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Everything posted by wotnwhy

  1. DHA looks nice and the price is right. A contender for sure though i'm yet to listen to demo's. Also, how on earth could i forget the SOURCE AUDIO SOUNDBLOX MULTIWAVE PRO?! When i first heard of this thing i was very excited at it's possibilities, but had no practical application for it. But now i do! It's expensive, in the Markbass territory, but does a lot more. If i can afford it i think the soundblox is the one, or failing that the blowtorch or DHA (if the sounds are right).
  2. thats right on my doorstep. was going to post it here when it was on £20 saying that the seller was being quite the optimist. staggering to see it's got to this level!! I mean, what is there thats worth £102?!?! body (and likely neck) are ruined, bridge assembly and pickups appear to be missing bits, yet 5 people see something in it??
  3. The Turbo Rat has no blend of wet and dry signals, so thats out. Due to the price i think the V-Twin will remain an outside contender unless i can find some demo's of it being used for bass that blow my world apart! Quite impressed with the sound and features on the Markbass Distorsore pedal, think i prefer it to the MXR (though youtube clips hardly build a suitable picture... lol), and the high + low pass filters mean my low end sound can stay pure rather than compromising witha blend control. But the price is pretty high so it's still a close running between the MXR and Markbass. So! Thoughts and comparisons between the 2? Any other ideas?
  4. I had an EHX big muff and found the sound too fluffy and un-defined. Will have a look at the turbo rat and v-twin.
  5. Thanks for the responses guys Obviously the ideal way to achieve what i want is to split the signal, and send the effected signal to my Tecamp. However i would like to avoid this as it would mean i'm going from a; bass-lead-rig setup to bass-lead-splitter -lead-rig _______________-lead-distortion-lead-rig 2 rigs to setup, both physically and tone wise, as well as getting the right mix of levels both onstage and off for the 2 rigs together and getting their mix with the guitar and drums right. I'm sure if i got it right the sound would be extremely good, and certainly better than i could get with just 1 rig. But i'm a fan of a simple setup, put bass amp on stage, plug it in, plug in bass, turn on amp, adjust volume to suit, done. And i just don't want the extra hassle and stress that comes with a more complicated setup, so for now i think i want the solution to be a one rig job. As for the sound of the pedal, i see the blowtorch is described as 'mild'. So i guess i'm looking for something mild! As i said in my first post "i'm thinking more tube/fuzz than scream/grit". I don't want a lot of 'noise' and chaos added, i just want thickness and drive added to notes. So fuzz/tube over overdrive/distortion i guess?
  6. Hi, just a little tip for posting the photo's. Go to the album and hold the mouse over the picture and a little box pops up around it with a button that says 'share|copy', under that it says 'IMG code' and next to it a box with some code in it. Click on that code and it's automatically copied. Then when your typing your post here, just hold down Ctrl and press v on the keyboard and the code will be pasted like so; [ IMG ]http://i952.photobucket.com/albums/ae8/paulwilcock/Maverick%20S5/CIMG2796.jpg[ /IMG ] but without the spaces. When you submit your post the code will show up in the thread like this:
  7. Hi, thanks for the response Had a listen to a few demo video's and tbh didn't really hear much i liked. However clicked on the dunlop demo of the blowtorch and was pretty wowed! The sounds were good and the features seemed to have everything i was after; true bypass, blend or wet and dry signal outs, extended mid control. Any suggestions of pedals in the same area as the blowtorch?
  8. I am a funk/reggae player by nature but have been playing with a very heavy metal band for a while now. Things are going well and we have a really good set, but we are just guitar bass and drums and it is becoming apparent that there are parts where i need some grit in my sound to fill things out. But my lack of experience in the fields of metal and effects means i have no idea where to start on my hunt, but i know what i want the effect to be doing so i was hoping that with an explanation of what i want your collective knowladge can guide me down the right path so... I play pick, finger and slap in the set, so a good response to dynamics is important. I have a 'big' and 'forcefull' tone in the lower ends which i do not want dirtied, are there pedal with crossovers or something so only the upper mids/top end is effected? Tone wise i'm thinking more tube/fuzz than scream/grit, something powerfull in the mids that widens the notes and pushes them out in the mix (if that makes sense?) My natural tone is very important and i don't want it sucked either when the effect is on or off, so somthing with a true bypass as well as the effected output being a mix of dry and wet signals. I have thought about the possibility of a splitter box, sending one signal clean to my Eden rig, then putting the effected signal into my Tecamp combo. This would leave my clean tone unmolested and allow me the most control over the dirty tone, but if there's a pedal out there that can do the job this would be preffered as i like to keep things simple. So, lets hear what you think!
