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Everything posted by markytbass

  1. It's not just Fender, Sandberg and ESP have distressed/aged finishes, there may be others. I personally don't care either way, its how it sounds and plays, just my 2p.
  2. I think that answers our question, did he not say "Arr I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for ye pesky kids a'harr"
  3. I'm the other side of the country, Darlington. Bit far to go unless I had other business there. His Idea of intrest maybe the fact that there is no info on the adds and people are calling/mailing him for it.
  4. I'd have a punt if it was a 4 string.
  5. I've never seen that preloved website before, theres some stuff near me that looks quite interesting, cheers.
  6. Without the ash trays it would look just like the no name P'basses my local shop was kicking out a year or so ago. Even down to the colour, the tuners and no skunk stripe. EDIT. To be honest I wouldn't have even offered him £300.
  7. I've asked for some pics etc on th G&L and some info, the discription is crap and my crystal ball is away being fixed
  8. Thanks for the info on the Wilkinson PU, Mrs Tbass wants a Ray copy to take to the open mic nights we frequent but doesn't want to spend nearly a grand on a real one.
  9. Some early Fleetwood Mac with Peter Green and Danny Kirwan and some Skid Row (Moore Shiels & Bridgeman).
  10. [quote]What sound are you after? Different flats won't all sound the same[/quote] +1 on that, I have used several brands. Roto jazz flats were quite bright, I think thats down to how they are made. I found that the lighter 40-100 guage felt like a set of 45-105 rounds tension wise. I have also used Ernie Ball flats, not as bright as the Rotos but I found the guages a bit odd (heavy top's med bottoms 50-70-95-105). Didn't quite work on my jazz, not sure if it was the odd guages with the slim Jazz neck but the E & A were slacker than the D & G. I tried Roto tru bass strings a la Herbie Flowers, they were great on my Stingray nice m'wah sound but couldn't seem to replicate it on the Jazz. The latest set of flats I am using are Status Hotwires, I have a set on my Warwick (is that ethical?) and they are sweet. I play the blues and they are spot on for that. I have yet to get a set on my Jazz but I am very pleased with the sound they produce, the tension and feel on the Warwick. Of corse there are other manufacturers to try but I think I have found the ones I like with the Hotwires.
  11. My local shops have a fairly good range of basses but the prices put me off.
  12. [quote]Kim Deal[/quote] Yea but she plays guit@r in. the breeders
  13. I suppose it depends on what type of music you do. If it's an originals band with a few covers thrown in to bulk out the set, then it really needs to be stuff the audience like.
  14. Nice bass, What sort of tone do you get out of it and is there anything in particular you are loking for in a PX?
  15. +1 Phil was one of the greatest bass players, and probably still would be if he were here.
  16. Does the old ray play as well or better than the new ray you currently own? Answer that and you've answered your question.
  17. The Hotwire flats I ordered on Saturday arrived today, I put them on as soon as I got in from work. They are sweet and I'm very pleased, they don't cost too much either.
  18. Great combo's these, I had one about 3 yars ago. If I wasn't looking for a head I'd give it a punt.
  19. I worked with a guy about 12 years ago who used to have knife edge creases in his jeans.
  20. I think it depends on the band I'm playing in, if they're sh*t then my playing tends to suffer. Take the last band I was in, the drummer was OK for his age but still had a lot to learn and needed to build up his stamina. The guitarist/singer was not so good, couldn't sing in key and struggled to play at the same time. The band I am currently in is very different. I'm probably the weakest player out of the 3 of us but I feel that I have been dragged up to somewhere near their standard. It gives me more motivation to practice the songs, scales etc more often and feel I have become a better player for it.
  21. [quote]Ive gone for a set of Status HWire flats instead.[/quote] Snap, just ordered some this morning. I have used Roto jazz flats in the past and found the 45-105 a bit too tight though the 40-100 were just right. I currently have a set of Ernie Ball flats on but they have odd guages (heavy top and light/medium bottoms) which feel a bit odd when in drop D.
  22. £100 for a tuner? I paid about £15 for my Metro-Tuner and it does the job perfect.
  23. In my experience the Roberts Flat wound were crap. 4 sets and 4 dead E strings.
  24. He also has a Sunn Mustang base for sale, what a dickhead.
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