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Everything posted by ianwild16

  1. I've had a gator for over 2 years with absolutely no probs
  2. Never took two basses, but i'm glad a had a spare lead once - At the Hard Rock Cafe, Manchaester, the drummer 'fell' over my amp as he was getting out from his kit and bent the plug into my amp. It wasn't until about half way through the second set and then the bass started cutting out. i'm there frantically trying to twiddle knobs to get some sound back....nightmare! in the end i just changed the lead and its been fine since. The drummer has since stood on the guitarists new forty quid elixir cable and bent it. Its not failed mid gig yet.... The guitarist always takes a spare guitar tho....
  3. I don't think I've ever seen a photograph of any band, with the bass strap connected to the head....
  4. [quote name='clauster' post='237204' date='Jul 11 2008, 11:53 AM']Huge [size=7]+1[/size] for "Oh Brother..."[/quote] Just been out on me dinner hour and bought this from the local 2nd hand CD shop..... (In Rochdale, 'Rocks Off'...good shop for a rummage on a rainy dinner time). A credit crunching Three Pounds Fifty!...it had better be good! I did see a tune off it on TOTP2 on Dave a few months back....the tune with G Clooney, and thought it was good then. Not the sort of stuff I'd normally like, but I looked up the compilation on Wikipedia before I went, and saw it was produced by T Bone Burnett... Who I saw on Jools Holland with R Plant & A Klauss..... And i liked that 'real gone' tune. Went looking for their CD, but they didn't have it....
  5. DIY = 'Don't Involve Yourself'
  6. I've never had a blister from playing bass / guitar, and i've never broke a string when actually playing...
  7. I've been using one the 'posh' (expensive) dedicated bass cables from fender...the type with woven flex. Nice solid chrome conectors. Had it approx 12 months, no probs. I compared it against a generic guitar lead with my fender bassamn 100 practice amp and it does definately alter the tone - more bass. The local rock radio station has been advertising the new elixir cables...has anybody tried these?
  8. [quote name='Tengu' date='May 27 2008, 10:47 PM' post='207674'] Our drummer has suggested doing this one. Reading your post has made me more inclined to learn it Go for it dude....stills get a good responce from any type of venue / function
  9. [quote name='BassManKev' post='204002' date='May 22 2008, 12:12 AM']i hope they all didnt go to one very greedy person...[/quote] Next time a get a load of the washers I'll start a thread offering them out on the condition the recepient then posts them on to the next person and so on... Then its only costing everyone the price of an envelope and stamp. s_u_y_ has kindly offered to post on the surplus which I sent him. Hopefully the next people will keep it going..... Ian
  10. [quote name='shaundixon666' post='203920' date='May 21 2008, 09:58 PM']Heres a question then, where do you get these swing top bottles from? As most of the supermarkets round me don't seem to do them anymore. Only place I can get them from is Fenwicks and they only usually have the massive bottles.[/quote] I've never seen them in a shop...I get them from a 'Lees Brewery' pub I go in on a Wed for a quiz night. If you've ever had the pleasure of drinking Lees Bitter & Lagers then you'll see why I go for the bottles. 250mls sized bottles at roughly the same price as a pint of premium lager.
  11. [quote name='ianwild16' post='203698' date='May 21 2008, 01:21 PM']I've got approx 30 of 'em to give away....PM me with an address[/quote] Already gone....if i get some more i'll put up a new post. Ian
  12. I've got approx 30 of 'em to give away....PM me with an address
  13. Hey Check out my new web site, produced by the mrs, www.barefeet-band.co.uk, [url="http://www.freewebs.com/barefeet-band/"]http://www.freewebs.com/barefeet-band/[/url], which includes some videos of the band...'waste of a good bass'.....not bad for a new user name!
  14. don't believe the hype about which bass is superior to another...I've played an affinty at loads of gigs...including Manchester Hard Rock Cafe...the only time i got complimented on my bass tone from a member of the audience, is from when i used my affinity straight through the bands PA..... Obviously as long as its set up OK it will be fine....its a bass for f*** sake....nobody in the audience cares/knows what it sounds like.
  15. One of the first ever basslines I noticed was from 'Candyman' - were he slides up to the octive.
  16. I think tucking in a curly lead has gotta be a disaster visually. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcTW1-znxeQ"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcTW1-znxeQ[/url] Check out youtube, jimi hendrix live a the marquee, rare 2nd take of Hey Joe. At approx 2.05 you can clearly see Noel has a 'White!' curly lead tucked up behind his strap. I can only just forgive him 'cause of his dedication to the afro. This is the earlest I remember ever seeing anyone do it....can any one beat it?