  9. Sounds very, very interesting! would love to see some clips of previous years events if you have them?
  10. Mini-disks outdated?! No-one told me!
  11. when you hit the red, the signal is clipping. Electronic clipping flattens the peaks of the audio wave. The waves tell the speaker to move (in or out), so when you get a flat peak the speaker is at maximun excursion but not being told to start going back. To keep a speaker out (or in) like this requires a lot of power and produces a lot of heat. So if the clips are to regular or too big, you risk burning out the speaker.
  12. [quote name='mart' post='1026738' date='Nov 17 2010, 11:27 AM'][url="http://www.cardiffguitars.co.uk/"]Cardiff Guitars[/url] is pretty good - they've certainly got a lot of stock given how small the shop is.[/quote] Good shop, great staff, but the selection of basses (although not the usual stock of Fender and it's cheaper clones) is still fairly limited.
  13. no such thing exists i'm afraid... trip along the M4 or hop on the train if you want to try a selection of basses i'm afraid.
  14. ... i feel sick...
  15. I'm very much enjoying my Eden for funk, and there's a lot cropping up for sale at the moment at amazing prices!
  16. Bought a poweramp off Pete, sent cheque up in post. Top bloke to deal with as evident by a fairly lengthy thread!
  17. Dubious of the Big Al? But have TWO on order?.. Brave man!
  18. [quote name='paul h' post='1017559' date='Nov 9 2010, 02:14 PM']My bass sounds a bit too rock and because of that I think I instinctively lean towards that style of playing.[/quote] I would wager i could make it sound 'funk' using just the tone controls on the bass and whatever amp you are using. [quote]I am hoping that with a slightly warmer sound and a less clanky set up that I might find it easier to play with the "feel" I am looking for.[/quote] To fix clanky i would lower the action and maby try some heavier guage strings (depending on how clanky it is), and a much softer attack. In fact, think of it as rock playing = attack strings, funk playing = stroke/caress/tickle
  19. [quote name='paul h' post='1017522' date='Nov 9 2010, 01:52 PM']Does your bass/sound affect your feel? Apparently not. Apparently it's nothing to do with gear.[/quote] Yes it does, but not to the point where your feel is completely lost. Think of a beautiful woman, the clothes she wears effects her overall image, but put her a pair of briefs and your old shirt or a glamerous evening dress and she's still a beautiful woman. [quote]So if I give you a P bass through an SVT you will play that with exactly the same feel as an MTD through an EBS?[/quote] To an extent, yes. But then the difference between the 2 is far, far greater to changing the pickup in a bass from ceramic to alnico
  20. [quote name='paul h' post='1017511' date='Nov 9 2010, 01:42 PM']how can a bass player be so totally detached from their instrument and sound that it doesn't affect their feel?[/quote] I wouldn't say it's total detachment, far from it. But personal feel should be able to overcome feel of an instrument. Going back to the £50 P, i was also going to say, if it wasn't for the fact that it played like a lump of moldy dog doo i would still be playing it! You should be able to get [i]close[/i] to your sound with [i]virtually[/i] any instrument, it's just you have to work harded at it with some instruments. So a good instrument is one where you don't have to work as hard to get your sound, which is why the subject of a 'good' instrument is so subjective.
  21. [quote name='paul h' post='1017477' date='Nov 9 2010, 01:26 PM']Also, I assume you all play £50 P bass copies. Because it's all in the feel and nothing to do with your gear? [/quote] Ok, yes i play an expensive bass. But ironically the best recorded sound i've achieved has been with a £50 P bass copy...
  22. [quote name='paul h' post='1017422' date='Nov 9 2010, 12:47 PM']...and raise the action a touch....[/quote] I would do the opposite. The lower the action, the lighter the touch. The lighter the touch, the clearer the nuance. The clearer the nuance, the bigger the groove. The bigger the groove, the heavier the FUNK! [quote]I also realise I need to use a lighter touch and turn the amp up instead.[/quote] The most important thing any funk player has to learn, so good to see you've noted it!
  23. That sunset is just jaw dropping!
  24. I had one and sold it for £75. I regret it so much i'll never shut up about it..
  25. I used to play with my nails, though the sound i strive for has changed so i don't so much anymore. That said, i always have 1mm or so of white nail, which is enough to get the sound with technique adjustment as i mentioned. Steve Harris from Iron Maiden is famous for playing with his nails
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