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Everything posted by Tim2291

  1. They could at least drop the prices of the Seymor Duncans! I'd quite like a set of Quarter Pounders in my Jazz!
  2. I got a cracking deal... 2 weeks ago the Fender high mass bridge was £32.90. Well I held out like a trooper and can proudly say that yesterday I ordered it in the black Friday sale reduced by just over 25% at £32.90 (£45 RRP) 🤣
  3. It means that it probably doesn't work at all.
  4. Tbf, most of the time I would agree with you, although recently Scott Devine did buy the band aid Wal from Rhinos collection at the bass gallery! I can't see that not being played to be honest, although potentially not in a live setting!
  5. This, and the rest of his work, are masterpieces! The wonky tuners are just perfection, I am always thinking to myself, I wish my Jazz bass had wonky tuning pegs that looked more like testicles! The nut that has been filed with the same tool for each string is simply genius, now I can put my E string in place of the G with no issues. The headstock is so cleverly designed that it can't hang on the wall reducing the strain on the neck which from his description has been given the perfect set up! The bridge hanging off the back of the body and held in place with 2 screws must help reduce the sustain of the instrument which is brilliant because I love it when my notes die off really quickly. The 2 screw system must be fantastic for bending notes as well, a bit like a tremolo, just grab the back of the bridge and bend away! Talking of bends, those scallops on the frets are a great way to make sure you are pressing the string down straight, great for a beginner to learn on! The reduction in weight from the missing knob is vital in this case, nobody wants a heavy bass! Judging by his workmanship elsewhere, I for one am excited to see the work he has done on the electronics to join all the earths differently! Finally, the addition of the black dots are great for making the frets more visible in dark venues, great addition.
  6. I got a tanglewood for our kid (not born yet gotta start them young ay... wife is still arguing that they don't need a short scale bass 😮). It sounds really good both unplugged and plugged in! Not pink though
  7. 463
  8. Setting a plan in place for what you want to run through is a great idea! I also have a spotify playlist of tracks that I want to learn so if i'm running short on inspiration during practice I can always turn to that! Great for ear training
  9. So he has 17 strings and uses 2 of them... Extended range instruments can sound great in the right situation, but anything by ZZ Top is far from the right situation!
  10. I think Scott Devine bought the ex Rhino Live aid Mk1! I saw the other dude from their podcast post a photo with it as it had been lent to him... how do I find these friends who'd lend me a £19K bass 😅
  11. This is extremely frustrating isn't it! You can of course promote as much as possible through SM and get people to come along to the gig. But the venues have a better reach for their patrons, these people who follow them on social media have been to the place in the past or visit regularly so it would be massively helpful if they would help promote as well! It is mutually beneficial at the end of the day!
  12. Tim2291

    DIY Effects

    What is the nest place to get pedal kits from? I'm new to DIYing so starting out with kits. I've built a fuzz pedal from JedsPeds, can't fault them but interested to hear what others reccomend?
  13. What do you guys work on when you practice? Do you have a routine at all? Mine changes massively and is very unstructured most of the time but if I do structure it try to start with a warm up of some kind, then move on to running through different scales, modes, arpeggios, chords etc and then will finish off with playing along to a few songs (usually by ear). If i'm honest though, most of the time I sit with very bad posture and ignore the first parts of the practice and skip to learning new material! Further to that, what's your practice set up? My house is relatively small so I tend to use an audio interface with headphones and the bass directly in so I'm not too annoying for my long suffering wife!
  14. how can I persuade my wife that our new baby needs a lime green Charvel San Dimas 😅
  15. I actually really enjoy that aspect of it! Thinking on my feet is far more fun to me than playing a song I've played 100 times before. As you also add though, if you keep notes of all the songs, it is a great way to add to your own repertoire and discover new artists.
  16. A promoter who is just booking bands is not a promoter, they are a booking agent. That's a very different thing, if they called themselves booking agents, then yes that's fair enough. But the promoter should do what their job title suggests, and of course the artist should promote as well but it does go both ways!
  17. My experience is that it's very varied, some times you will play well known songs like Brown Eyed Girl etc, other times you will play something you've never heard of before. If you are a visitor rather than a member of the house band, it is a lot easier as you can play what you know. When i've played in house bands there is a lot of improvisation and watching other musicians for changes. I have never done a Jazz jam night and most of what I have done has been "popular" songs which do tend to follow similar chord progressions and structures, a few differences here and there, so after a while you do get a feel for it! I did one night have a man talk to the band leader about playing a 12-bar blues, he kept asking if the band knew how to play blues in A minor and saying how he's tried to do jam nights before but none of the musicians have ever been able to keep up with him playing in A minor... band leader reassured him that we were all competent musicians and that we would be able to play blues in A minor as he requested... Drummer counts 1, 2, 3, 4... the house guitarist, keyboard player and myself all play A minor... the singer/guitarist who had requested that we play in A minor then proceeded to play a B major... turns out it wasn't any other bands fault that they couldn't play with him in A minor... he couldn't do it himself apparently! Needless to say after that seamless start, we all shifted up a tone and sharpened our thirds and it sounded a little better! There can be awkward moments but it is great to push yourself as a musician and move you out of your comfort zone in terms of different styles of music.
  18. Its frustrating isn't it. Especially when they're not even very good at the job!
  19. Frustrating aren't they! Nobody seems to actually "promote" any more, it is expected that the musicians do that work as well despite their job title literally saying they should be doing it.
  20. Most of Portsmouth and the surrounding areas is becoming more and more rubbish. The town itself, if you aren't "in" with a certain promoter then you won't be getting anything, that includes most pubs. Outside the city, the pubs are just dying regardless of music. Go in there on a non band night and there's only 3 people, go in on a band night and its usually slightly better but not by much. I don't think the promoters and owners help much as they don't seem to advertise or stay up to date with social media etc.
  21. Tim2291

    DIY Effects

    Finished off my first Fuzz pedal at the weekend... It's just a simple Jeds Peds kit and to be honest, I only built this one to gain some experience soldering again as it's been a while. Sounds exactly like a one knob fuzz pedal... pretty horrid . I was going to get my guys at work to powder coat it... but I quite like the unfinished look... I may have taken artistic licence with the name as well!
  22. You'd think he'd use the image on the link below for the bass wouldnt you! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325397146831?hash=item4bc32e6ccf:g:XlYAAOSwgaVjVugV
  23. Great choice on the Ibanez, the SR's are great instruments and good luck with everything!
  24. Anyone else really want to write a Jazz Funk Nursery rhyme album using a Fodera now? On a totally related note, if anybody wants to donate a Fodera FOC to me I am happy to accept!
  25. At work so can't listen to your playing, which i'm sure is awesome... But I love the Star Wars poster in one of the videos
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