  17. I do it - but I dont like the 'look' of it......reminds me of an Eric Clapton / muso character...yeah, I'm a poseur!
  18. I foolishly decided to change my strings a couple of weeks ago. I used a set of Rotosound Swing bass 0.45's on a Fender P. However after approx one week the low E sring had gone completely dead, with no sustain - open or fretted. One thing a noticed was that the red material winding on the string came past my bridge saddle. I also managed to cut the string too short when i was putting it on, so it only had 1 1/2 windings on the tuning peg. Would these two things cause the dulling? or do you reckon it was a faulty string? I've never had it happen to me before in 20yrs of playing guitars - and I've put some pretty dodgy cheapo strings on some pretty dodgy cheapo guitars. I ended up buying a set of Elites from a local shop, which cost me 18 quid, coz i had a gig that night and i couldn't bear to listen to it any more. Its fine now - and the red material winding at the bridge end is considerably shorter than the Roto's.
  19. When did people start tucking the guitar lead into the strap as it leaves the guitar? Who 'invented' it? Does everyone on here do it?
  20. I thought the most obvious number of bands would be two - an originals band and a covers band. One to satisfy your creativity and one to earn some dosh? At the moment I'm just about to join my second covers band. Both bands share approx 50% of their sets. If a set is 2 x 45mins = Approx 25 songs, plus another 5 as spare/encores, that would be about 45 songs i'd have to know for both bands. Sounds quite a lot.. although some are 12 bar blues tunes and others are just chugging away on root notes....
  21. We recently added 'Rockstar' by Nickelback to the set. The first time we played it, it was in the middle of the first set. The reaction was immediate - it starts with the singer and guitarist only - people regonised it straight away. By the time it got the chorus, people were singing away...even though i thought it was quite a 'wordy' song. We ended up having to play it again at the end of the encore. The last gig - in sunny Morecambe - there were honeys up dirty dancing to it with each other! Brightened up my day!
  22. The Radclyffe Arms, Middleton, Manchester. If you've got a gig there...forget it. Booked a few there before and its always been OK...but the old landlord had done a runner, so when we phoned to confirm this week, they didn't know anything about the gig. Eventually they honoured it, but only because they didn't have somebody booked in from their agency. As we were loading in the gear, the new landlady...some sort of part troll creature....came up and said - 'if you're loud, you might as well pack up now'. "Hello!!" we're a live rock rock band, its meant to be loud... So this rubbed up the guitarist the wrong way for the rest of night, sensitive artist that he is, i manged to placate him into doing the gig. After three attempts at getting the sound level low enough we started the gig early....half way through the guitarist kicks a pool ball behind the drum kit..apparently one of the scrotes in the tap room had either chucked it or it had bounced off the table from a crap shot....! Last song...no encores..pack away, get the dosh...goodnight! bish bash bosh. Home before 12...the mrs thought we'd been booted off!
  23. You wanna check out the NWB site a bit more often! - 'Wrecked' posted a blog about this venue a few weeks ago!
  24. [quote name='rayfw' post='138661' date='Feb 12 2008, 08:46 AM']36 yr old with 10 years+ playing experience looking to join a covers / tribute band or even just get together for a regular jam. Classic rock, soul, funk, blues preferred but anything considered. I'm a quick learner with pro gear and own transport. Based in Oldham but willing to travel around NW. PM if interested or email oldhambassATgmailDOTcom[/quote] Have you tried going to Whittles in Oldham Town Centre on a Sunday Afternoon? They have a jam session on, with lots of other muso's in the audience...then there's the White Lion in Heywood on a Thurs evening
  25. [quote name='ianwild16' post='129267' date='Jan 28 2008, 01:38 PM']Hi I've got a few spare Grolsch strap locks available....send me a message and i'll give you an address where you can send me a stamped addressed envelope and i'll mail you a couple back.....However! it'll cost you a plectrum..for my collection! Ian[/quote] Not that many left! I get them from the pub I go to on a Wednesday night for a quiz. The draught beer is Lees Bitter which can be a bit hit or miss, so I normally stick to the bottles. so come thurs morning I should have another 3/4 of them!
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