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Everything posted by markytbass

  1. I tend to rest my thumb on the end of the neck, I did try a thunb rest but it got in the way. But like the others have said its personal preference and if it feels comfortable.
  2. I don't have any lazy habits, I may have some unorthadox energy saving techniques, but not lazy .
  3. They did a drum kit as well. I remember the add's on the back of one of the music mags when I was at college
  4. I was recently looking for a cheapish bass and was amused at some of the prices people were bidding. Whether there was any shill bidding going on I don't know. 2nd hand stuff going for above new prices then, in some cases having to add £20 plus for postage.
  5. I was in a band who tuned down. I found 50-110 were alright for tuning to D but when we went lower © I had to change to a heavier guage. I ended up getting a 5 string set (40-120) I think the 4 I used were 60-80-100-120, they were spot on for me.
  6. Has anyone rang the number in the description? I might ring it tomorrow from work.
  7. Perhaps he thinks someone will want to bid higher than the BIN price?
  8. Watched the first hour, thought it would be on catch up, but its not .
  9. This one has been on before at a much higher price. I think it's been on about half a dozen times maybe more. Should the cost of the extra options bump up the 2nd hand price? Does it add to the desirablitiy of the instrument? If I was in the market for another Musicman I would look for something cheaper, price comes before colour/extras IMO. If someone thinks its worth that much it'll go if not we may be having the same conversation in 6 months time.
  10. Hi Stevo, The old BEAD 4 string is more common than you think. There was another thread on here which covered the same issue. I'm sure if you put tuning in the search at the top of the screen you'll find it. I had the same thing, one of the bands I'm in tune to D because the singer can't reach the high notes. Then I found some songs had to go down to C so bought a RBX765 but couldn't get on with it so sold it and am in the process of getting another 4. You shouldn't need a new nut to put bigger strings on, just file the grooves out a little. If you were to revert back to EADG you would probably need a new nut.
  11. It really depends on what I'm playing through. It's good to be able to fiddle with the eq on the bass rather than the amp, especially if it's not your amp.
  12. What I would do for a quiet band practice. I use ear pluggs cos everyone (including me) is too loud. So we turn down, but then we can't hear anything but drums. So everything gets turned up again. I would buy the drummer some brushes and hide all his sticks but I'm planning on leaving anyway.
  13. I'm looking for an electro-acoustic bass but without the traditional soundhole. Ive seen Godin's and the Warick Alien but they are way out of my price range. I have about £160 to play with, so I'll be going down the 2nd hand route. Any suggestions welcomed. Cheers
  14. Guitar Guitar in Newcastle had a Stingray about 6 months ago. The body was refin'd natural, it had a birdseye maple neck (4 bolt) a bullit trussrod adjuster and the older bridge minus the foam mutes. They had it up for £699, it did look like it needed a good clean. So £650 ish sounds like a good starting place.
  15. I've seen 2nd hand stuff go for virtually new prices or buy it now prices higher than what I can get it a shop for. How much shill bidding was involved or lack of investigation by the winning bidder i don't know. Like the woman on some daytime telly program I watched last year I think. She had bought loads of old china off ebay thinking she was investing in atiques only to be told by an "expert" that it was a load of sh*t.
  16. I don't think ive read so much bullshit, well since the Block Party bass anyhow. RRP£699 yea right (show me a mex p'bass at that price and I'll show you a liar), exact copy I dont think so, wheres the thumb rest (I could go on).
  17. [quote]Though I;'ll have to ask my dad about what we have in the house.[/quote] A screwdriver and 5lb lump hammer should do the trick.
  18. I did it to a Jazz I had a few years ago, and then had to sell it . If I can't find a fretless I like in the next week or so I'll be doing it again to another bass. The trick is to get the frets out without damaging the fretboard. After that I found it strait forward.
  19. Teenage kicks Blitzkrieg bop Ever fallen in love
  20. They had one in my local music shop, went pretty quick. I actually like the inlays.
  21. Just a heads up really, a mate of mine does an open mic night at the ^above^ and is trying to get more people along. Everyone welcome no matter what standard you play at. Cheers
  22. My aproach is to take the rough with the smooth, some songs we do I like others I don't. The band I'm in isn't ideal, we havn't gigged yet but have done quite a few open mic nights. At least I'm playing, in doing open mic stuff I'm sort of advertising myself and have met other musicians who are into the same stuff as me.
  23. I use bri-wax, it contains bee's wax and is the best cleaner/polish I have used on my stingray neck and fretboard.
  24. I love that vid, he has such a relaxed style of playing. There is also this one which is the isolated bass to Won't Get Fooled Again. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfDE-ZvfOwU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfDE-ZvfOwU[/url] AHH you beat me to it.
  25. Agadoo, Black Lace
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