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Everything posted by markytbass

  1. Does anyone on here use them or tried them. Mainly interested in the black nylon tapewound set's. Cheers
  2. Similar to that but the Pino Palladino model, a few more knobs and pickups.
  3. Its a Status Vintage PP custom with a P bass pickup instead of the chrome hummbucker. Similar to the Guy Pratt model. If the link doesn't work the go to the Status Graphite website and look at the vintage range under basses. [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/carts3/frames/frame1.htm"]http://www.status-graphite.com/status/cart...ames/frame1.htm[/url] I've just tried the link and it takes you to the home page, so just look in basses and you'll find it.
  4. [quote]Over a month ago I told my fellow band members that I could no longer do our normal rehearsl night due to looking after my son. They still think I can make our old night despite repeatedly telling them otherwise[/quote] I had a similar problem with a band I was in last summer. Had a text saying "can u practice thursday evening" sent text back saying "no missus is working got to look after kids". Got another text "ok I've booked room for thursday 8 til 10" to which I reminded them that I can't do Thursday but could do Friday. Anyway to cut a long story short the practice was arranged for the Friday but the missus had agreed to work. Not wanting to let anyone down I arranged for the kids to stay at their friends so I could go to practice. I dropped them off and just as I got on the A1 I had a text saying "Practice cancelled singer can't make it". Hence I jacked it in a few days later.
  5. A band I was once in used to vote on what new songs we did. This worked until the guitarist refused point blank to play the songs the drummer had chosen and vice versa.
  6. [quote]In a covers band and the drummer insists on playing every song exactly as it is recorded[/quote] Not so much every song but will pull me up for my little improvisations saying "the bass doesn't do that". Only in the very next song which has a fairly basic drum beat (All Right Now) he starts doubling the beat throughout the verse. Other band's? hmm What winds me up about them is when we turn up to practice at say 8 o'clock, and their drummer has all his kit spread out across the floor. Then proceeds to inspect each piece of kit before putting it away, eating into out practice time (once half an hour). Now there are 2 things that can happen in these instances, 1. We help him out with his kit, this involves moving it out into the corridor so he can spend alll the time he wants. 2. We just carry on, set up and start playing.
  7. [quote]Obviously you can't fight against a drummer if you want to sound like a coherent rhythm section but if his time slips or meanders then you should feel entitled to reign him in and get him to follow you.[/quote] I find myself doing that quite alot with the drummer in the current band, some songs he starts too fast and then slows down as he run's out of puff. On others he speeds up and slows down throughout leaving me playing catch up. So does that make us a Jazz band?
  8. I taught myself from a book, not that it helped much, I don't think it did anyway. I can't read music so if I'm doing a cover I will play by ear and work out what notes are being played and where. If I'm playing a song that someone has written but has no bass line I will play what I think fits, sometimes just root notes and sometimes more technical runs etc. What ever sounds good, I've not had any complaints yet. I havn't a clue when it comes to timing, I just follow the drummer. If someone was to shout this ones in (insert time sig) I wouldn't have a clue.
  9. Christ on a bike, If you wan't to play a zither or autoharp then buy one. Don't put a head and body on it an pretend it's some sort of bass guitar.
  10. Whats not to trust with electronic tuners? I have a Metro-Tuner TGI-99B, it cost about £13 and I can't fault it. We have a keyboard in our band so have to be in tune with that. Tuning by ear is not really an option unless you use the keys as a reference. I saw a fleetwood mac tribute band last year. One of the guitarists decided he was out of tune halfway through Albertross and thought he would just give it a tweak. He tweaked it too far the wrong way and spent the rest of the song huddled over his amp tuning up.
  11. At the moment I'm in one band but everyone else in the band seems to have other stuff on the go. The guitarist/singer has a solo project on the go and is in another band with the keyboard player. The keyboard player seems to be out every night, the drummer plays bass in another band and is revising for his exams. We havn't practiced for about a month but managed to get to an open mic night and play a few songs last week. Due to the above I have started looking for another band as I can't see us taking off too soon. Not necessarily on bass, I have been playing tenor banjo for a few years now and think it would be a nice change to try something different.
  12. Would the singer in your other band be up to the job? I don't know what the music scene is like down there but up here (Co Durham) rock, classic rock and heavy metal seems to be the staple diet of most fans. I'm not a huge fan of VH but I know people who are. If you are enjoying it, stick with it and see where it takes you. I wish I had your dilema, as it is I'm in a band going nowhere fast and struggling to find anything else. Good luck.
  13. I have recently stripped my RBX and stained it. The neck was laquered and the headstock had green varnish over a thin veneer. I stripped the varnish and sanded the veneer off to find a nice grain in the maple underneath. I didn't use any stain or dye, I sanded all the varnish off the neck and sealed it with a bee's wax based polish (bri-wax in a tin not a spray). If you want to use a wax polish you can do the following. I started off with some 80 sand paper then 120, 240, 400,6 or 800 and finally some fine wire wool. Then applied wax polish with wire wool and buffed up with a soft cloth. After wich you can apply more wax, buffing after each application to get a nice build up. A few points, If you put a transfer/decal on, put it on before waxing otherwise it won't stick. Also when applying wax on the transfer use a cloth not wire wood and don't rub too hard or you will fetch it strait off. Be careful using wire wool near pick up's, it would be a good idea to take the neck off to work on it. In my opinion wax is better than varnish. It makes the neck nice and slick, unlike varnish that can drag a bit if your hands get sweaty during a gig. I've tried varnish and just got runs everywhere cos I'm crap with a brush or spary can. I hope you manage to sort the headstock out either way.
