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Everything posted by razze06

  1. I've gigged the amp for the first time last saturday, and it performed admirably. Plenty of volume for the room (rock/soul/funk/pop 4 piece with enthusiastic drummer on heavy metal-grade Tama), just a bit of overdrive and all the warmth you could desire. Let's say i'm in no rush to sell, but I want to get some cash to fund another modern sounding bass...
  2. Look what the kind people of Tanglewood sent me! [attachment=108469:TanglewoodCatalogue.jpg] The bass was in production between 1991 and 1996.
  3. Who picks the names for these basses? [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arona,_Piedmont"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arona,_Piedmont[/url] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arona,_Tenerife"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arona,_Tenerife[/url] Looks good though!
  4. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH_imnEGvMM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nH_imnEGvMM[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqtki6I-VTY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqtki6I-VTY&feature=related[/url]
  5. Jumping jack flash or a more melodic version of last nite
  6. I'm going to gig my recently acquired one on saturday, and then i'll decide what to do with it...
  7. I'm going for the record of the lowest "interest vs views" ratio here
  8. razze06


    Years ago, while travelling in western china, I bought two uyghur instruments: a "[url="http://www.meshrep.com/Music_instruments/Rawap/rawap.htm"]rawap[/url]" and a "[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxhocZurU5Y&feature=related"]duttar[/url]". My duttar is half the size as the one in the video, with two cloth strings. fun for a few minutes, but my inability to grasp uyghur musical styles shows almost immediately The rawap is a nearly impossible to tune, so it tends to stay on the shelf and look pretty and exotic...
  9. [quote name='umph' timestamp='1335450960' post='1631407'] not to offend razze but not sure that'd be an accurate representation of what a bassman sounds like ;p I've got a proper clone of one but i'm down in sheffield ;( [/quote] No offense taken, you are probably right. I'm not about to turn away any interest or publicity though
  10. Cheers Bremen! Magee, PM me if you want to have a play, even if you don't ant to buy it
  11. I'm going to stick my neck out and say that the precisions, with their cream binding, bookmatched tops and matching headstocks are perhaps a tad classier than the all-black jazzes. I bought one over the other
  12. [quote name='johnDeereJack' timestamp='1335213686' post='1627497'] Didn't know you had a Jazz bass dude! Never saw this make an appearance at a R2R gig. Free bump if you tell me what you're buying now! [/quote] Hey Jacko, yes i own a jazz bass, I believe you saw it when we played Whistlebinkies last time... It's the only one I can part with, as I've bought a *erm* Tanglewood Bassmaster Funk! Yeah never heard of them either, but I was looking for a modern sounding bass, and active warwick corvettes are far too dear these days!
  13. bump for the cheapest vintage amp on the market?
  14. The electronics cover sits up above the cavity! just four screws, and very few wires in there. Surprised to see a battery, to be honest. I wonder if it is an aftermarket job... The pickups look original, and from the lack of wear and cleanliness, i'd say the former user was a pick player.
  15. I think it sounds almost exactly like a Spector, which is not a bad thing for me I found out it's got active pickups, but not active eq. The neck is made of two pieces of maple dovetailed and glued together, it's rather comfortable to play, with a little more neck-dive than other much bigger basses I own. I'll try it with reggae on wednesday night practice
  16. Nothing at all mate, just that It's a tanglewood and it has recently appeared in the shop. I'll take it practice today to put it through its paces
  17. Mine now Was looking for a modern sounding bass, and this will do very nicely. Went through to Glasgow this morning, tried it in the boot, loved it even though the neck isn't my favourite shape, haggled a bit, and walked out witjh a fair bit of change...
  18. i'm in edinburgh, happy to ship at cost. i've taken a close up pic of the scratch on the fretboard, i'll post it here on monday. I can't feel it when i play it, it's purely cosmetic damage. I think someone may have used a bit of metal under the string, like a third bridge or something...
  19. Slightly edited to make price more visible
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