rescue me' to 'Moondance' to Billie Jean ! and many more cheezy tunes inbetween. Hopefully fitting into your "covers that are fun to play" category. Not the greatest band in the world but we don't go out for less than £50 a head and the punters seem to enjoy it. We play all over N. Wales and have been fairly busy. I've already got a couple of people who have filled in for me before but they are not always available, so if you fancy it, let me know and I'll pm you a set list and stuff. Cheers Paul ps Happy Nu yEar !
  2. Just an observation that my midget doesn't like being off the floor, the only time its not sounded 'right' was in a pub on a seat. Lost low end. Done loads of other gigs with it on floor and its been great, albeit on electric bass. Don't know nothing about phase issues though, so I'll leave that to those that do.
  3. I'm in Bethesda mate. its wet.
  4. Hi Jake Thought I'd say hello as I'm only 10 miles down the road. Don't do much punk now, seemed to have replaced the P with a F but I know a couple of young punks around here who may need a bassist. One of em's a great lad, (Craig) real old school style, just 30 years too late, poor sod! Flippin good punky drummer and guitarist too. In my murky past, I think you did a gig with Vice Squad in Plymouth that I went to, Kept on getting chucked out for being too young but kept sneaking in again. After the third time the bouncer was gettin really pissed off so we didn't try again for fear of death. Great night tho. Anyway if I can think of anyone else, I'll let you know. Cheers Paul
  5. pbass67


    Ahh Lush woody warmth back atcha Owen, I remember seeing this around our neck of the woods. Look forward to seeing it with the Shuker body P.
  6. This is a tru oil finish on a bass I put together. I love the look of it and its easy to apply, but offers no protection whatsoever and anything underneath is clearly visible so if the differing grains are likely to niggle you then a darker or solid finish may be a wiser option. Good luck with your build !
  7. Try doing another quote the next day, as I remember doing this and it being a lot cheaper with more options. Not quite sure why, may have been to do with what pickup day you choose. Also, insurance above £150 does up the cost a fair bit, certainly on higher value stuff. Haven't used them for a month or two, so I hope it hasn't rocketed too much as they've been my service of choice for the last couple of years.
  8. Hi Wayne I'll defo take the neck if no ones gonna snap it up. Just had a rosewood job which works great, but makes me keen to try the maple board too. Can sort a bank transfer tomoro mate. Cheers Paul
  9. Here's my mini rig. Getting plenty of use and sounding great. Anybody looking for a cheap head would be wise to check out the Harley Benton (God, I hate that name !). It is more than capable of holding its own and suits the Midget very well. I intend to get some sound clips up soon, as I can't believe how versatile it is. I've never had an amp with so much tonal variation, despite owning SWR, Trace, Ashdown, Markbass, Tecamp and a ruck of old valve gear over the years. The Midget is incredible and punches well above its weight. I've used this as my main rig for the past 3 months in pubs, clubs and barns without PA support and its been fine and sounds great to my ears. Been told to turn down a few times too. Here's a few things I'm currently putting through it
  10. Thanks Jose Linked via photobucket and sorted.
  11. Hi I'm also struggling with uploading images, so have used photobucket, but I'm not doing that very well as you still have to cut and paste the url to view the images. Need to get a grip on this stuff. Do check out my lovely 'homemade' bass with Ryder neck in 'Bass guitars' Bass-reborn. Good luck with sorting out these issues, it must have been a fair hefty task to revamp a site of this size and not have a few glitches. Thanks for your efforts guys
  12. Definitely check out the Harley Benton BA500 head. I bought one about 3 months ago, have used it mainly for gigs with a BareFaced Midget and its been great. Loads of tonal control, good volume and so cheap at just over £200 for a 500 watt Class D lightweight head. So far so good. Can't quite believe it. thomann.de of course. P.
  13. Ok, here's a link to a photobucket album. Hope this works. www.photobucket.com/Bass-reborn
  14. Ooops, still no pics. they're about 2mb each. That should be ok shouldn't it ? Tried advanced and basic uploader, still no joy
  15. thanks to Ryder neck ! So, years ago I built a bass (with help) which had a fretless Musicman Stingray neck. Sadly it was never a great fit and the fretless thing consequently never worked for me. It looked good but was just gathering dust. I'd always wondered how it would be if it was fretted. Anyway, took a cheap gamble on a Ryder neck. It fits great, bass sounds amazing and I'm loving the result. Thanks Jose. Check out the pics 3 Before and 3 after shots. (trying to upload pics, but getting 'Upload skipped Error 413' message. Will post anyway and see if they appear. If not, what am I doing wrong?) [IMG]http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z329/pbass67/photo5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z329/pbass67/photo4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z329/pbass67/photo3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z329/pbass67/photo1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z329/pbass67/photo2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z329/pbass67/bassinshed.jpg[/IMG]
  16. No longer on the Stokes Croft then mate? when I came to see you to pick up the Eko, looked like a good place for volume fun. Also bought back memories from 20+ years ago when I lived there and rehearsed and we never got any grief. . . . but then we never had any Barefaced either ! Is the Super 15 a 2x15 a la the old Vintage?
  17. thank you. . . .
  18. and who pray tell is Natasha Henstridge? (sorry, not too hot on me celebs) oh, and thanks for the replies. I figured as much. I generally wouldn't pay extra either, but I guess someone out there may so it seems ebay is the way, but I'll stick a post up on Level 42 and Statii sites as well and see what happens. cheers p.
  19. Hi Back in the days of Bassist magazine I was the lucky git who won an Ashdown ABM400 head that was signed by Mark King. Still got it and its been great, but thinking it may be time to move it on. What price do you put on an amp with a signature. Of course it depends on whether you're a fan of the signatory or not but I can't decide where to start the pricing. Because of this, it'll probably go on the bay with a reserve but if any King fans out there want to pm me offers then fire away. Would also like to hear examples of what other signed gear has gone for. Cheers Paul
  20. Yes, pre chrome corners. . . and provisionally sold. P.
  21. Hi all Up for sale is my Compact. Well used, well loved, well good imo. Just got the midget and think that will do me fine as my bands aren't particularly loud and I love the portability thang. As you can see in the pics the handle has become worn and the rubber has split but the metal strap within seems fine. One corner protector is a bit split (see pic). Otherwise, its everything you've heard in these forums, Very light 32lbs, very loud and deep but with a good top end too, and has never struggled in any situation. See www.barefacedbass.com for loads of reviews and info. £SOLD Based in Bangor, N Wales if you want to collect. Cheers Paul
  22. And I was the reason Wayne had it in his possession. I still love it, and hopefully fitting a K&K pickup tomorrow. That ebay one looked ok until I saw the crack in the neck. . .shame.
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