  14. I have bouts of GAS, my wife thought she had cure me by buying me a Sting Ray (how wrong she was). I also suffer from sell to buy syndrome (STBS) which can lead to the following. Buy Jap P'bass, convince myself I need 2 basses, Buy Bass Collection. See nice 78 USA P'bass which I must have. Sell Bass collection to buy USA P'bass. Convince myself that I need a Jazz bass, find a nice Fernandez Jazz. Sell Jap P'bass to fund Jazz. Sell everything to pay for rent deposit . 10 years later given permission to start playing in a band again. Decide to go active so get a Cort, convince myself that I could do with a passive bass so get a Yamaha BB414. Wife buys me a Sting Ray (eventually got the bass I've always wanted, or so I thought) sell the BB to put money towards the Ray. Need 5 string for new venture so sell Cort and other bits and pieces to pay for Yamaha RBX765. I regret selling the 2 Fenders I had. Starting to crave a nice P or jazz but can't afford to buy one without selling the Sting Ray. But then I would probably regret selling that. Just have to wait for that lottery win.
  15. Had mine about 12 months, not used it much but this thread has started me off again. 10321 left hand and 10507 right.
  16. I used to tune my 4 string to D G C F then we got lower and I tuned C F A# D#. Then I gave in and bought a 5 string, I use 40-125 guage strings so I can tune to either B, C or even C#.
  17. My mate managed to snap the headstock off his Gibson Les Paul guitar, so much for soft padded gigbags eh.
  18. [quote]your best bet might be to just de-fret one! You'll have to put up with the lines if you do that though[/quote] +1 on the defret, it would give you a bit more of a choice and you may even get a better bass for your money. As for the fret lines, if you used strips of ebony or rosewood to fill the fret slots (or use a wood dye on lighter wood) the lines may not be that noticable. On the other hand it depends on the type inlays (if any) the fretboard has and if you want those. In answer to your question I would plumb for the Rock bass, like this one and de-fret it. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Rockbass-Corvette-5-String-Bass-Guitar_W0QQitemZ320235839033QQihZ011QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Rockbass-Cor...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  19. If you want me to stay - Sly and the Family Stone Give it away - The Chilli's New rose - The Damned Homophobic asshole - Senseless Things Give him a ball and a yard of grass - Sultans of Ping F.C.
  20. Waiting room - Fugazi Bullit in the head - Rage Against the Machine Under pressure - Queen Half caste - Thin Lizzy Black boys on the corner - Thin Lizzy Hit me with your rhythm stick - Ian Dury No more heroes - The Stranglers Psycho killer - Talking Heads Reel around the fountain - The Smiths This charming man - The Smiths Love cats - The Cure Close to me - The Cure Little green bag - George Baker Selection Theme to bullitt - Lalo Schifrin The trooper - Iron Maiden Bank robber - The Clash Dancing in the moonlight - Thin Lizzy Boris the spider - The Who Black dog - Led Zeppelin Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. I'll probably remember more later.
  21. I don't know if this is old news or not even news at all, but Windows music shop in Newcastle have some SX basses and guitars in stock. They have a black scorpion jazz copy and a metallic red jazz copy both £169.
  22. I was going to start a topic on gig volume a few days ago, a mate at work is currenty deaf in one ear after going to a gig. Some bands and some venues crank it up far too loud. I went to a mates party last year and the band were so loud you couldn't hear what they were trying to play. However if you stood outside the levels were ok and you could actually start enjoy the music. So it's not just the musicians and bar staff who are at risk from damaged hearing, it's the audience also. When I started out all those years ago the PA was used for vocals only. These days some bands put everything through the PA drums and all, no matter what size the venue is. I agree that using a PA can give you more control over the sound levels but this only works if the back line is set to a sensable volume. These laws may seem silly and a bit of a killjoy but at the end of the day you need to protect your hearing and that of others.
  23. I think there early stuff was better. Pablo Honey was great and so was The Bends, I just can't get my head around the newer stuff.
  24. [quote]Id go for an RBX series YAMMY i think if you wanted a 5 string[/quote] I have one (RBX765), the neck as nice. 44mm at the nut, 65mm at the 12th fret, 77mm at the 24th and has 19mm string spacing (center to center) at the bridge. I can get a rather raw, barky P'bass sort of tone using the neck pickup. I don't know if you can still get one new but they do pop up 2nd hand, I paid £110 for mine. There is also the RBX 375, but I don't know if the dimensions are the same.
  25. Nice one. I fitted one of those to a Cort bass I had and I will be getting a 5 string version for the Yamaha. My story of a shop setup was that I was promised a free setup after playing it in. I could cope with paying for new strings even though they were overpriced (IMO). But charging me £5 for fitting them I felt was taking the mick. I also asked if they would keep the old strings for spares but on collection was told they had cut them off.
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