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MrDinsdale last won the day on May 2 2024

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About MrDinsdale

  • Birthday 17/09/1987

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  1. I'm working through some Less Than Jake songs, Roger is a monster bass player.
  2. Well Im grabbing some pickups for my Schecter J4. Was never an issue with the band I was in as it was all pick, now I'm using it for finger style stuff I'm finding them a little uncomfortable so time for an upgrade. Shame I couldn't make the end of Feb but can't turn them down! Longest I've gone without a bass purchase in ages!
  3. We had a similar issue, took us ages to settle on a name, we got some logos made up etc. The first of our gigs lined up was opening for an all day music festival, turns out the guy running it had invited an indie band from Manchester we'd missed when researching. He had to send them a really awkward message explaining the mix up. Felt horrible, they were apparently really excited albeit confused as to why a small indie band had been invited to a punk all-dayer. 🤣
  4. I get the sentiment although I imagine most of the American pedal builders etc I like feel the same way about Trump and his policies. I'm certainly not getting a Tesla now though (not that it was on the cards before)
  5. Not a clue what price to pop these up for as I’ve never seen them for sale. These are the EMG Metalworks pickups found in the Schecter P4 Exotic. I believe they're practically the same as the Les Claypool version but in a kind of brushed gun metal finish. They look ace on a black scratchplate. Sound great and super versatile with the preamp but I've come to accept P pickups are not my thing, as sacrilege as that may be. Comes with the EMG 2-band preamp. This will need very light soldering as its missing a battery box and jack. I can dig out the knobs too. Price includes postage, open to offers. Ping me with any questions 🙂
  6. I've not had it from new, I couldn't say how old it was although they've not been out very long!
  7. I feel seen by the artwork on this one 🤣 looks incredible!
  8. @MrPring let me have a ponder, that's a pretty big loss for me as I think I paid £140 for it just before Christmas 🫠
  9. @Quatschmacher I'm sorry but I think its going back to its OG owner!!!
  10. Kind of reluctant to get rid as they're excellent but making an effort to stick to the Quad Cortex where possible. While the built in compressors aren't as good, I use them so sparingly that its hard to justify the money and board real-estate. Origin Cali76 Bass Compressor - £260 Origin DCX Bass - SOLD Darkglass Element - £130 All with boxes and include shipping. Let me know if you have any questions! Origin Cali76 Bass Compressor Origin DCX Bass DarkGlass Element
  11. They're great, hopefully this means more ongoing support and updates!
  12. I use a Cioks + Crux, which is a little overkill but really handy as I also have a couple of pedals that benefit from 18v. It's excellent, though.
  13. Apologies for the picture quality! I've been meaning to try the ipad with the QC for a while as somewhat portable recording set up, handy now I can't use my work laptop for logic any more. First time I've tried Logic on the ipad but pretty impressed at how easy it was to jump into. I didn't feel particularly restricted compared to the full desktop version. Just need a way to mount an ipad stand to the back of my board and then I'm sorted 🙌
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