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Everything posted by wotnwhy

  1. ooohh, if i had 100 squid i'd snatch that micro-synth and probly take half your arm with it! don't fancy a knackerd iamp do you?
  2. funny to see Tom singing, but more suprised to see him TALKING. i'm no buff on old T&J cartoons, but i didn't think they every talked..
  3. i'm no longer a teenager at 21, as much as i try to pretend thats not the case! but i'm still using the same setup now as i was when i was 17/18, which is this: only difference now is that the remainder of the Schroeder (the inner 10" blew) is part of the audio in my van. and i'm using the mixer/poweramp because my EA packed in. as with a lot of the great yunguns here, i worked hard to pay for my setup myself, no rich parents to mooch offov Tom
  4. exactly what i said above. a Sei singlecut 6 string went for £860, but i've lost the link. suprised not to find a thread about it here
  5. white, maple, binding, gold, humbuckers, semi-hollow. there's not 1 part of that bass i don't love. but together? WOW!
  6. wotnwhy

    My Babies

    TWO jp's! you are a lucky man! or at least a man with good timing. beautiful collection
  7. been playing around... 8 years now (christ!! it was 4 last time i checked!!). after selling off my fretless i now play my custom Shuker almost exclusivly (occasionaly crack out the EUB). and probably will for the rest of my life (unless i get a fretless again). i haven't got the bass out at home for a couple of years, tend only to get it out for band rehersals and gigs, but we jam for 4+ hours a couple of times a week and gig 2 or 3 times a week before i get flamed for neglecting the Shuker. my whole style and approach to playing has changed a lot over the last 2 years, i used to be all about the show, jumping and dancing around, and my style used to reflect that, but now my playing is as much about the spaces you leave as the notes you play, and note articulation and tone are becoming my primary focus. i tend to keep the bass flat (the SD quarter pound J gives more than enough low end), notch up the lower mids and roll back slightly on the tops to give a nice deep 'bark' sound i'm primerily a fingerstyle player, but do the odd simple slap groove (i used to be all about the slap, but things change). use a pick ocasionaly for fun, but never live (it's just not my sound). i play mainly funk/soul, and i guess rolling, off beat accents and ghost notes are the main traits to my style. me and the drummer in my band started learning at the same time, and have jammed AT LEAST once a week together since starting, so we know each other better than we know ourselves. and that makes a BIG difference to the way you play.
  8. it looks like it sounds phat as phuk!!
  9. wow, the colour on the status is just stunning! and the V's a beauty too. who made it for you? and are both the tops curly maple? Tom
  10. wotnwhy

    Ready to Gig

    wow, your collections changed a lot since i last looked, but i must say it's looking better than ever! especially liking the 5 string jazz. yummy
  11. another one here to say, great review. easy to understand (no babbling) and useful soundclips. in fact, it was a little TOO good. i need one now....
  12. in the words of Goldmember; "mm yes, she looks very toight" can't wait to see her 'dressed'
  13. this is a pretty unconventional bass in terms of asthetics, so why not do something different with logo placement? i think it'd look pretty damn sweet on the SIDE of the bass, between the strap button and the neck (ie, facing up the neck).
  14. [quote]Hi Tom! How are things mate.[/quote] things are good, alls going well with the bands and looking to be quite busy over the summer, hoping to travel around with them a bit. Still in search of the right amp, am leaning towards tubes more and more, but portabilities still no.1 priority. it's a tough mix. [quote]So for a while its going to be two Vigier 4's and two Bacchus 5's![/quote] for a WHILE? lol how long is that in ped-terms? i'm really diggin the look of the Bacchus, and that bass mute sound great. i'm gonna have to keep an eye out for one
  15. hmmm, another 5 then is it? take it your getting into them more now then? how long until we see you with a vigier 5??
  16. more info and pics on this topic: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=128[/url]
  17. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='10532' date='Jun 1 2007, 01:51 PM']Tom - Everytime I see your Shuker I get butterflies in my stomach![/quote] I know, so do I! Rob, i bet that thunderfunk and aggie combo have some serious punch in 'em!
  18. pretty terrible picture. oh for the want of a decent camera not burdend by a phone... Shuker Custom, Artisan EUB, Euphonic Audio iamp350, Glockenklang double 2x12 Tom
  19. [quote]so the idea of this thread is to post some pictures of your pride and joy,[/quote] [quote]what made you get it,[/quote] i'm a person who has very, very specific ideas about what i like and what i want. i also love doodling designs and such. and had the rough designs for this bass drawn up years before i took the plunge to get it made. [quote]why did you have it made that way[/quote] as i said before, i know what i like. and i just couldn't find a bass on the market that met my needs/wants 100%. and when your hitting the thousands for what is essentially a 'tool' surely you should expect nothing short of perfection. i wanted the bass to be light and strong, so swamp ash and a multi-laminate neck with carbon rods seemed ample for the job. i thought the bass should be nice and bright as the eq can always tone that down whilst also boosting the mids, so maple fretboard it was. as for electronics, i wanted them to be as extensive as humanly possible, partly from laziness (no need to keep going back to the amp for sound tweaks) and becuase half of the time when gigging the backline is shared, so i could not always guarentee that i'd be using my amp anyway. the gyst of the spec i gave to Jon in this area was; SD pickups (custom wound 1/4lb jazz and MM humbucker), piezo with own volume control and a powerful 3-band eq. active/passive switch ('cos you never know). Jon really went to town with this and used the electronics he designed as a base/prototype for his current active electronics and finally looks now this is something i thought long and hard about. i see instruments primerily as tools. and tools are made to be used, i'm not one for wrapping it up in cotton wool, afraid to take it out incase it gets damaged. i'm also in what is essentially a 'party' band. playing at house parties, in barns and on the beach, with lots of very drunk, active people running/jumping about the place. so the chances of knocks and dings is pretty high. so obviously first thought are, nothing too fancy, just keep it plain. but then i though, well it's gonna get worn/damaged regardless of how pretty it looks. and if i'm spending a lot of money, i might as well have something pretty to look at when i'm not playing. so i had the most beautiful quilt maple top and went for a birdseye fretboard and a flamed maple center laminate in the neck. and then complimented the brightness with some darker wenge in the block inlays, pickup covers and controlls. the result still wows me today, 3 years on! (seriously, i still sometimes just pick it up off the stands to look at it for a while!) [quote]and who made it for you.[/quote] well..... one of the shots Jon took soon after it's birth the design on the headstock is a sort of abstract play on my initials TS a nice shot of the flamed maple an explenation of the controls more eagle eyed amongst you will notice the 3 switches on the plate. embarrisingly i cant actually remember what 2 of them do, 1 of them is an ultra low freq. cut off switch, very effective at stopping boominess. also inside there's a mid freq. band pot. finally just to give you a slightly better idea of how varied the quilt can be and how deep it is
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